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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Birmingham Southern Railroad

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The carrier was incorporated February 17, 1899, by a special act of the State of Alabama, for the purpose of constructing and operating various lines of railroad extending from Birmingham, Ala.; to construct and operate telegraph lines; also to own and operate floating equipment.


The owned mileage of the carrier, 41.816 miles, was acquired partly by construction and partly by direct purchase. The property acquired by direct purchase was bought from the Tennessee Company without acquiring the rights and franchises of that company. The property constructed by the carrier and by its predecessors in ownership, the years when the various portions of its line were constructed, and the manner in which the carrier acquired the property are indicated in the following table:

Acquired by construction:
Constructed by the carrier—
No. 5 Mine to Brynton, Ala., about 1900 0.888
Thompson to Thompson Mine, Ala., about 1902 .444
Thompson to Powder Mill, Ala., about 1900 .222
Village Creek Junction to Docena, Ala., 1907 3.884
Ensley Belt Line, 1910 2.000
Ensley to Bessemer Junction, Ala., 1910 6.615
At West Bessemer, Ala., 1910 .713
At Bessemer, Ala., 1910 .626
Falls Junction to Bayview, Ala., 1910 and 1911 5.400
Fairfield Junction to Ensley, Ala., 1910 and 1916 3.289
Edgewater Junction to Edgewater, Ala., 1911 .993
Brynton Junction to By-Product Junction, Ala., 1911 and 1912 1.046
Acquired by direct purchase:
From the Tennessee Company, June 28, 1899—
Constructed by the Pratt Coal and Coke Company
Birmingham to Pratt City, Ala., about 1877 6.420
Stockton Junction to Tipton, Ala., about 1880 4.291
Constructed by the Bessemer Iron and Steel Company, at West Bessemer, Ala., 1887 .628
Constructed by the Birmingham Mineral Railroad Company, at Bessemer, Ala., 1887 .355
Constructed by the Cahaba Coal Mining Company
Woodstock to Blocton, Ala., about 1883 8.100
Blocton, Ala., to No. 2 Mine, about 1884 1.100
Blocton, Ala., to No. 3 Mine, about 1887 1.290
Constructed by the Tennessee Company—
Pratt City to Ensley, Ala., about 1886 1.520
Pratt City to Shafton, Ala., about 1886 .976
Ensley Belt Line, about 1886 1.507
Ensley, Ala., to No. 5 Mine, about 1887 2.000
Total 53.367
Less mileage sold, exchanged or abandoned by the carrier, previously acquired from the Tennessee Company:
Mileage sold or exchanged—
Sold to the Woodstock and Blocton Railroad Company, July 31, 1906, Woodstock to Blocton, Ala. 8.100
Conveyed to the Tennessee Company, Dec. 30, 1915—
Blocton, Ala., to No. 2 Mine 1.100
Blocton, Ala., to No. 3 Mine 1.290
Mileage abandoned, February, 1915; constructed by the Pratt Coal and Coke Company 1.052
Total recorded mileage on date of valuation 41.825
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation .009
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 41.816

In addition to the main-line mileage conveyed to the Tennessee Company, as shown above, the carrier also conveyed to that company, by the same deed, certain yard tracks, sidings, and other property in exchange for certain other yard tracks, sidings, and other property which the Tennessee Company conveyed to the carrier by deed December 31, 1915.