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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/59

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Journal ISSN
1040-2446 Academic Medicine
1406-9822 Acta Kinesiologiae -Universitatis Tartuensis
0903-4641 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica
0001-706X Acta Tropica
0965-2140 Addiction
1355-6215 Addiction Biology
0894-587X Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
1403-8196 Advances in Physiotherapy
1680-6905 African Health Sciences
1118-4841 African Journal of Reproductive Health
0161-9152 Age (Omaha)
0002-0729 Age and Ageing
0163-5158 Ageing International
1360-7863 Aging & Mental Health
1368-5538 Aging Male
1090-7165 AIDS & Behavior
0887-3852 AIDS & Public Policy Journal
0954-0121 AIDS Care
0899-9546 AIDS Education and Prevention
1067-991X Air Medical Journal
0741-8329 Alcohol (New York)
1535-7414 Alcohol Research & Health
0145-6008 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
0344-5062 Allergologie
1323-8930 Allergology International
1088-5412 Allergy and Asthma Proceedings
1076-2809 Alternative & Complementary Therapies
1078-6791 Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
0002-726X American Annals of the Deaf
1557-2625 American Board of Family Medicine. Journal
1081-7166 American Chiropractic Association. Journal
0002-838X American Family Physician
0002-8614 American Geriatrics Society. Journal
0146-3721 American Journal of Dance Therapy
0002-9262 American Journal of Epidemiology
1087-3244 American Journal of Health Behavior
0890-1171 American Journal of Health Promotion
1090-0500 American Journal of Health Studies
1042-0533 American Journal of Human Biology
0271-3586 American Journal of Industrial Medicine
1096-1860 American Journal of Managed Care
1062-8606 American Journal of Medical Quality
1557-9883 American Journal of Men's Health
0272-9490 American Journal of Occupational Therapy
0749-3797 American Journal of Preventive Medicine
1548-7768 American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
0090-0036 American Journal of Public Health
1058-0360 American Journal of Speech Language Pathology
0002-9637 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
0895-8017 American Journal on Mental Retardation
1525-8610 American Medical Directors Association. Journal
0303-4569 Andrologia
0168-6054 Annales de Readaptation et de Medecine Physique
1232-1966 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
0004-5632 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry
1047-2797 Annals of Epidemiology
1544-1709 Annals of Family Medicine
0003-4800 Annals of Human Genetics
0003-4878 Annals of Occupational Hygiene
0003-4983 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
0163-7525 Annual Review of Public Health
1175-5652 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
1871-2584 Applied Research in Quality of Life
1775-8785 Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement
1933-8244 Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health
1072-4710 Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
0003-9993 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
0778-7367 Archives of Public Health
1434-1816 Archives of Women's Mental Health
1138-9672 Archivos de Prevencion de Riesgos Laborales
0004-1254 Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju
1347-3476 Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy
1040-0435 Assistive Technology
0212-6567 Atencion Primaria
1440-6381 Australasian Journal on Ageing
1326-0200 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
0300-8495 Australian Family Physician
1038-5282 Australian Journal of Rural Health
0045-0766 Australian Occupational Therapy Journal
0095-6562 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine
1471-2105 B M C Bioinformatics
1472-6882 B M C Complementary and Alternative Medicine
1471-2296 B M C Family Practice
1472-6963 B M C Health Services Research
1472-698X B M C International Health and Human Rights
1472-6920 B M C Medical Education
1472-684X B M C Palliative Care
1471-2458 B M C Public Health
1931-7093 Behavioral Healthcare
0042-8809 Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya
0969-7950 British Journal of Developmental Disabilities
0960-1643 British Journal of General Practice
1750-8460 British Journal of Hospital Medicine (London, 2005)
0308-0226 British Journal of Occupational Therapy
0360-1323 Building and Environment
1516-3717 Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho
0963-1801 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
0008-350X Canadian Family Physician
0008-4174 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
0008-4263 Canadian Journal of Public Health
1203-7796 Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine
0714-9808 Canadian Journal on Aging
0957-5243 Cancer Causes & Control
1073-2748 Cancer Control
0361-090X Cancer Detection and Prevention
1055-9965 Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
0143-3334 Carcinogenesis
1210-7778 Central European Journal of Public Health
0145-2134 Child Abuse & Neglect
0952-9136 Child Abuse Review
1475-357X Child and Adolescent Mental Health
1357-5279 Child Care in Practice
1077-5595 Child Maltreatment
0273-9615 Children's Health Care
1380-3603 Christian Bioethics
0228-8699 Chronic Diseases in Canada
1742-3953 Chronic Illness
0742-0528 Chronobiology International
0147-958X Clinical and Investigative Medicine
