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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/6

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! Journal ISSN
0895-769X A N Q: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews
0004-1327 A R I E L
0001-2793 A U M L A
0806-3222 Acta Humaniora
0716-0909 Acta Literaria
0567-784X Acta Neophilologica
0002-0796 Agenda (London)
0800-7136 Agora
1496-9580 Agora (Edmonton)
1110-8673 Alif
0149-9408 American Book Review
0065-860X American Imago
0065-9142 American Literary Scholarship
0066-3832 Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature
0003-5661 Antigonish Review
0003-7982 Arcadia
0003-8970 Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen
1447-8986 Association for the Study of Australian Literature. Journal
0004-9697 Australian Literary Studies
0898-9575 Auto/Biography Studies
0967-5507 Auto-Biography
0005-8351 Belfagor
0162-4962 Biography (Honolulu)
1098-7371 Book History
0006-7377 Bookbird
0190-3659 Boundary 2
0007-0904 British Journal of Aesthetics
0007-8069 C E A Critic
0007-8549 C L A Journal
1481-4374 C L C Web
0008-0365 Cahiers Naturalistes
California Literary Review (digital only)
0008-199X Cambridge Quarterly
0008-4360 Canadian Literature
1148-3202 Carnets de l'Exotisme
0145-8973 Chasqui
0009-3696 Chicago Review
0092-8208 Children's Literature (Baltimore)
0885-0429 Children's Literature Association Quarterly
1523-1720 Ciberletras
0884-2043 Clio (Ft. Wayne)
1050-5873 Colby Quarterly
0093-3139 College Literature
0010-1451 Coloquio: Letras
0195-7678 Comparatist
1744-1854 Comparative Critical Studies
0238-0668 Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages
0010-4124 Comparative Literature
0010-4132 Comparative Literature Studies
0010-5716 Confrontation
0939-5482 Connotations (New York)
1573-2193 Consciousness, Literature and the Arts
0010-7484 Contemporary Literature
0390-0142 Critica Letteraria
0011-1562 Critical Quarterly
0011-1570 Critical Survey
0011-1589 Criticism
0247-381X Criticon
0011-1600 Critique
0924-1426 Cross -Cultures
0011-250X Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos
0011-5827 Dalhousie Review
0382-909X Descant
0300-7162 Diacritics
1096-8547 Dictionary of Literary Biography
0734-0591 Dispositio
0093-8297 E S Q
1525-6790 Early Book Society. Journal
1201-2459 Early Modern Literary Studies
0193-5380 Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
0840-6286 Eighteenth-Century Fiction
1528-3631 Eighteenth-Century Novel
1525-3120 Enculturation
1139-3637 Especulo
0014-0759 Esprit
0014-0767 Esprit Createur
0071-1357 Essays and Studies
0014-0856 Essays in Criticism
0316-0300 Essays on Canadian Writing
0014-2751 Europe
1050-9585 European Romantic Review
0014-4940 Explicator
0014-5483 Extrapolation
0092-1912 Fiction International
0015-8518 Forum for Modern Language Studies
0306-4964 Foundation
1522-3868 Fourth Genre
0016-6928 Genre (Norman)
0016-8386 Georgia Review
0016-8882 Germanic Notes and Reviews
1362-7937 Gothic Studies
1106-1170 Gramma. Journal of Theory and Criticism
1044-5331 Hellas
0276-3362 Hemingway Review
1623-5843 Histoires Litteraires
0340-6849 Hoelderlin-Jahrbuch
0018-7895 Huntington Library Quarterly
1873-5037 Iconicity in Language and Literature
0020-0123 Information Litteraire
0176-3733 Inklings
1076-0962 Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
0315-4149 International Fiction Review
1447-9516 International Journal of the Book
1447-9508 International Journal of the Humanities
1755-6198 International Research in Children's Literature
0021-1427 Irish University Review
0309-5207 Journal of Beckett Studies
1862-5290 Journal of Literary Theory
0022-281X Journal of Modern Literature
1549-0815 Journal of Narrative Theory
0889-3675 Journal of Poetry Therapy
