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Archive 1 Archive 2


This link #wikipedia-en to get on the Chat IRC just is not working at all. - mbeychok 22:54, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

I get a message saying "can't resolve server" - is it using 6667 as the port ID? And as a general question, does anyone use the IRC channel? - User:MMGB

Try connecting to irc.eu.openprojects.net (6667) --Imran 02:46 Jul 22, 2002 (PDT)

I can get onto it but doesn't seem to be anybody around. -- Tarquin, Thursday, June 20, 2002

I've had a look in the channel now and there are currently 2 people in it.--Imran 02:46 Jul 22, 2002 (PDT)

I have netered to the chat an as in the case of Tarquin it seems that no one is in the chat. But there is a message that says "ChanServ- You do not have channel operator access to [#wikipedia]", then I do not know if I have a problem or not.

That message just means you can't do things that channel operators can do (kick people out of channels, change the title, etc).--Imran 02:46 Jul 22, 2002 (PDT)

Any update on if web based irc client (java or CGI) will be put up ?

I've logged on a couple of times in the last few weeks and there's only been two people on it, neither of whom respond to "hello." --KQ
There may be more traffic on the IRC channel if we were to schedule a chat for a certain day and time. For instance, back in 1996, the group I belong to (the Church of the SubGenius) began holding weekly IRC sessions every Sunday evening at 10 PM EST, 7 PM PST. They were successful enough that they continue to attract people even now. If a tradition of a "Weekly Wiki Chat" or something were to take root -- say, once a week, maybe on a Wednesday evening or something -- then it could well be successful. -- Modemac
It's a matter of information visibility. If the IRC chat was shown on every page, e.g. next to "Printable version" where there's some space: "Wikipedia chat: #wikipedia on irc.freenode.net", it would be used a lot more. I have done this on infoAnarchy and the number of users has increased from about 2-3 to now 40-50 in short time, even though infoAnarchy is much smaller than WP. --Eloquence
There is only 6 people in the chatroom now and guess what??? They're all idle. Screw that!
Is there any chance this issue will be revisited. There is a lot more traffic now in the chat room, and a Java client would help those on a public computer with no IRC client installed. Dori 17:41, Nov 25, 2003 (UTC)

Some Wikipedians of Wikipedia NL, the dutch wikipedia, have created a webbased acces to there IRC channel, #nl.wikipedia There is even a fullyautomatic logsystem so everybody can read the talk later. This makes a IRC channel much more usefull. Mayby a idea for the English Wikipedia? Giskart Walter 15:37, 30 Jul 2003 (UTC)

It dusent work in sum IRC client programs with the slash at the begining. This is how it supost to work:

1. Conect to server irc.freenode.net port number 6667

2. Enter password pass password and then nickname nick name

3. Enter user command user name host or name host or name :reel name

4. Join channel join #wikipedia

5. Use privmsg #wikipedia :mesige to send the mesiges

This nickname is owned by someone else

Every time I connect (with ChatZilla) I get the above message. I suspect this is because the NickServer can't tell that it's me back again for another session. How do I confirm that I am me? --Phil 13:41, Feb 13, 2004 (UTC)

It doesn't matter at all. I get the same message. It means somewhere out there, some other guy uses that same nickname in one of the other 80,000 IRC channels. You cannot register for that nickname now. It is now his, since he got it 1st. -Menchi 16:44, 13 Feb 2004 (UTC)
It will say this even if it is your nickname until you type in your password. Assuming you have registered it, you just need to type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>. I think you can use scripts to do this automatically, but I don't know how. If you haven't registered it and it really is someone else's name, then you can just use it unregistered, or if they haven't used it for a while, ask the IRC staff to release the name. Angela. 23:39, Feb 14, 2004 (UTC)

It's stopped doing it now. Go figure. Thanks anyway. --Phil 10:12, Feb 16, 2004 (UTC)

Beginning slightly more than 24 hours ago, I have been unable to reach the #wikipedia channel, but by miracle a few hours ago. My configuration has not changed. My irc client (shadow) neither. I can access other channels...the french one for example, or other channels; When I try to access the #wikipedia, at best, the irc client just quit; at worse, it freeze the computer, and requires several restart of the computer. This does not happen on other channels.

