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Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers

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Following is a list of authors quoted in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), a book of primarily religious quotations in the public domain.



These are names for which draft Wikiquote pages have been created in project space, but which require corresponding Wikipedia articles.



These are names for which Wikiquote has quotes unassigned to theme pages. Some of them link to disambiguation pages for which no entry is the author identified in the original work; some of them link to existing pages on the wrong subject. Names in bold are authors who have been correctly identified, and may be deleted once the corresponding Wikiquote page has been created. Names followed by a question mark indicate that no additional information is provided on these authors by the original work.


List of names


This is the listing of names (other than those listed above) copied from the Index of Authors in the original work. It contains numerous typos, most of which can be cleared up by reference to the original work. Some clues to the identity of the authors (possibly including country of origin or dates of birth/death) are provided in the index. Names may be deleted from the list once a Wikipedia article has been provided or confirmed to exist, and a corresponding Wikiquote page has been provided or confirmed to exist. If an author on this list is unlikely to meet Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, please move that name to the "suggested for noninclusion" section below.

  1. James Allen (1734-1804)
  2. C. H. Anthony
  3. Charles Backus
  4. Joanna Bailie
  5. Edward Ballard
  6. George Bancroft
  7. Anna L. Barbauld
  8. Albert Barnes (theologian)
  9. Isaac Barrow
  10. Walton W. Battershall
  11. Richard Baxter
  12. Peter Bayne
  13. James Beattie (poet)
  14. H. W. Beecher
  15. Lyman Beecher
  16. Richard Bentley
  17. George Berkeley
  18. Thomas Binney
  19. Hugh Blair
  20. J. S. Blackie
  21. Lady Margaret Blessington
  22. George D. Boardman
  23. Horatius Bonar
  24. Thomas Boston
  25. John A. Broadus
  26. Phillips Brooks
  27. Thomas Brooks
  28. Sir Thomas Browne
  29. F. G. Browning
  30. Jean de la Bruyere
  31. W. C. Bryant
  32. Earl of Buchan
  33. Buchsel
  34. Georges Louis Buffon
  35. William Burkitt
  36. James Burgh
  37. Robert Burns
  38. Robert Burton
  39. Joseph Butler
  40. John Caird (theologian)
  41. Thomas Campbell
  42. J. D. Carlyle
  43. Marcus Porcius Cato
  44. Rich Cecil
  45. Thomas Chalmers
  46. Talbot W. Chambers
  47. E. H. Chapin
  48. Hester Chapone
  49. Francois Chateaubriand
  50. George B. Cheever
  51. John Chrysostom
  52. J. F. Clarke
  53. J. K. Clark
  54. R. W. Clark
  55. Henry N. Cobb
  56. Richard Cobden
  57. Hartley Coleridge
  58. Jeremy Collier
  59. Robert Collver
  60. C. C. Colton
  61. Josiah Conder
  62. Mrs. D. M. Craik
  63. C. P. Cranch
  64. John Gumming
  65. Joseph Cummings
  66. George W. Curtis
  67. St. Cyprian
  68. R. W. Dale
  69. Joseph Dare
  70. Wesley R. Davis
  71. Humphrey Davy
  72. Prin. J. W. Dawson
  73. Thomas Decker
  74. G. W. Doane
  75. W. C. Doane
  76. Philip Doddridge
  77. John Donne
  78. Julia C. R. Dorr
  79. George Douglas
  80. A. E. Dunning
  81. Timothy Dwight
  82. John Dyer
  83. J. H. Ecob
  84. Maria Edgeworth
  85. James Edmeston
  86. Jonathan Edwards
  87. Cornelius Elven
  88. Epictetus
