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Category talk:Firearms of the Soviet Union

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Some information about literature and sources

  • Д. Н. Болотин. Советское стрелковое оружие. 3-е дополненное издание. М., Воениздат, 1990.- 384 стр.
a Holy Bible about all Soviet military firearms
  • А. Б. Жук. Энциклопедия стрелкового оружия: револьверы, пистолеты, винтовки, пистолеты-пулемёты, автоматы. М., ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Воениздат», 2002.
An illustrated encyclopedia about revolvers, pistols, rifles, submachine guns and assault rifles. The book has been published several times (1993, 1998, 2002). The latest edition is most complete and most recommended
  • Чарли Катшоу. Стрелковое оружие России: новые модели. М., ЭКСПО-Пресс, 2002. - 240 стр.
This is a translation of a American book written in English[1], which was translated by S. Saxin (С. Саксин). I do not recommend anyone to use this book as a source of information, because it contains several major errors[2] and a large number of minor errors[3]. Nevertheless, I can recommend this book to everyone as a good example of the U.S. / Western view of weapons made by the USSR and Russia. You will find there a retelling of rumors, misconceptions and prejudices of the Cold War era, as well as some subjective ratings and a few silly jokes[4]

Perhaps this information will be useful to someone. Shadowcaster (talk) 05:57, 28 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ Charlie Cutshaw. The New World of Russian small arms and ammo. 1998
  2. ^ For example, on page 52, the author wrote that the designer of the SVU sniper rifle is V. Telesh (В. Телеш). This is a false statement. The designer of the SVU was L. V. Bondarev (Л. В. Бондарев). It is well known fact (see Автомат для снайперов // журнал "Оружие", № 12, 2007)
  3. ^ The measurements for most guns are incorrect
  4. ^ However, jokes (such as on page 168) were to be expected. Western people joke very often on a variety of occasions. And the inhabitants of the United States have a very strange sense of humor, it is well known for a long time.