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Wikipedia:WikiProject Chile/Core topics

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  1. Chile

Administrative divisions

  1. Arica-Parinacota Region
  2. Tarapaca Region
  3. Antofagasta Region
  4. Atacama Region
  5. Coquimbo Region
  6. Valparaíso Region
  7. Santiago Metropolitan Region
  8. O'Higgins Region
  9. Maule Region
  10. Biobío Region
  11. Araucanía Region
  12. Los Ríos Region
  13. Los Lagos Region
  14. Aisén Region
  15. Magallanes Region


  1. Heads of state
    1. Arturo Alessandri
    2. Augusto Pinochet
    3. Bernardo O'Higgins
    4. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
    5. Eduardo Frei Montalva
    6. José Manuel Balmaceda
    7. José Miguel Carrera
    8. Salvador Allende
  2. Military men
    1. Arturo Prat
    2. Caupolicán
    3. Diego Almagro
    4. Lautaro
    5. Pedro de Valdivia
  3. Scientists
    1. Claudio Gay
    2. Ignacio Domeyko
    3. Rodolfo Armando Philippi
  4. Artists, painters and writers
    1. Gabriela Mistral
    2. Roberto Bolaño
    3. Roberto Matta
    4. Pablo Neruda
    5. Victor Jara
    6. Violeta Parra
  5. Other
    1. Diego Barros Arana
    2. Diego Portales
    3. Luis Emilio Recabarren
    4. Matías Cousiño
    5. Padre Hurtado


  1. Geography of Chile
    1. Andes
    2. Biobío River
    3. Chilean Coast Range
    4. Chilean Central Valley
    5. Chiloé Archipelago
    6. Ojos del Salado
    7. Patagonia
    8. Tierra del Fuego
    9. Easter Island
    10. Chilean Antarctica
    11. Juan Fernández Archipelago
  2. Geology of Chile
  3. Natural regions
    1. Norte Grande
    2. Norte Chico
    3. Zona Central
    4. Zona Sur
    5. Zona Austral


  1. Economy of Chile
    1. Agriculture in Chile
    2. Chilean peso
    3. Mining in Chile
      1. Codelco
    4. Fishing in Chile
    5. Forestry in Chile


  1. Culture of Chile
    1. Architecture in Chile
      1. Chilotan architecture
    2. Chilean cuisine
      1. Asado
      2. Cazuela
      3. Charqui
      4. Curanto
      5. Drinks
        1. Chilean wine
        2. Pisco
    3. Music of Chile
      1. Cueca
      2. Nueva canción
    4. Chilean mythology
    5. Chilote mythology
    6. Mapuche religion
    7. Rapa Nui mythology


  1. History of Chile
    1. Conquest of Chile
    2. Arauco War
    3. The Colony (Chile)
    4. Chilean War of Independence
    5. Conservative republic
    6. Liberal republic
      1. War of the Pacific
    7. Chilean Civil War
    8. History of Chile during the Parliamentary Era (1891–1925)
    9. Presidential republic
      1. Chile under Allende
    10. Chile under Pinochet
    11. Chilean transition to democracy


  1. Aymara language
  2. Chilean Spanish
  3. Mapudungun

Flora and fauna

  1. Fauna
    1. Andean Condor
    2. Guanaco
    3. Huemul
    4. Monito del Monte
    5. Pudú
    6. Puma
    7. South American Sea Lion
  2. Flora
    1. Trees
      1. Araucaria araucana
      2. Jubaea
      3. Nothofagus dombeyi
      4. Prosopis tamarugo
    2. Other
      1. Durvillaea antarctica
      2. Lapageria rosea


  1. Antofagasta
  2. Arica
  3. Chillán
  4. Concepción, Chile
  5. Coquimbo
  6. Copiapó
  7. Coyhaique
  8. Iquique
  9. La Serena
  10. Osorno
  11. Puerto Montt
  12. Punta Arenas
  13. Rancagua
  14. San Antonio, Chile
  15. Santiago, Chile
  16. Talca
  17. Talcahuano
  18. Temuco
  19. Valparaíso
  20. Valdivia
  21. Viña del Mar


  1. Politics of Chile
    1. Elections in Chile
    2. Law of Chile
    3. National Congress of Chile
  2. Education in Chile
  3. Healthcare in Chile
  4. Carabineros de Chile