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Category talk:Shotguns of the Soviet Union

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Some information about literature and sources

  • С. А. Бутурлин. Дробовое ружьё и стрельба из него. М., 1929
a Holy Bible about first models of Soviet hunting shotguns (some of these old models are almost forgotten or even unknown nowadays)
  • А. И. Тостопят. Охотничьи ружья и боеприпасы к ним. М., "Физкультура и спорт", 1954. - 260 стр., илл.
a handbook for Soviet hunters
  • Основы спортивной охоты (охотминимум) / колл. авт., ред. И. Д. Гулевич. М., Воениздат, 1957.
a handbook for Soviet hunters
  • Э. В. Штейнгольд. Всё об охотничьем ружье. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. М., «Лесная промышленность», 1978.
not the best book, just another handbook for Soviet hunters
  • Л. Е. Михайлов, Н. Л. Изметинский. Ижевские охотничьи ружья. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Ижевск, изд-во «Удмуртия», 1982.
a lot of very detailed information about Izhevsk smoothbore shotguns and combination guns
  • М. М. Блюм, И. Б. Шишкин. Охотничье ружьё. М., «Лесная промышленность», 1983.
very good book with a long list of references, strongly recommend reading to everyone
  • Е. В. Кудрявцев. Охота (краткий справочник). 3-е изд., доп. М., Агропромиздат, 1985.
This book is about hunting (not about firearms) and there is only small pieces of information about the most common models of hunting shotguns and hunting rifles.
  • М. М. Блюм, И. Б. Шишкин. Твоё ружьё. М., "Физкультура и спорт", 1989. ISBN 5-278-00142-9
second edition of Blum book, shortened and simplified. No photos, very few drawings. It should be noted that although this book was published in 1989, all the information in it is given as of December 1988
  • А. В. Кузьминский. Оружие для охотника: практическое пособие / под общ. ред. А. Е. Тараса М., ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2002. ISBN 5-17-011118-5
not the best edition, but very useful and detailed, a lot of information about a variety of models. Although all illustrations are black and white of poor quality.
  • В. Н. Шунков. Охотничьи ружья России. М., ЭКСМО, 2010. - 288 стр., илл. ISBN 978-5-699-44118-1
This book has large color illustrations, but very little information.

Perhaps this information will be useful to someone. Shadowcaster (talk) 14:45, 20 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]