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Most of all the electronic equipment today used in homes and industries can be operated directly with DC 230 volts supply instead of 230 volts normal AC traditional supply without any hardware changes.[1]. Dr.P.S.Kannan innovated the concept in the year 2009 [1][2][3].

Television, personal computer, fluorescent lamp with electronic ballast, CFL lights, mobile chargers, digital set top boxes, DVD players, electronic table and ceiling fan, motor with VFC control can be operated by dc source or ac source without any hardware change[1][2].

This dual source operation of the equipment is not known to the public, professors, teachers, students, engineers, researchers and technicians so far, since the manufacturers labeled only AC is the source for operation[3]. Still now, the manufacturers may not be aware about the operation of the equipment by 230 volts HVDC source (High Voltage Direct Current).

The invention is from the basic principle of current flow through the diodes used in the bridge rectifier present in the second stage of AC to DC Switched Mode Power supply (SMPS) provided in most of the today electronic devices/ equipment.[3]

Explanation of the Technical Reason for Dual Source Operation[3]:

Switching Mode Power Supply(SMPS)
Switching Mode Power Supply(SMPS)

230V DC supply is given as an input instead of 230V AC, the Electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter in the first stage by passes the input 230V DC and the output of the bridge rectifier is also HVDC near to 230V since drop in two diodes 1.2 volts. This HVDC is the prime power source for the SMPS circuit. Therefore AC to DC SMPS is a DC to DC SMPS. The output DC voltages of the SMPS is constant for wide variation of input AC voltage and load current. This is same for the variation of input DC voltage. Also, if the input DC voltage polarity reversed, the HVDC polarity of the bridge rectifier output not changed. Hence the bridge rectifier is called as reverse voltage protection circuit[3].

Application and advantages:


Based on the discovery, a novel inverter less, on/off line DC power feed Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system suitable for homes, computers/data centers and industries has been developed, tested and published[3]. The UPS feeds power to the loads when the main supply failure. The best UPS system[3] has:

  • No interruption when feeding power to the loads during input power failure or low and higher input voltage situations.
  • Less energy loss.
  • Smaller in size.
  • Reduced fabrication and installation cost.
  • Good reliability and stability.
  • Maintenance free.
  • Easy to replace defective components with less effort and cost.
  • Good quality (no harmonics).

The novel inverter less HVDC power feed UPS is satisfying the above requirements. It is a HVDC power feed system along with the rectified normal AC. HVDC microgrid is formed with two diodes in the UPS[3]. This innovated technology is extended to utilize solar energy effectively and has got an Indian patent[4] and a German Utility patent by the inventor.

It achieves better efficiency due to fewer power conversion stages(Sans Inverter) which incurred less energy loss than with an AC power feed[3]. International standardization of HVDC power feed technology is going on[5]


  1. ^ a b c "Enjoy uninterrupted power sans inverters, the way retired Madurai professor does. J Arockiaraj, Mar 12, 2014, 02:46 IST". Times of India.
  2. ^ a b "No more worries about the electricity bill... the 'microgrid' device has arrived! M. Ganesh". Vikatan News.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i P.S, Dr. Kannan (December 2023). "Novel DC Power Feed Inverter-Less On / Off Line UPS for All Electronic Home / Industrial Equipment" (PDF). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 12 (12): 4.
  4. ^ P.S, Dr. Kannan (May 4, 2018). "IN201841010756 - DC MICROGRID UNIT FOR SOLAR ON GRID ELECTRIFICATION". World Intellectual Property Organization.
  5. ^ "Trends in the International Standardization of HVDC Power Feeds". ResearchGate. March 2013.