Welcome to WikiProject Companies, a collaboration area and group of editors dedicated to improving Wikipedia's coverage of companies. Take a look around and consider joining our efforts!
Please consider helping our first Quarterly WikiProject improvement drive!!
We would like to see the project banner ({{WikiProject Companies}}) added to all articles on notable companies within Wikipedia. The Infobox company template is used on nearly 14,000 articles, so there are plenty out there!
Our goal is to improve the depth and breadth of coverage in Wikipedia of notablecompanies and to bring as many of these articles to good / featured status as possible.
As Wikipedia's popularity has increased there have been instances of companies or individuals working at companies creating or modifying articles in order to make their company appear more favorably. This practice is in violation of Wikipedia policies and is frowned upon by the community in general and this WikiProject. If you are one of those persons you are asked to read WP:BFAQ which will help you to understand why this practice is an issue.
In addition, please read rating criteria guidelines when adding a page to the WP:Companies project to ensure that you do not appear to be trying to boost a companies visibility on Wikipedia for a gain.
This WikiProject was founded in July 2007. Since then over 30 Wikipedians have signed up to participate and help improve the thousands of articles within our scope!