A few hours ago, I put shadow in the trash, and downloaded a fresh version. I succeeded to connect early morning utc time. Now, it does freeze the computer again. Does any one has a suggestion ? Usually, the connection is made, and the whole things break up while it is slowly "uploading" user information. I read on the goings on that the number of people on the irc channel has recently increased. Could this be due to a "too high" number of users ? Otherwise, what changed about 48 hours ago that might explained this ? Does anyone has a client for macintosh 9, free, to suggest ? FirmLittleFluffyThing

I saw you there and then you disappeared... I use Chatzilla -- it's a bit buggy and there are still unimplemented features (e.g. logging), but it is free. See http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/ -- B
I try that. Yes, each time, it starts connecting and hop ! I run an entire Norton, but though it corrected mistakes, it changed nothing on that point. In a cleaning frenzy, I am currently reinstalling netscape 7...and now can't connect to gname servers any more...depressing. I do try chatzilla... merci brian :-)FirmLittleFluffyThing

Wikipedia jabber chat room.

After setting up a chatroom for the Italian Wikipedia comunity on Jabber (Free and Open Source Instant Messenger) I noticed that the majority of the people that enter the room asking for information are English speakers. So here we are: I made another chatroom en.wiki@muc.jabber.org with the purpose to host the English Comunity chats. You are all welcome to give discuss the concerns and problems of wikipedia and give advise to the chat voyageurs that enter the room. I think it is a good way to find new adepts, what do you think about it?

Schopenhauer 17:21, 29 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I think this might fragment the #wikipedia IRC room, but hey some people hate IRC, so it might be a good idea. Dori | Talk 17:35, Mar 29, 2004 (UTC)
I've found Jabber chatrooms to be wanting. Jabber has the possibility of being even better than IRC in terms of features, but I've yet to find a client that implements chat perfectly. Even so, this is a great idea, so I'll be sure to check out the room. Ashibaka 20:38, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC)
The best part of the IRC chat is that it has ~= 62 people on it normally. Here... not so. =( Fennec 04:42, 31 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Provide chatrooms for both IRC and Jabber users?

Can't we move the Wikipedia channels to a technology that can serve both IRC and XMPP MUC protocols? Why do we have to fragment the audience? A network of psyced servers provides that, and a few other things too, like a Jabber identity to anyone using an IRC client, so you can talk to any Jabber user from there. And any person in Jabberspace can join the channels in a click. Just thought I should let you know there is at least one technology that can solve this issue. If you need help setting up such a network, please let me know. --lynX 16:45, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

Note that there is also a patch for ejabberd to allow IRC clients to connect (the MUC component in the development version of ejabberd also got support for clustering).NaturalBornKiller 18:40, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

Cool, so one could try both out and see which one does the job best. --lynX

Chatroom for IRC, Jabber, HTTP, HTTP/TLS and PSYC

Alright. Unless someone from Wikimedia would like to run such a service I have set up a channel that can be entered from all sides. These are the access URLs:

As you can see it comes with a webchat as well. It would be practical if the notify extension at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Chat_Notification was installed to also receive change notices. Then again no, we'd have to write a filtering system first.  ;°) I have watched the almost complete silence in the Jabber MUC at conference.jabber.org for a while, so if nobody complains I would propose this at least as a replacement to that, and then leave it up to the IRCers which kind of IRC server to use. Given popularity all channels could be ported, of course. --lynX 16:34, 26 February 2007 (UTC)

cannot get into channel


I'm trying to get into the wikipedia channel but when I try to join I get this message:

#Wikipedia unable to join channel (address is banned)

I don't know why I'm banned, I've never been on it before. I am able to go on other channels on freenode.net. Does anyone know what I could do to fix this? Thanks - Mattingly23 22:57, 12 Aug 2004 (UTC)

I've just unblocked everyone, so you shouldn't have a problem now. If it happens again, please say which address you are banned under. Angela. 06:45, Aug 13, 2004 (UTC)
I'm still getting the same message. Here's my ip address: XX.XXX.XX.XXX. Thanks! - Mattingly23 12:20, 13 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Did you perchance use the string "Mike" in your "real-name" field for your IRC client? If so, then you should try again, as this should no longer cause a problem with a (leftover) temporary measure to deter User:Michael. - Fennec (はさばくのきつね) 13:48, 13 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Thanks Fennec, now it works! - Mattingly23 14:08, 13 Aug 2004 (UTC)

I can not lode the channel I get this error

The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer .**My Cat inn @ (talk)** 04:43, 5 March 2006 (UTC)

This is seriously messed up. When I try to get into any of these channels, I get this message:

The page cannot be displayed 
The page you are looking for might have been removed or had its name changed. 
Please try the following:
Open the irc.freenode.net home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
If you still cannot open the page, click the Internet Explorer 
Search button to look for similar sites. 