  89. Eusebius of Caesarea (Pamphili Eusebius)
  90. Edward Everett
  91. F. W. Faber
  92. A. M. Fairbairn
  93. Michael Faraday
  94. William Farel
  95. F. W. Farrar
  96. Owen Feltham
  97. John Flavel
  98. Paul Fleming
  99. John Foster
  100. C. H. Fowler
  101. J. Clement French
  102. J. A. Froude
  103. Mrs. Caroline. Fry
  104. Andrew Fuller
  105. Richard Fuller
  106. Thomas Fuller
  107. Edward Garrett
  108. John Gay
  109. Paul Gerhardt
  110. Henry Giles
  111. Bernard Gilimn
  112. W. Gladden
  113. F. Godet
  114. Elizabeth A. E. Godwin
  115. Oliver Goldsmith
  116. William Goodell
  117. D. A. Goodsell
  118. T. Goodwin
  119. John B. Gough
  120. Dora Greenwell
  121. Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot
  122. J. J. Gurney
  123. Thomas Guthrie
  124. Madame Guyon
  125. E. E. Hale
  126. Sir Matthew Hale
  127. Mrs. S. J. Hale
  128. Harvie Hall
  129. Joseph Hall
  130. Newman Hall
  131. Robert Hall
  132. A. E. Hamilton
  133. Sir William Hamilton
  134. Henry Harbaugh
  135. E. O. Haven
  136. Gilbert Haven
  137. J. T. Headley
  138. L T. Hecker
  139. Mrs. Anna B. Hegeman
  140. Heinrich Heine
  141. Sir Arthur Helps
  142. Mrs F. D. Hemans
  143. Matthew Henry
  144. Philip Henry
  145. J. G. Herder
  146. Robert Herrick
  147. Rowland Hill
  148. A. A. Hodge
  149. Charles Hodge
  150. S. R. Holls
  151. J. G. Holland
  152. Richard Hooker
  153. Ezekial Hopkins
  154. Mark Hopkins
  155. George Horne
  156. John Howe (illustrator)
  157. William Hovitt
  158. Thomas Huches
  159. M. Hulburd
  160. Karl Wilhelm Humboldt
  161. John Humpstone
  162. George Huntingdon
  163. Lady Huntingdon
  164. G. B. Ide
  165. Jean Ingelow
  166. William James
  167. Mrs. Anna Jameson
  168. Francis Jeffrey
  169. Douglas Jerrold
  170. Herrick Johnson
  171. William Jones
  172. Sir W. Jones
  173. John Jortin
  174. Jowett
  175. Flavius Ancius Justinian
  176. George Keith
  177. Johann Kepler
  178. Henry M. King
  179. Thomas Kinnoul
  180. E. N. Kirk
  181. Alex Knox
  182. John Knox
  183. Louis Kossuth
  184. F. W. Krummacher
  185. Pierre La Combe
  186. Pierre Simon Laplace
  187. Hugh Latimer
  188. J. C. Lavater
  189. Amos Lawrence
  190. Ann Lee
  191. Holme Lee
  192. Mrs. G. H. Lewes
  193. Taylor Lewis
  194. Cannon Liddon
  195. Heman Lincoln
  196. David Livingstone
  197. Marian Longfellow
  198. Samuel Longfellow
  199. Lope de Vega
  200. George C. Lorimer
  201. Electress of Brandenburg Louisa Henrietta Louisa Henrietta
  202. J. R. Lowell
  203. Ignatius Loyola
  204. John. Lynch
  205. Mary Lyon
  206. H. F. Lyte
  207. W. H. Lyttleton
  208. Robert M. McCheyne
  209. James McCosh
  210. John Macdonald
  211. George Macdonald
  212. Norman Macleod
  213. Hugh Macmillan
  214. Henry Mandeville
  215. Horace Mann
  216. H. E. Manning
  217. Lord Mansfield
  218. James Martineau
  219. Justin Martyr
  220. C. R. Maturin
  221. Henry Maudsley
  222. Philip Melanchthon
  223. Henry Melvill
  224. Menandek
  225. George S. Merriam
  226. Jules Michelet
  227. Charles- Mildwav
  228. Hugh Miller
  229. Dean H H. Millman
  230. D. G. Mitchell
  231. E. W. Montagu
  232. Michcleyquem Montaigne
  233. Charles de Secondat Montesquieu
  234. James Montgomery
  235. D. L. Moody
  236. Moravian Litany.
  237. Hannah More
  238. Lemuel Moss
  239. William Mountford
  240. William A. Muhlenberg
  241. Max Miller
  242. John J. Murray
  243. John Neal
  244. Asahel Nettleton
  245. J. P. Newman
  246. John Newton
  247. J. M. Nisard
