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Wikipedia:WikiProject Editor Retention/Pact

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WikiProject Editor Retention Pact


This document outlines a proposal for a structure and methods to be used by the Project. Like all Wikipedia pages, this is a living document and subject to change based on the consensus of the Members of the Project. In order to draw up a basic set of rules, members of the project and other editors who wish to participate are invited to read the following suggestions and either edit them directly or comment on the talk page. As we need to move forward fairly quickly, we should aim at upgrading this proposal to a basic set of basic procedures by the end of July 2012.

Proposed structure and procedures




An encyclopedia is only as good as the people who create, edit and maintain articles. WikiProject Editor Retention exists solely for the purpose of fostering the development and retention of high quality editors for the benefit of Wikipedia. This is a broad objective that encompasses a great many areas, and would include anything that serves these goals. The Project exists to discuss and coordinate ideas and to get changes implemented in the various venues at Wikipedia. At the very core of the Project is the belief that all persons are equal, all share the burden and have the same voice, and we are all equally responsible for ensuring the continuing progress and success of Wikipedia.

We choose to pursue changes at Wikipedia by taking a proactive and positive approach that not only fixes problems, but rewards and celebrates successes. We will not point fingers, but instead extend a helping hand. We understand that in order to make Wikipedia a more rewarding place that editors will want to participate in, we must engage and pursue those editors whose methods or actions are detrimental to the encyclopedia, and help them learn new methods that will benefit us all. We must seek out "lost" editors and encourage them to rejoin us. We must help new editors so that they can become valuable members of the community as well.

As the most important policy at Wikipedia, it may be reasonably invoked any time the ideas in this Pact get in the way of improving the Project or Wikipedia.



Any registered Wikipedian in good standing may become a member of the Project by adding their name to the roster. Any person may leave by removing their name. All Members have an equal say in all things, and may participate in any area without restriction and are expected to respect consensus. In the rare event that the project wishes to expel a member and bar them from participation, it requires a 2/3rds vote of voting members in a discussion at the talk page.



In order to address some of the top heavy problems that face Wikipedia, it is necessary that we do not form a project that itself is top heavy. As such, no "leader" will ever be chosen. Leadership comes from within, not thrust from outside, and all members are welcomed to participate fully without restriction from a ruling force. If a venue requires that a single person speak for the group, typically the group will choose one Primus to do so. (explained below)



On November 24, 2014 Dennis Brown requested that the following editors act as coordinators for the project:



Team building is an important part of organization that allows complicated work to get done, and they will often form to focus on specific functions or features of the project. This is a voluntary process and any group of 2 or more people may form a declared team. Members of that team will decide if a Coordinator is necessary and choose one if so. Coordinators will be granted no special authority by virtue of the position. Any member may add new teams or remove old unused teams. Any member may chose to be a part of a team, or multiple teams, or no teams, and no team may discriminate against a Member joining a Team. No Team will have authority or domain over another Team, individual or the Project as a whole.



Any editor may participate in discussions or polls about topics on Wikipedia and editor retention, whether or not they are a member. All viewpoints are welcomed and encouraged. Monitors may re-arrange discussions or indentations, create new threads or edit breaks, and, in general, be responsible for the forwarding flow of conversation.

In regards to decisions about the procedures and policies for the Project itself such as changes to this Pact or voting for changes, any person who was a member at the start of a poll or similar vote may participate. Members who join after polling has begun can offer opinions but are not granted a numerical vote. All procedural decisions are based on consensus of the project's members. Procedural votes shall be kept open for at least 7 days, and remain open as long as there is active participation.

Dispute resolution and Review


Many of the topics covered by the Project are controversial, and as such, Members may often disagree with each other. It is expected that all members will respect the consensus view and use civil methods of discussing differences. If a closure of a discussion is controversial and requires review, the review should usually begin 7 days after the close, in the same venue as the initial discussion. All processes regarding the Project should stay within the Project itself if possible.



All members are encouraged to participate at whatever level they are comfortable with. All activities should be conducted in public, on-wiki only. Members are not expected to agree on every or any points presented and should be free to politely express any opinions on the matters raised. On the front of the Project main page, a list of "related discussions" should be posted and maintained, where issues that affect editor retention are being discussed. As there is no singular view of the project, all members are strongly encouraged to individually go and join these discussions and let their voices be heard. What we do on the pages of the Project is educate ourselves and others. What we do in the various venues and discussions off-Project is where the real changes can take place.