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World Cultural Council

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World Cultural Council
Region served
Honorary President
Sir Fraser Stoddart

The World Cultural Council is an international organization whose goals are to promote cultural values, goodwill and philanthropy among individuals. The organization founded in 1982 and based in Mexico, has held a yearly award ceremony since 1984 by granting the Albert Einstein World Award of Science, the José Vasconcelos World Award of Education, and the Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts to outstanding scientists, educators, and artists, who have contributed positively to the cultural enrichment of mankind. The members of the Council include several Nobel laureates.

Founding members


The founding members of the World Cultural Council are 124 distinguished personalities[1] in such fields as the arts, biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, psychology, neuroscience, astronomy, oceanography, astrophysics, anthropology, and zoology. Some of these members are recipients of awards because of their outstanding achievements including the Nobel Prize, the National Medal of Science, the Copley Medal, the Royal Medal, the Albert Einstein Medal, the Albert Lasker Award and the Enrico Fermi Award. Some of the founders are also Foreign Members or Fellows of the Royal Society, Fellows of the American Physical Society, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

The 124 founding members of the World Cultural Council are:

Christian B. Anfinsen

Werner Arber
James Baddiley
M. Balasegaram
Frank Barnaby
Christiaan Barnard
Colin Blakemore
Aage N. Bohr
Norman Borlaug
Harold G. Callan
André Frédéric Cournand
William J. Darby
Eduardo de Robertis
Cornelis de Jager
Guy Blaudin de Thé
Jean-François Denisse
Venancio Deulofeu
Frank J. Dixon
Richard S. Doll
Audouin Dollfus
Jacques-Émile Dubois
Gerald Durrell
Francisco J. Dy
John C. Eccles
Paul Ehrlich
Manfred Eigen
Mohammed El Fasi
Ernest L. Eliel
Kenneth O. Emergy
José Rafael Estrada
Hans J. Eysenck
Don W. Fawcett
David J. Finney
Val L. Fitch
Carl G. Gahmberg
Alfred D. Hershey
Gerhard Herzberg
David H. Hubel
Osmo H. Järvi
Reginald V. Jones
Adrian Kantrowitz
Nathan O. Kaplan
Leo A. Kaprio
Vassos Karageorghis
Peter E. Kent
Donald W. Kerst
Seymour S. Kety
Prem N. Kirpal
Georges B. Koelle
Walther Manshard
Georges Mathé
William D. McElroy
Henry McIlwain
John McMichael
Jerrold Meinwald
Harry Melville
Desmond J. Morris
Giuseppe Moruzzi
Nevill Mott
Vernon B. Mountcastle
Robert S. Mulliken
Walter H. Munk
Ilie G. Murgulescu
Jayant V. Narlikar
Louis E. F. Néel
Yuval Ne'eman
Bernhard H. Neumann
William A. Nierenberg
Marshall W. Nirenberg
George E. Palade
Arthur B. Pardee
David Phillips
Jacques Piccard
Jens J. Pindborg
Comlan A. A. Quenum
Hermann Rahn
G. N. Ramachandran
Gunnar Randers
Chintamani N. R. Rao
Rex Richards
Jean Rösch
Abraham J. A. Roux
Stanley K. Runcorn
Donald H. Sadler
Hakim Muhammad Saeed
Nobufusa Saito
Abdus Salam
Stuart J. Saunders
Menahem Max Schiffer
William G. Schneider
Glenn T. Seaborg
Ernest R. Sears
Frederick Seitz
Leonard T. Skeggs
Stefan Ślopek
George J. Smets
George D. Snell
Leonard Sosnowky
Roger W. Sperry
Lyman Spitzer
Frederick Stewart
Heikki Suomalainen
Pol Swings
Charles Tanford
Henry Taube
John M. Tedder
Edward Teller
Howard Temin
Harold Thompson
Peter C. Thonemann
Phillip V. Tobias
Alexander R. Todd
Jan Peter Toennies
Andrzej Trautman
Jean L. F. Tricart
Ioan Ursu
Constantin Vago
Eugene van Tamelen
Ulf S. von Euler
Alan Walsh
William J. Whelan
Karel F. Wiesner
Rosalyn S. Yalow