  248. L. L. Noble
  249. Mrs. Julia Norton
  250. R. M. O. Offord
  251. John. Owen
  252. William Paley
  253. Ray Palmer
  254. Joseph Parker
  255. Helen L. Parmlee
  256. H. M. Parsons
  257. Francis L. Patton
  258. Edward Payson
  259. A. P. Peabody
  260. William Penn
  261. G. F. Pentecost
  262. D. B. O. Pepper
  263. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
  264. Francesco Petrarch
  265. Austin Phelps
  266. John Pierpont
  267. Wendell Phillips
  268. Robert Pollock
  269. Jane Porter
  270. Noah Porter
  271. D. J. Pratt
  272. Pressel
  273. Edmond Dihouh de Pressens
  274. John Preston
  275. N. A. W. Priest
  276. Matthew Prior
  277. A. A. Proctor
  278. Syrius Publius
  279. William M. Punshon
  280. Francis Quarles
  281. Pasquier Quesnel
  282. Josiah Quincy
  283. Sir Joshua Reynolds
  284. Jean Paul Richter
  285. C. S. Robinson
  286. Rochefoucauld
  287. T. B. Romeyn
  288. Jane Roscoe
  289. William Roscoe
  290. J. J. Rousseau
  291. Elizabeth Rowe
  292. Nicholas Rowe
  293. F. H Rutledge
  294. J. C. Ryle
  295. Sir Henry Savile
  296. Savonarola
  297. F. E. D Schleikmacher
  298. C. C. Scholkfield
  299. E. H. Sears
  300. Arch. Thomas Secker
  301. J. H. Seelye
  302. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  303. W. H. Seward
  304. J. M. Sewell
  305. Henry W. Shaw
  306. Prof. Sheppard
  307. R. B. Sheridan
  308. Thomas Sherlock
  309. Sir Philip Sidney
  310. William G. Simms
  311. Matthew Simpson
  312. W. S. Smart
  313. Sarah Smiley (not the same person)
  314. Alexander Smith
  315. F. Burge Smith
  316. Caroline S. Smith
  317. Mrs. E. Oakes Smith
  318. R. Payne Smith
  319. S. F. Smith
  320. Sydney Smith
  321. Robert South
  322. Robert Southey
  323. Dean Arthur P. Stanley
  324. Anne Steele
  325. Sir Richard Steele
  326. Samuel Stennett
  327. Sir James Stephens
  328. Lawrence Sterne
  329. Dugald Stewart
  330. Edward Stillingfleet
  331. R. S. Storrs
  332. Mrs. H. B. Stowe
  333. Alfred B. Street
  334. Charles Sumner
  335. Madame Swetchine
  336. Dean Jonathan Swift
  337. T. De Witt Talmage
  338. William. B. Tappan
  339. Jeremy Taylor
  340. T. R. Taylor
  341. William M. Taylor
  342. Sir William Temple
  343. Theodoret
  344. David Thomas
  345. Edward Thomson
  346. James Thomson
  347. William L. Thornton
  348. Arch. John Tillotson
  349. A. M. Toplady
  350. Arch. R. C. Trench
  351. H. C. Trumbull
  352. John Trusler
  353. S. H. Tyng, Jr.
  354. Arch. James Usher
  355. A. P. Van Giesen
  356. A. O. Van Lennep
  357. Henry Vaughan
  358. Jones Very
  359. J. H. Vincent
  360. A. Vinet
  361. J. A. Wallace
  362. William Warburton
  363. Anna Warner
  364. H. W. Warren
  365. H. B. Whipple
  366. E. P. Whiffle
  367. J. G. Whittier
  368. A. A. Witlets
  369. W. Williams
  370. Robert C. Winthrop
  371. Samuel Wolcott
  372. John G. Zimmerman (not the same person)
  373. Ulrich Zwingle


  1. The Advance
  2. Articles of Methodist Episcopal Church
  3. Baptist Church Manual
  4. Book of Common Prayer
  5. The Christian Advocate
  6. The Christian at Work
  7. The Christian Intelligencer
  8. The Christian Union
  9. Fisher's Catechism
  10. Guesses at Truth
  11. Hall's Family Prayers
  12. Liturgy of Reformed Church
  13. Lutheran Evangelical Catechism
  14. The Methodist
  15. Methodist Book of Discipline
  16. The National Baptist
  17. The New York Observer
  18. Old Russian Liturgy
  19. The Presbyterian
  20. The Sunday School Times
  21. Synod of Dort

Suggested for noninclusion
