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Wikipedia:WikiProject Secret Societies/Library

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This page will list the sources in the public domain at the end of 2015 included in the bibliographies of relevant reference works.

The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies & Fraternal Orders


The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies & Fraternal Orders, by Alan Axelrod, Facts on File, 1997, ISBN 0816023077

  • Bacon, Francis – Novum Organum;
  • Beatty, Kenneth James – Human Leopards;
  • Besant, Annie – Autobiographical Sketches;
  • Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna – Isis Unveiled; The Voice of Silence;
  • Brooks, Charles H. - The Official History and Manual of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows;
  • Buloz, Herr A. - Les Societes secretes de France;
  • Bulwer-Lytton, Edward – The Coming Race; The Last Days of Pompeii; Zanoni;
  • Cagliostro, Alessandro – Memoires pour servir a l'histoire du comte de Cagliostro;
  • Clave, Abbe F. T. Begue – Histoire pittoresque de la Franc-Maconnerie et des societes secretes anciennes et modernes;
  • Crowley, Aleister – Magick in Theory and Practice;
  • Cumont, F. - Textes et Monumentes figures relattifs aux Mysteres de Mithra;
  • Foucar, G. - Les Mysteres d'Eleusis;
  • Frost, Thomas – Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876;
  • Hodde, Lucien de la – Hastier des societes secretes et du Parti Republicain de 1830-1848;
  • Johnston, Robert M. - The Napoleonic Empire in Southern Itay and the Rise of Secret Societies;
  • Lauckhard, F. C. - Orden nach seiner Entstehung, innern Verfassung und Verbeitung auf den deutschen Universitaten, usw.;
  • Lindner, Theodore – Die Veme;
  • Mackey, Albert G.– An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences;
  • Madden, Richard Robert – United Irishmen;
  • Marras, Americo Palfrey – The Secret Fraternities of the Middle Ages;
  • Morely, H. - Life of H. C. Agrippa;
  • O'Donoghue, David J. - The Life of William Carson, Being His Autobiography;
  • O'Leary, John - Recollections of Fabians and Fabianism;
  • Pollard, H. B. C. - The Secret Societies of Ireland: Their Rise and Progress;
  • Pope-Hennessy, Una – Secret Societies and the French Revolution;
  • Preuss, Arthur – A Dictionary of Secret and Other Societies;
  • Ronayne, Edmond – Ronayne's Hand-book of Freemasonry;
  • Sackett, M. W. - Early History of Fraternal Beneficiary Societies;
  • Stevens, Albert Clark – The Cyclopedia of Fraternities;
  • Train, A. C. - Courts, Criminals, and the Comora;
  • Webster, Nesta Helen – Secret Societies and Subversive Movements;
  • Yarker, John – The Arcane Schools;