0009-9120 Clinical Biochemistry
1479-2354 Clinical Chiropractic
1361-9004 Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing
1477-7509 Clinical Ethics
1477-7274 Clinical Governance
1527-3954 Clinical Leadership & Management Review
0261-5614 Clinical Nutrition
0269-2155 Clinical Rehabilitation
1060-1333 Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
1526-0046 Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
0045-7183 Clio Medica
1533-2101 Complementary Health Practice Review
1478-7547 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
0957-9664 Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
0958-1596 Critical Public Health
0893-9675 Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis
0896-2960 Critical Reviews in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine
1574-8936 Current Bioinformatics
1573-4048 Current Women's Health Reviews
1471-8731 Developing World Bioethics
1940-5510 Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews
0968-7599 Disability & Society
0963-8288 Disability and Rehabilitation
1041-5718 Disability Studies Quarterly
1173-8790 Disease Management & Health Outcomes
0011-5029 Disease-A-Month
0376-8716 Drug and Alcohol Dependence
1524-5039 Early Childhood Research & Practice
1064-0266 Eating Disorders
1612-9202 EcoHealth
1357-6283 Education for Health
0360-1277 Educational Gerontology
1476-3591 eHealth International
1742-7622 Emerging Themes in Epidemiology
0893-6692 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
1342-078X Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
0091-6765 Environmental Health Perspectives
1476-069X Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source
0013-9351 Environmental Research
0944-1344 Environmental Science and Pollution Research
1520-4081 Environmental Toxicology (Print Edition)
1121-189X Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale
1742-5573 Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations
0193-936X Epidemiologic Reviews
1044-3983 Epidemiology
0266-688X Ethics & Medicine
0935-7335 Ethik in der Medizin
1021-6790 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development
1355-7858 Ethnicity and Health
1173-2571 Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics
1072-4133 European Eating Disorders Review
1613-9372 European Journal of Ageing
0959-8278 European Journal of Cancer Prevention
1741-8267 European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
0393-2990 European Journal of Epidemiology
1381-4788 European Journal of General Practice
1618-7598 European Journal of Health Economics
1018-4813 European Journal of Human Genetics
1352-2779 European Journal of Palliative Care
1101-1262 European Journal of Public Health
1605-9204 European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine
1359-432X European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
0940-6719 European Spine Journal
1560-7917 Eurosurveillance (Online Edition)
1025-496X Eurosurveillance (Print Edition)
0163-2787 Evaluation and the Health Professions
1356-5524 Evidence -Based Medicine
0014-4029 Exceptional Children
0531-5565 Experimental Gerontology
1476-0584 Expert Review of Vaccines
1389-9600 Familial Cancer
0160-6379 Family and Community Health
0742-3225 Family Medicine
0263-2136 Family Practice
1069-5648 Family Practice Management
0211-5638 Fisioterapia
1465-3753 Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies
1528-9796 Food, Culture and Society
1535-3141 Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
1661-4119 Forschende Komplementaermedizin
1096-231X Frontiers in Health Policy Research
0016-3384 Fysioterapeuten
1861-8863 G M S. Health Technology Assessment
0738-7806 Generations (San Francisco)
0965-2000 Generations Review
0741-0395 Genetic Epidemiology
0919-9454 Genome Informatics Workshop. Proceedings
0016-9013 Gerontologist
1432-2625 Gesundheitsoekonomie und Qualitaetsmanagement
0941-3790 Gesundheitswesen
1757-9759 Global Health Promotion
1744-1692 Global Public Health
1350-0961 Good Clinical Practice Journal
1041-1232 Growth, Development & Aging
0956-2737 H E C Forum
0735-0732 H F M Magazine
1535-6523 Hallym International Journal of Aging
0093-0334 Hastings Center Report
1363-4593 Health
1353-8292 Health & Place
0278-2715 Health Affairs
Health and human rights
1477-7525 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
0966-0410 Health and Social Care in the Community (Print Edition)
1708-5926 Health at Every Size
1065-3058 Health Care Analysis
0195-8631 Health Care Financing Review
0361-6274 Health Care Management Review
1386-9620 Health Care Management Science
1525-5794 Health Care Manager
1041-0236 Health Communication
1936-2994 Health Data Matrix
1057-9230 Health Economics
1744-1331 Health Economics, Policy and Law
1090-1981 Health Education & Behavior
0017-8969 Health Education Journal
1369-6513 Health Expectations
0899-6210 Health Facilities Management
1833-3583 Health Information Management Journal
0017-9078 Health Physics
0168-8510 Health Policy
0268-1080 Health Policy and Planning
0957-4824 Health Promotion International
1524-8399 Health Promotion Practice
1478-4505 Health Research Policy and Systems
1469-8331 Health risk & society
1387-3741 Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology
0951-4848 Health Services Management Research
0017-9124 Health Services Research
1366-5278 Health Technology Assessment
0883-5381 Healthcare Executive
