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Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2007-06-04/E-mail users

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E-mail users

Welcome e-mail users!

Congratulations! If you're reading this, you're probably one of the first subscribers to the automated e-mail service, and it apparently worked! A minor miracle!

This service will automatically send out all e-mails at once (instead of the current practice of opening up 50+ tabs). I've tested the program thoroughly, but it's bound to have some bugs. Let me know if you have any problems with:

  • Spam blockers. I'm wondering if there may be potential problems with this. It probably wouldn't hurt to whitelist the e-mail address "mail [AT] wikipediasignpost [DOT] com".
  • HTML text. With the ability to send HTML with e-mails, I'm now able to link to individual stories, indent stories from their titles, and generally make the e-mail more readable. For readers with a non-HTML setup, you should be able to read it stripped of HTML tags. Let me know if there are any problems with this; I was not able to test this feature.
  • Not receiving the e-mail. This absolutely should not happen, but if you haven't received the e-mail by late Tuesday or early Wednesday (UTC), let me know.

E-mails should be sent on a weekly basis now. Thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading the Signpost.