John Z. Young

Award ceremonies

Year Award Recipients Ceremony Host Ceremony Site Ceremony Host Country Ceremony Date Ref.
2022 J. Meejin Yoon, Claudia Mitchell, Victoria M. Kaspi University of Coimbra University of Coimbra, Coimbra Portugal Portugal November 29-30, 2022 [2]
2019 Zhong Lin Wang, Paulo Branco University of Tsukuba University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Japan Japan October 4, 2019 [3][4][5]
2018 Jean-Pierre Changeux, Malik Mâaza City University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong November 8, 2018 [6][7]
2017 Omar M. Yaghi, Russell Hartenberger Leiden University Pieterskerk, Leiden Netherlands Netherlands November 8, 2017 [8][9]
2016 Edward Witten, Kalevi Ekman Riga Technical University National Library of Latvia, Riga Latvia Latvia October 14, 2016 [10][11]
2015 Ewine van Dishoeck, Milton Masciadri University of Dundee Caird Hall, Dundee, Scotland United Kingdom United Kingdom November 19, 2015 [12][13][14]
2014 Philip Cohen, Federico Rosei Aalto University Otakaari 1 Building, Aalto University, Espoo Finland Finland November 17, 2014 [15][16][17][18]
2013 Paul Nurse, Petteri Nisunen, Tommi Grönlund Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Auditorium, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore Singapore October 2, 2013 [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]
2012 Michael Grätzel, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Aarhus University The Main Hall, Aarhus University, Aarhus Denmark Denmark April 18, 2012 [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]
2011 Geoffrey Ozin, Todd Siler University of Tartu Assembly Hall, University of Tartu, Tartu Estonia Estonia November 10, 2011 [34][35][36][37][38][39]
2010 Julio Montaner, Christian Azar Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Aula Magna Adolfo López Mateos, UAEM, Toluca Mexico Mexico December 8, 2010 [40][41][42][43][44]
2009 John T. Houghton, Marcell Jankovics University of Liège Salle Académique, University of Liège, Liège Belgium Belgium November 25, 2009 [45][46][47][48][49]
2008 Ada Yonath, William G. Bowen Princeton University Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey United States United States November 11, 2008 [50][51][52]
2007 Fraser Stoddart, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Teatro Universitario, Campus Mederos, Monterrey Mexico Mexico November 24, 2007 [53][54][55][56]
2006 Ahmed Zewail, Marlene Scardamalia Instituto Politécnico Nacional Sala Manuel M. Ponce, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City Mexico Mexico October 28, 2006 [57][58][59][60]
2005 John Hopfield, Enrique Norten Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Teatro de la Ciudad Fernando Soler, Saltillo Mexico Mexico November 12, 2005 [61][62]
2004 Ralph J. Cicerone, David Attenborough University of Liège Amphithéâtres de l’Europe, University of Liège, Liège Belgium Belgium November 8, 2004 [63][64][65]
2003 Martin Rees, Otto Piene University of Helsinki, Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters National Library of Finland, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Finland Finland November 17, 2003 [66][67][68]
2002 Daniel H. Janzen, Jeannie Oakes Trinity College, Dublin Examination Hall, Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin Republic of Ireland Ireland November 14, 2002 [69][70]
2001 Niels Birbaumer, Edna Hibel Utrecht University Academiegebouw [nl], Utrecht Netherlands Nederlands November 21, 2001 [71]
2000 Frank Fenner, Zafra M. Lerman University of the Witwatersrand Great Hall, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa South Africa November 1, 2000 [72]
1999 Robert Weinberg, Magdalena Abakanowicz Norwegian University of Science and Technology Main Building, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway Norway November 11, 1999 [73][74]
1998 Charles R. Goldman, Robert Yager Victoria University of Wellington Hunter Building, Wellington New Zealand New Zealand November 19, 1998 [75][76]
1997 Jean-Marie Ghuysen Chulalongkorn University Main Auditorium, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand Thailand November 12, 1997 [77][78]
1996 Alec Jeffreys, Roger Gaudry University of Oxford Voltaire Room, Taylor Institution, Oxford United Kingdom United Kingdom November 23, 1996 [79]
1995 Herbert H. Jasper, Robert Rauschenberg INBA, CONACULTA Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City Mexico Mexico December 16, 1995 [80]
1994 Sherwood Rowland, Joseph O´Halloran CODATA, ICSU, UNESCO Le Manège Convention Center, Chambéry France France September 19, 1994 [81][82]
1993 Ali Javan Presidencia de la República Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City Mexico Mexico December 19, 1993 [83]
1992 Raymond U . Lemieux, Elliot Eisner National Research Council (Canada) Lester B. Pearson Building, Ottawa Canada Canada November 27, 1992 [84]
1991 Albrecht Fleckenstein Australian National University Chancellor's Building, ANU, Canberra Australia Australia November 14, 1991 [85]
1990 Gustav Nossal, Lev Shevrin Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Cupola Room, ETH Zürich, Zürich Switzerland Switzerland November 22, 1990 [86]
1989 Martin Kamen, Athens Acropolis Preservation Group of Greece Massachusetts Institute of Technology Edgerton Hall, MIT, Cambridge United States United States November 8, 1989 [87]
1988 Margaret Burbidge, Gilbert De Landsheere Instituto Politécnico Nacional Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City Mexico Mexico November 19, 1988 [88][89]
1987 Hugh Huxley University of Heidelberg Alte Aula, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg Germany (Germany) November 26, 1987 [90]
1986 Monkombu Sambasivan Swaminathan University of Guadalajara Teatro Degollado, Guadalajara Mexico Mexico November 6, 1986 [91]
1985 Werner Stumm, Dolores Hernández Royal Institute of Technology Kollegiesalen, Stockholm Sweden Sweden November 21, 1985 [92]
1984 Ricardo Bressani World Cultural Council Auditorio San Pedro, San Pedro Garza García Mexico Mexico November 29, 1984 [93]