1173-7956 Healthcare Review Online
1527-0297 High Altitude Medicine and Biology
1084-8223 Home Health Care Management and Practice
0162-1424 Home Health Care Services Quarterly
1475-4916 Homeopathy (Print)
1068-8838 Hospital & Health Networks
1464-7273 Human Fertility
0001-5652 Human Heredity
1478-4491 Human Resources for Health
0905-6947 Indoor Air
0019-8366 Industrial Health
0019-9567 Infection and Immunity
1078-0998 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
0895-8378 Inhalation Toxicology
1353-8047 Injury Prevention
0046-9580 Inquiry (Rochester)
1546-993X Integrative Medicine
0340-0131 International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
0190-3187 International Family Planning Perspectives
1475-9276 International Journal for Equity in Health
1353-4505 International Journal for Quality in Health Care
1652-8670 International Journal of Ageing and Later Life
0105-6263 International Journal of Andrology
1070-5503 International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
0393-6155 International Journal of Biological Markers
1378-286X International Journal of Child & Family Welfare (Leuven)
1239-9736 International Journal of Circumpolar Health
0962-4562 International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy
1368-5031 International Journal of Clinical Practice
1703-3381 International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation
1034-912X International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
0955-3959 International Journal of Drug Policy
1522-4821 International Journal of Emergency Mental Health
1743-4955 International Journal of Environment and Health
0960-3123 International Journal of Environmental Health Research
0300-5771 International Journal of Epidemiology
1744-1595 International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare
1499-9013 International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
1476-072X International Journal of Health Geographics
0749-6753 International Journal of Health Planning and Management
0020-7314 International Journal of Health Services
1438-4639 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
1745-7300 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
1077-3525 International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health
1080-3548 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
1744-9200 International Journal of Prisoner Health
1661-8556 International Journal of Public Health (Print Edition)
1748-2623 International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being
0924-6479 International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine
1091-2851 International Journal of Self-Help and Self-Care
0266-4623 International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care
1687-6415 International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications
1641-9251 International Maritime Health
1540-580X Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice
1025-6016 Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
0972-1177 J K Science
1344-1272 Japanese Physical Therapy Association. Journal
1553-7250 Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
0242-648X Journal de Readaptation Medicale
1287-7352 Journal International de Bioethique
1054-139X Journal of Adolescent Health
1941-2703 Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery
1092-6771 Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
0898-2643 Journal of Aging and Health
0890-4065 Journal of Aging Studies
1074-7583 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
0090-7421 Journal of Allied Health
1075-5535 Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine
0148-9917 Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
0744-8481 Journal of American College Health
0196-3635 Journal of Andrology
0733-4648 Journal of Applied Gerontology
0260-437X Journal of Applied Toxicology
1053-8127 Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
1094-3412 Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research
1176-7529 Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
0021-9320 Journal of Biosocial Science
1360-8592 Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
0885-8195 Journal of Cancer Education
1367-4935 Journal of Child Health Care
1053-8712 Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
1057-3321 Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
0895-4356 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
1046-7890 Journal of Clinical Ethics
1079-6533 Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management
0094-5145 Journal of Community Health
1070-5422 Journal of Community Practice
0894-1912 Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
1056-263X Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
0894-6566 Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
0022-0892 Journal of Environmental Health
0731-8898 Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology
0917-5040 Journal of Epidemiology
0143-005X Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
1359-5229 Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
1356-1294 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
1559-0631 Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology
1471-1893 Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care
0094-3509 Journal of Family Practice
0094-730X Journal of Fluency Disorders
1050-5350 Journal of Gambling Studies
