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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Connecting Terminal Railroad

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Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 121

The Connecting Terminal Rail Road


Location and General Description of Property


The Connecting Terminal Rail Road Company, hereinafter called the carrier, owns and operates terminal facilities at Buffalo, N. Y. The property includes freight warehouses, a grain elevator, and 2.923 miles of tracks classified as yard tracks and sidings. It is located along a ship canal between the Buffalo River and Lake Erie, and is used for transferring grain and merchandise between lake boats and connecting roads.

Traffic Connections


The carrier has connections with the tracks of the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railway Company (The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, lessee) and with boats of the Erie and Western Transportation Company and other lines on Lake Erie.

Physical Characteristics of Road


The freight warehouses owned by the carrier are of frame construction. The grain elevator is a modern concrete structure of special design. There are six wharves of timber and concrete construction on piles. The grading is light and is all common material. The tracks are laid with re-lay rail, varying in weight from 60 to 85 pounds, on oak and chestnut crossties. The material used for ballast is cinders.



The carrier is a corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at Buffalo, N. Y. It is controlled by The Erie and Western Transportation Company through ownership of its entire capital stock. On the other hand, the records reviewed do not indicate that the carrier, itself, controls any other carrier corporation. The property of the carrier has been operated by its own organization during its entire life. The switching service over the tracks of the carrier is performed by the locomotives and crews of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.

Corporate History


The carrier was incorporated June 7, 1881, under the general laws of the State of New York.

Development of Fixed Physical Property


The 2.923 miles of track and the other property owned by the carrier on date of valuation was acquired by construction. The original property was constructed during the years 1881 and 1882. During the year 1914 the carrier constructed a grain elevator to replace one destroyed by fire on March 9, 1914.

Leased Railway Property


The switching service over the tracks of the carrier is performed by the locomotives and crews of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The carrier maintains its tracks and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company pays the transportation expenses. The carrier pays the Pennsylvania Railroad Company 40 cents per loaded car switched in connection with a line haul over the tracks of other carriers at Buffalo, N. Y., and no charges are assessed for cars switched in connection with a line haul over the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.