Special recognitions


Starting in 2003, the World Cultural Council issues Special Recognitions to expert researchers connected to the host of the award ceremony, and which findings have been made available to the public.

Year Recognitions
2017 Nadine Akkerman, Ann Brysbaert, Marike Knoef, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Victoria Nyst, Sarah De Rijcke, Alicia Schrikker, Martina Vijver, Inge van der Weijden[94]
2016 Elīna Gaile-Sarkane, Jānis Grundspeņķis [lv], Tālis Juhna, Kaspars Kalniņš, Jānis Krastiņš, Oskars Krievs, Guntis Kuļikovskis, Igors Tipāns [lv], Māris Turks
2015 Catherine Heymans, Sara Brown, Sara Robertson, Sarah Coulthurst, Lisa DeBruine, Sinéad Rhodes
2014 Camilla Hollanti, Katri Kauppi, Mauri Kostiainen, Matti Kuttinen, Jani Romanoff, Hele Savin
2013 Educational Merit Medal:Bertil Andersson. Science: Juliana Chan, David Lou Xiong Wen, Wang Qijie, Zhang Hua. Education: Jasmine Sim Boon Yee
2012 Educational Merit Medal: Lauritz Holm-Nielsen. Science: Anders Baun, Trine Bilde, Peter Brodersen, Johan P. U. Fynbo, Anja Groth, Jakob Søndergaard Jensen, Lars Bojer Madsen, Jesper Buus Nielsen
2011 Educational Merit Medal: Alar Karis. Recognitions: Toomas Asser, Jaan Einasto, Kalle Kasemaa, Peeter Saari, Rein Taagepera, Jüri Talvet, Vaike Uibopuu, Urmas Varblane, Richard Villems
2009 Educational Merit Medal: Bernard Rentier. Science: Jean-Marie Baland, Christophe Caucheteur, Jérôme Cornil, Vinciane Despret, Luc Henrard, Steven Laureys. Arts: Mady Andrien, Patrick Davin, Jacques Delcuvellerie, Karel Logist, Jean-Philippe Toussaint
2008 Science: Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, Bonnie Bassler. Education: Douglas Massey, Cornel West.
2007 Science: Germán Cisneros, María del Socorro Flores, Carlos Guerrero, Mario César Salinas, Óscar Torres. Arts: Alejandro Gómez, Adolfo Narváez, Alfonso Rangel, Ana Silvia Rodríguez, José Javier Villarreal
2006 Science: René Drucker Colin, Octavio Paredes López, Gerardo Silverio Contreras
2005 Science: Atocha Aliseda Llera (UNAM), Pavel Castro Villarreal (UNAM), Miguel Mellado Bosque (UAAAN). Arts: Elsa Cross, Felipe Garrido, Pilar Rioja.
2004 Science: André Berger, Guy Brasseur, Arsène Burny, Jacques Pasteels, Marc Van Montagu. Education: Jean-Marie De Ketele, Hadelin Hainaut, Dieudonné Leclercq, Lieven Verschaeffel
2003 Science: Sören Illiman, Markku Kulmala, Antti Vaheri. Arts: Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Hannu Kähönen, Yrjö Kukkapuro, Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmesniemi, Nina Roos, Henry Wuorila-Stenberg

See also



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