Internet Explorer

Somebody needs to help us all and fix this.--Chili14 04:35, 5 August 2006 (UTC)

English channel

Hello, what is the adress of the english channel please ? And how to join ? John.

see the main article Quinobi 17:55, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Proposed "IRC important decision policy"

Please read, consider, and comment on WT:RFA#Suggested "IRC important decision policy", which would add a single policy paragraph to this page. Thanks, • Benc • 04:10, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Wikidemia's WikipediaIRC project

I've started a study at Wikipedia:WikiProject_Wikidemia that asks the question:

How important is WikipediaIRC at Freenode to the administration of Wikipedia?

Feel free to join the study. Quinobi 19:45, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)


I have no freaking clue where to get IRC, also how does it work once you get it??!?!? Jobe6 23:17, 23 October 2005 (UTC)

Java client?

What are the possibilities of a Java client being implemented here? It works well at the HRWiki. - Kookykman|(t)(c)

Freenode.net is down?

I havent been able to connect for 2 days or something, am I the only one? I can connect to other servers, so.. Zozza 14:27, 17 December 2005 (UTC)


Where is the policy prohibiting hosting logs? Why is it considered a good thing? Accountability is important, and people shouldn't say things on IRC or anywhere that they don't want to be remembered. ~~ N (t/c) 02:22, 5 January 2006 (UTC)


Iacobus Iustino s.p.d.

Certes possum contribuere.  :)

Vale, Jim62sch 00:35, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

buickid banned

I was banned for what a OP interpreted to be an offensive/innaproprate comment. I appologize, I was only trying to liven things up. If you could unban me, that would be spiffy. How else am I supposed to waste my time? :D Steve-o 10:11, 22 February 2006 (UTC)

FireFox Problem

I'm using FireFox, and when I try to access any IRC channel by clicking on the link, I get a notice:

Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (irc) isn't associated with any program.

Anyone have any ideas?--ikiroid | (talk) 03:32, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

What if you want to use an external client? Thanks, Jim Trigg 04:15, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
You need to connect to chat.freenode.org, and use join the channel name manually in that case. —Xyrael / 20:54, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

The link http://yossman.net/byxnet/webchat.freenode/irc.cgi in the section Web based CGI version doesn't work for me. Does it work for others? __meco 05:59, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

It doesn't work for me either. All I get is 403 forbidden. --GeorgeMoneyTalk  Contribs 00:27, 23 April 2006 (UTC)
I think Youssamn.net shut down the IRC because of it taking up too much bandwidth or proccessing power. I wish Wikimedia Foundation could do something and install CGI:IRC to their servers. --LBMixPro<Speak|on|it!> 19:49, 23 April 2006 (UTC)
agree --Shizhao 13:21, 25 April 2006 (UTC)

IRC Connection issues

I have been interested in getting IRC for a while, and I finally downloaded mIRC today. I'm trying to connect, but every time I connect, no matter the server, I get:

You seem to be having trouble connecting to an IRC server. The message that appeared was: 'Unable to connect to server'

The help button provided only gives two possibilities for that error message: the server isn't working (which I can't believe) and an invalid port number (which I haven't touched, but by default says 6667). In the actual chat area, it says:

* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)

Obviously, I have internet access and everything, so what is the problem and how can I fix it? --Cromwellt|Talk 16:49, 19 May 2006 (UTC)

Try the Reference desk or maybe the Wikipedia:Computer help desk for this question.--Commander Keane 22:05, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

Help - Trolls on the IRC channels

Is there anyone who is in charge of monitoring the IRC channels? There seem to be several trolls there at the moment, so no one can get any work done through the IRC channels at the moment. Lady Aleena 06:36, 21 May 2006 (UTC)

I think most/all of the channel have operators who can deal with trolls. Is there a particular channel under threat?--Commander Keane 22:05, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

Listing a new channel

Hi. I created this channel #wikipedia-in for the use of Indian users. Can I list it on the project page? Please ping me on my talk page regarding this. Thanks. --Nearly Headless Nick 11:08, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

I don't think it is that helpful to list other language channels in the English Wikipedia. Definitely list on meta: m:IRC_channels. Perhaps we can make a link to that meta page more prominent here.--Commander Keane 22:05, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

Current status

There was a troll, Ratbert likely a GNAA member who hacked into the head of freemode account and banned them, me and probaly many others from it. Example [00:00] * Socket Error: 10061 : Connection is forcefully rejected. I wonder how long it's going to last, and if other users was banned. Thanks Jaranda wat's sup 04:02, 25 June 2006 (UTC)

Everything is back now, but it's advised that if you identified to nickserv in the past few days you should chaneg your password. Otherwise, you're fine. —Xyrael / 20:52, 27 June 2006 (UTC)

im bad with this...

