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Draft:Environment in Rwanda

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Flag of Rwanda

Rwanda has a tropical climate characterized by its hilly landscape stretching from east to west. The country has four primary climatic regions: eastern plains, central plateau, highlands, and regions around Lake Kivu..[1]

Environmental aspects in Rwanda


Rwanda has got many environmental aspects that covers it, for instance there are plains, valleys, plateaus, mountains, rivers, lakes, wetlands and swamps.

Breakdown of environmental spects in Rwanda


Mountains: Rwanda is known as the Land of a Thousand Hills, aptly named for its mountainous geography. The Virunga Mountains along the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo are the most notable, with volcanic peaks like Mount Karisimbi, the highest mountain in Rwanda at 4,507 meters (14,787 ft) which is Mount Karisimbi[2].

Virunga Mountains Rwanda


Volcanoes: Rwanda has several volcanoes, some extinct and others dormant. These volcanoes contribute to the fertility of the land, with volcanic ash enriching the soil, and are part of the scenic beauty of the country[3]. Mount Karisimbi and Mount Sabyinyo are part of the Virunga volcanic chain[3]. Great Rift Valley: The western part of Rwanda is part of the Great Rift Valley, a vast geological trench that stretches from the Middle East to southern Africa. The rift valley contributes to the formation of mountains and lakes in Rwanda, including Lake Kivu [4].

Great Rift Valley Rwanda


Lakes: Rwanda has numerous lakes, including Lake Kivu, the largest lake bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Lake Ruhondo, another large lake on the border with Burundi. These lakes are important for water resources, fishing, and tourism. Lake Kivu is one of the African Great Lakes, known for its deep waters and biodiversity International Lake Environment Committee[5].

Forests: Although deforestation has been a challenge, Rwanda still has significant areas of forest cover, particularly in the northwestern part of the country, including Nyungwe National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These forests are home to a variety of plant and animal life, including chimpanzees, golden monkeys, and hundreds of bird species [6]


  1. ^ "World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal". climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org.
  2. ^ "Rwanda Mountains". PeakVisor.
  3. ^ a b "The Virunga Mountains – Virunga Ranges & Summits". October 17, 2023.
  4. ^ "Visit the Great Rift Valley of Central Africa | Lake Kivu". October 14, 2022.
  5. ^ "Rwanda Lakes".
  6. ^ "Forest / Rwanda | Interactive Country Fiches". dicf.unepgrid.ch.