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Wikipedia:WikiProject Migration from Ghana to Germany/Research Links

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The visa centre: immigrants, white saviours and uneven rejection

Tweet: "In May, the London School of Economics held a training workshop for African attendees to its Africa summit. One attendee out of 25 signed up for the event; all the rest had been refused visas."

FB Video from Ghana to Lybia

The visa centre: immigrants, white saviours and uneven rejection

Ghanaian Disapora - Year of Return

General information on migration issues


Federal office for migration and refugees reports

Germany passes migration laws

Germany entices illegal migrants to leave with bribes — free rent for a year back home

Germany passes immigration law to lure non-EU skilled workers

DW statics of illegal immigrants to Germany

Discussion About Illegal Immigration to Germany

Migration, its effects and management

World migration report 2018

Migration policies of ghana

What needs to be done on illegal migration to Germany

Illegal migration from Ghana to Europe on the decline - Interior Ministry Chief Director

Young people risking their lives to cross to Europe

Migrant journey story to Europe

Ghana’s regional ranking in deportation by country

Why Few Visas Are Issued for Africans Wanting to Come to Germany

Identifying the factors driving West African Migration

Irregular Migration-Migration Data

Migrant shared stories



Young Ghanaians Risk All Better Life

Ghana Returnee Amma Gyampo

Return Migrants and the Challenge of Reintegration: The Case of Returnees to Kumasi, Ghana


A Missing Element in Migration Theories

The Problem of Illegal Immigration

Essays on Legal and Illegal Immigration

Illegal migration on the rise

The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers

Illegal immigrants and the labour market

Labour Migration in Ghana

The saga of the returnee’: return and reintegration experiences of Ghanaian returnees from Libya

Labour Migration study in Ghana



Immigration To Ghana

Migration Data Portal

Migration and Migrant Population Statistics

Asylum In Europe



Apps for Refugees



Anti human trafficking unit – ahtu

Government finding solutions to illegal migration - President

Government of Ghana and IOM issue Joint Statement on Protection of Migrants

International Migration report

Leveraging migration for Africa

The Ghanaian in Germany Diaspora

Use of Migration Data In Ghana

Ghana organizes the final validation Workshop for its Labour Migration Policy

Proactiva Open Arms partners local NGO to fight illegal migration

Trafficking in Persons Report - Ghana