0897-0521 Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
1613-477X Kinder-und Jugendliteraturforschung
0023-7930 Landfall
0360-9170 Language Arts
0888-5613 Latin American Indian Literatures Journal
1569-3112 Linguistic Approaches to Literature
0147-2593 Lion and the Unicorn
1523-9012 Literary Imagination
0024-4589 Literary Review
0343-1657 Literatur für Leser
0024-466X Literatur und Kritik
0306-1973 Literature & History
0278-9671 Literature and Medicine
1437-9309 literaturkritik.de
0862-8424 Litteraria Pragensia
0047-4800 Litterature
0563-9751 Litteratures (Toulouse)
0843-4182 LitteRealite
0260-9592 London Review of Books
1553-0981 Mark Twain Annual
0025-4878 Massachusetts Review
0885-467X McNeese Review
0815-953X Meanjin
1092-6488 Metaphor and Symbol
0026-5667 Minnesota Review
0169-8958 Mnemosyne. Supplements
0026-7724 Modern Fiction Studies
0026-7929 Modern Language Quarterly
1071-6068 Modernism/Modernity
0027-1276 Mosaic (Winnipeg, 1967)
1063-3685 Narrative
0324-4652 Neohelicon
0028-3347 Neue Rundschau
1053-1297 New England Review
0094-033X New German Critique
0028-6087 New Literary History
0314-7495 New Literature Review (Wollongong)
0028-6400 New Orleans Review
0028-7806 New York Times Book Review
0891-9356 Nineteenth-Century Literature (Berkeley)
1052-0406 Nineteenth-Century Prose
0029-1501 Nordisk Tidskrift for Vetenskap, Konst och Industri
0809-2044 Norsk Litteraturvitenskapelig Tidsskrift
0029-5132 Novel: A Forum on Fiction
1503-3457 Novus Studies in Literature
0078-463X Onoma
0105-7510 Orbis Litterarum
0031-1294 Papers on Language and Literature
1034-9243 Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature
0264-8334 Paragraph
0031-2037 Paris Review
0048-3028 Parnassus: Poetry in Review
1565-3668 Partial Answers
1433-7177 Philologie im Netz
0048-4474 Ploughshares
0303-4178 Poetica (Paderborn)
0304-422X Poetics
0333-5372 Poetics Today
0032-2024 Poetique
0032-2032 Poetry (Chicago)
0032-2156 Poetry Review
0032-2202 Poetry Wales
0272-9601 Prooftexts
0144-0357 Prose Studies
0804-8592 Prosopopeia
0014-9527 Quaerendo
0033-6041 Queen's Quarterly
0211-3325 Quimera
1066-3630 Readerly -Writerly Texts
0925-4757 Reinardus
0034-4338 Renaissance Quarterly
0034-4346 Renascence
0734-6018 Representations
0035-1466 Revue de Litterature Comparee
0277-3945 Rhetoric Society Quarterly
0391-2108 Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate
0295-5024 Roman 20 -50
1467-1255 Romanticism on the Net
0048-8593 Romantisme
0348-6133 Samlaren
0927-3131 Samuel Beckett Today -Aujourd'hui
0037-3583 Shenandoah
0038-3368 South Dakota Review
0038-8483 Sprachkunst
0952-648X Stand Magazine
1546-007X Steinbeck Review
0049-2361 Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale
0380-6995 Studies in Canadian Literature
0039-3800 Studies in the Humanities (Indiana)
0039-3819 Studies in the Literary Imagination
1364-5145 Studies in Travel Writing
1555-7839 Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature
0039-4238 Style (DeKalb)
0049-2426 Sub-Stance
1528-3623 Symbolism
1069-0697 Symploke
0039-7709 Symposium
0256-7245 Synthesis
0040-4691 Texas Studies in Literature and Language
0736-3974 Text
0040-5329 Text und Kritik
0715-8920 Texte
1104-0556 Tidskrift foer Litteraturvetenskap
0041-3097 TriQuarterly
0082-660X Trivium
1132-2373 Tropelias
0944-2030 Tucholsky-Blätter
0732-7730 Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
0041-462X Twentieth Century Literature
0042-0247 University of Toronto Quarterly
1396-0482 Variaciones Borges
1060-1503 Victorian Literature and Culture
1003-7519 Waiguo Wenxue Yanjiu (Wuhan)
0043-342X Westerly
0043-3845 Western Humanities Review
0266-6286 Word & Image
0084-3695 Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature
0044-2305 Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik