Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hotlist of Art & Architecture/E
- Ray Kaiser Eames
- Harold C. Earnshaw or Harold Earnshaw (illustrator) or Harold Earnshaw (artist)
- earth and earth-work architecture
- earth-table
- eaves-cornice
- ebonized
- Ecclesiology - needs attention
- echal
- echinus - redirects to Mallotus (plant), source of a dye
- échoppe
- Échoppe
- ecological architecture
- ecphora
- écuelle
- edge-moulding
- edge-roll
- edge-shaft
- Edinburgh Group
- Editing - article needs attention
- Augustin Édouart
- Edwardian style
- Edwardine
- Cueman Egas
- Enrique de Egas
- Egbert Codex
- Egyptian gorge
- Egyptian hall
- Egyptian triangle
- Ezra David Ehrenkrantz
- Eidos - see Eidos (philosophy), stub
- Eight Italian Painters
- The Eight - redirects to Ashcan School, needs attention
- Nils Eigtved
- Ragnar Ekelund
- Kenji Ekuan
- L' Élan
- electrographic architecture
- Elementarism
- Nicolaes Eliasz
- elision - see also Reinterpretation, stub
- Elkington & Company Ltd.
- Henry de Ellerton
- James Elliot-DAB page
- Peter Ellis - DAB page, see Peter Ellis (architect), stub
- Reginald of Ely
- embattled
- emboss - see Embossing, stub
- Lawrence Emler
- empaquetage
- Empire - cleanup
- Empiricism - cleanup
- emulsion - no obvious 'art' content
- en délit
- enamel - DAB page, no reference to enamel work
- Encarnado
- encarpus
- end - stub DAB page
- end lobby-entry
- Ernst Moritz August Endell
- Energism
- engaged - redirects to Engagement
- Burkhard Engelberger
- Engineering Design - stub up for deletion
- English art as objects of patronage and collecting
- English cottage
- English Extremists
- English style
- enneastyle
- Ulrich von Ensingen sub-stub
- Matthäus Ensinger
- entry - no obvious 'art' content here
- Environment art
- Eosander, Johann Friedrich, Freiherr von Göthe - Johann Friedrich Eosander
- Epistle side
- E-plan
- Elizabeth Epstein
- Eragny Press
- Adolf Erbslöh
- Erdmannsdorff, Friedrich Wilhelm, Freiherr von
- father and son Erhart
- Estrid Ericson
- Ersatz architecture
- Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon
- escarp
- escoinson
- Nikolaus Eseler
- exonarthex
- Espace
- espagnolette
- L' Esprit nouveau
- esquillage
- esquisse
- August Ottmar Essenwein
- Este - not sure what is meant
- Estilo desornamentado
- Estilo Modernista
- estípite
- Estofado
- estofado
- Etruscan School
- Etruscan style
- étui
- eucharistic window
- Eulalius - article on an Antipope
- Euripus - redirects to Euripus Strait
- Merlyn Evans
- Jean Eve
- Robert Everard-links to soldier
- Everdingen family
- ewer - redirects to Pitcher, stub
- exc.
- excubitorium
- exonarthex
- experimental art
- expression and gesture
- external angle
- extrados - stub
- extruded corner
- Charles Eyck
- van Eyck - refers to the family, stub
- eye - not sure what is meant
- eyebrow - not sure what is meant
- eyebrow window
- eye-catcher
- eye-form
- Henry de Eynsham
- Johann Friedrich Eyserbeck
- William de Eyton