I just got Trillian and am now trying to get set up with Wikipedia's IRC. However, I'm really bad at this. Could someone please explain this in a way which assumes I know nothing about it? Thanks. American Patriot 1776 04:36, 6 July 2006 (UTC)

You have to upload a IRC client like Chatzilla or IceChat. Thanks Jaranda wat's sup 05:00, 6 July 2006 (UTC)

Then what?  :( See how bad I am? American Patriot 1776 17:55, 6 July 2006 (UTC)
This may help you. —Xyrael / 15:41, 7 July 2006 (UTC)

New channel?

How do you make a new channel? Please respond on my talk page. íslenska hurikein #12 (samtal) 15:14, 24 August 2006 (UTC)

New user need a little help.

Hi, I haven't used irc for years literally and never much before that either. I just downloaded mirc, made a nick and logged on the channel using a link I found here. I may have gotten myself inadverently banned on arrival. Something about public logging in the title of the chat. I learned how to registered and started asking people for help but I was ignored. Anyway, I'm wondering where I can find help or who I can ask for some. Thanks 8) (Just for the record, my problem is a "Cannot send to channel" error message when trying to write on the channel.) Jean-Philippe 04:40, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

A newbie question

I want to know where I can report the following abuse I received. It occured on #wikipedia on freenode.

After talking for a long time in a different MediaWiki-related room for an hour with them quite happy with you, I go for a quick peek in #wikipedia but you got sick of your old name they knew you by and are using your current one.

I always knew #wikipedia as very friendly. Today I decided to go on using a name different than my usual one.

  1. AppleBoy says I have a bad nick.
  2. I change it, but there is an error and it is too long.
  3. I change it to make it shorter
  4. Tuxide says he urinates on me, but he is never kicked or banned.
  5. I see AfterDeath and AppleBoy getting ops like they're going to ban someone
  6. AppleBoy bans me using a personal attack falsely calling me a bad person as the reason.
  7. I ask why and no answer.
  8. I msg AppleBoy for minutes and he does not answer.
  9. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They do not answer and just ban.
  10. I msg AfterDeath who banned me for minutes and he does not answer.
  11. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They do not answer and just ban.

щ#I msg AppleBoy for minutes and he does not answer.

  1. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They do not answer and just ban.
  2. I msg AfterDeath who banned me for minutes and he does not answer.
  3. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They do not answer and just ban.
  4. I msg AppleBoy for minutes and he does not answer.
  5. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They do not answer and just ban.
  6. I msg AfterDeath who banned me for minutes and he does not answer.
  7. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They do not answer and just ban.
  8. I msg AppleBoy for minutes and he does not answer.
  9. I change my IP and rejoin. I am banned before I can talk to anyone. Again I ask the people why and try to communicate. No answer.
  10. Repeat 21 several five times
  11. Retry joining about ten times and each time once I join freenode gives a denial of service attack to me and my connection instantly disconnects
  12. I change my IP and rejoin asking. They personally attack me as a troll. I am very offended by this and deny it. This is the worst insult I can get.
  13. Alkivar bans me before I can say anything else.
  14. I change my IP and rejoin denying. They then ban my ISP.

These were people who I thought were my friends and now just with a different username I am treated with such abuse. RalphLing 03:47, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

.chat or .irc?

The links on the page are not consistent, with some being to chat.freenode.net and others to irc.freenode.net. Is there a reason for this, or is it ok for me to clean it up? Thanks/wangi 21:06, 11 November 2006 (UTC)

I get this:

% host -t CNAME irc.freenode.net
irc.freenode.net is an alias for chat.freenode.net.

