At the bottom of the this page is a table of the current quality and importance ratings of all the articles on the English Wikipedia within the scope of this WikiProject. There are currently 1,250 articles that have no importance rating and 581 that have not been assessed. Please help reduce these numbers by assessing these articles.
There are currently 55 amusement park articles that don't have coordinates in their infoboxes. Please help by getting accurate coordinates and placing them in the infoboxes. For roller coaster articles, there are currently 90 articles without coordinates. Coordinates for roller coasters can often be found at RCDB by going to the roller coasters page and clicking on one of the map links (if available).
A list of articles that need infoboxes can be found here. Please help by adding the appropriate infobox to each article.
Users have requested articles to be created within the scope of this WikiProject. Please click here to see the list.
Prior to 2011, there were only two Good Articles in this WikiProject. As of February 2012, there are 33.
Our current WikiWork statistics are as follows:
Total work load to get all articles to Featured Article status is 5.16 on a scale of 6.
The total "steps"/classes to get all articles to Featured Article status is 10,631.
Member News
There are currently 49 members of WikiProject Amusement Parks! If you aren't yet part of this WikiProject and interested in joining it, go here and add you name to the primary list as well as to any task forces you are interested in. Everyone is welcome!
If you don't know already, in November 2012, WikiProject Roller Coasters was merged with with WikiProject Amusement Parks. A quick note to members of the former WikiProject Roller Coasters, if you are still active/interested in working with roller coaster articles, please move your name from the table to the list above it here.
Task Forces
In November 2012, the Disneyland and Walt Disney World task forces were merged together to create the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts task force. The scope of the new task force encompasses the parks outside the United States.
This is the first issue for WikiProject Amusement Parks. If you have any suggestions to what we can improve/add to future newsletters, please leave a message here.