Seems like chat.freenode.net is the official name? --Kms 22:30, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
I was unable to load certain channels (I am an ChatZilla user but that should not matter) with this change. I know not why, just that they would not load for me.--Dakota 06:18, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
Still unable to load automatically from the links. btw.--Dakota 19:39, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
Did you try going to an older revision of the page and click on the irc.freenode.org links? FWIIW i just tried chat.freenode.org directly in an IRC client (not following the links). --Kms 20:12, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
Yes I did and that works. Another thing I noticed is that it will load as is but it in my case my cloak was gone so I must link via the older revision to have my cloak.--Dakota 21:33, 17 November 2006 (UTC)


Is there a userbox that tells others what my username is on these channels? Thanks. Xiner (talk, email) 04:06, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Try this:
  |id   = IRC
  |info = My username on the [irc://irc.freenode.net/ Freenode IRC network] is Xiner.
IRC My username on the Freenode IRC network is Xiner.

See Template talk:Userbox for information on customizing further. slavepersona 04:55, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

web-based Java IRC client

I have replaced the information about Bjelleklang's Java-based IRC client (hosted on Wikimedia servers) with information about Freenode's one, at java.freenode.net. - Mark 06:55, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

The Wikipedia channels on freenode are the official place to chat about Wikipedia on IRC

The sentence is unobjectionable if we read it correctly. We might well say, "are the official place to chat about Wikipedia," and it would be fine. However, if we don't do that, we have sentence one saying "official" and sentences two and three saying "they have no actual standing." We can make things a great deal more clear and correct with simply making it "the Wikipedia channels on freenode are a place to chat about Wikipedia on IRC." Thus I have made the change. Geogre 13:27, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Rushing out, so can't get involved, but just want to say I support Geogre's change. Musical Linguist 13:34, 17 January 2007 (UTC)
Me too. Seems Fred doesn't. I've left a message on his talk page. Regards, Ben Aveling 07:46, 28 January 2007 (UTC)
He hasn't replied. So I've undone his change. In spades. EiE 12:37, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

And again. Please don't make any changes that could give the false impression that IRC channels, especially admins, have any official status whatsoever without discussion here first. Regards, Ben Aveling 22:35, 31 January 2007 (UTC)


I've never used IRC before so maybe there is an obvious solution. When I click on a channel, it says "cannot open because protocol (irc) isn't associated with any program". Is there something I need to download? Any advice would be appreciated. Also, if it helps, I'm using Firefox with a Mac. John Reaves (talk) 08:05, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

You need an irc client, such as Chatzilla or mIRC. ST47Talk 11:20, 7 February 2007 (UTC)
Here is a link to Firefox add ons. [1] Chatzilla is included.--Dakota 05:14, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

wikipedia-en-spam channel

The link to wikipedia-en-spam channel is not working. Plase correct the error. --Meno25 10:43, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Is too! ST47Talk 12:09, 19 February 2007 (UTC)


wtf i got banned for saying /me farted. ffs i'm new fucking wikipedia. how do i get unbanned.--Rrtr999 02:51, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

Me too. I got k-lined from Freenode. Is this 4eva? — MichaelLinnear 04:13, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Ditto. I think it might have had something to do with the "two cows" joke that was the topic of chat at the time. :/ JuJube 00:38, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Would you people stop complaining about bans for christs sake? I've been banned lke 17 times and I only seriously complained about the 3 day I got for /me hates anime. Zombieninja101

Well it's been quite awhile now for just saying "abuse" when somebody was banned. — MichaelLinnear 01:17, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

Cannot login to freenode

The console tells me that my username is already in use... how can that be? Someone impersonating me? I have been using IRC for more than a year now and now I cannot login. Any ideas? ≈ jossi ≈ (talk) 03:22, 3 March 2007 (UTC)

Change your nick to Jossi- or something and then use recover, assuming you've registered your nick. If not, then hopefully they aren't on any of your channels. Zombieninja101

A disturbing realization

Setting aside for the moment the issue of whether it would be a good idea to allow logging on IRC, in looking at the various issues surrounding this, i've discovered that there does not appear to be anyone with the authority to do so. Who, if anyone, has the authority to rescind the current anti-logging policy? --Random832 18:38, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

U.S. Roads channel

I'd greatly appreciate it if someone from outside the U.S. Roads WikiProject could contribute to WT:USRD/IRC, where certain users are currently trying to propose using the channel to implement "policy" changes without discussing them on-wiki. -- NORTH talk 06:54, 14 March 2007 (UTC)