1059-7700 Journal of Genetic Counseling
0894-1130 Journal of Hand Therapy
0885-9701 Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
0735-6722 Journal of Health Administration Education
1049-2089 Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
1081-0730 Journal of Health Communication
0167-6296 Journal of Health Economics
0972-0634 Journal of Health Management
0361-6878 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
1606-0997 Journal of Health Population and Nutrition
1359-1053 Journal of Health Psychology
1344-9702 Journal of Health Science
1355-8196 Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
1477-7266 Journal of Health, Organization and Management
1096-9012 Journal of Healthcare Management
1553-8346 Journal of HIV -AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth
0276-3893 Journal of Housing for the Elderly
1931-0293 Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development
1557-1912 Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
1073-1105 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
0194-7648 Journal of Legal Medicine
0161-4754 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
1369-6998 Journal of Medical Economics
0306-6800 Journal of Medical Ethics
1041-3545 Journal of Medical Humanities
1438-8871 Journal of Medical Internet Research
0969-1413 Journal of Medical Screening
0148-5598 Journal of Medical Systems
1556-9039 Journal of Medical Toxicology
0146-6615 Journal of Medical Virology
1091-4358 Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics (Print Edition)
1359-0847 Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
1545-9624 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (Print)
1076-2752 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
1341-9145 Journal of Occupational Health
0815-6409 Journal of Occupational Health and Safety: Australia and New Zealand
1076-8998 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
1053-0487 Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
0885-3924 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
0825-8597 Journal of Palliative Care
1096-6218 Journal of Palliative Medicine
0915-5287 Journal of Physical Therapy Science
0022-3859 Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
1085-2352 Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community
0278-095X Journal of Primary Prevention
1040-8800 Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics
0279-1072 Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
0022-3999 Journal of Psychosomatic Research
1741-3842 Journal of Public Health
1078-4659 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
0197-5897 Journal of Public Health Policy
0952-4746 Journal of Radiological Protection
0022-4154 Journal of Rehabilitation
1650-1977 Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
0748-7711 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
0022-4197 Journal of Religion and Health
0165-0378 Journal of Reproductive Immunology
0890-765X Journal of Rural Health
0740-5472 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
1465-9891 Journal of Substance Use
1357-633X Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare
1479-5876 Journal of Translational Medicine
1195-1982 Journal of Travel Medicine
1099-3460 Journal of Urban Health
0972-9062 Journal of Vector Borne Diseases
1536-2027 Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (Online Edition)
1052-2263 Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
1477-8920 Journal of Water and Health
0895-2841 Journal of Women and Aging
1540-9996 Journal of Women's Health
1079-5014 Journals of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences
1054-6863 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
1779-0123 Kinesitherapie. La Revue
0161-1461 Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools
1751-1879 Leadership in Health Services
1475-2875 Malaria Journal
1356-689X Manual Therapy
0025-2514 Manuelle Medizin
1092-7875 Maternal and Child Health Journal
0378-5122 Maturitas
0047-6374 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
1246-7391 Medecine et Droit
0025-7079 Medical Care
1077-5587 Medical Care Research and Review
0272-989X Medical Decision Making
1087-2981 Medical Education Online
0025-7273 Medical History
0306-9877 Medical Hypotheses
0885-1158 Medical Problems of Performing Artists
0025-7818 Medicina del Lavoro
1136-6532 Medicina Maritima
1362-3699 Medicine, Conflict and Survival
1386-7423 Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy
1521-2076 Medscape Women's Health
1754-0453 Menopause International
1755-2966 Mental Health and Physical Activity
0887-378X Milbank Quarterly
0026-4075 Military Medicine
1360-9947 Molecular Human Reproduction
1321-2753 Monash Bioethics Review
1357-6275 Mortality
0245-5919 Motricite Cerebrale
0027-2507 Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
0885-3185 Movement Disorders
0267-8357 Mutagenesis
1034-7674 N S W Public Health Bulletin
0161-813X NeuroToxicology
0892-0362 Neurotoxicology and Teratology
1063-7389 New horizons
1048-2911 New Solutions
1462-2203 Nicotine & Tobacco Research
1463-1741 Noise & Health
1504-3614 Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
0803-2491 Norsk Epidemiologi
0803-4206 Norsk Epidemiologi, Supplement
0029-6651 Nutrition Society. Proceedings
0972-5997 O J H A S
1539-4492 O T J R: Occupation, Participation and Health
1351-0711 Occupational and Environmental Medicine
1359-9364 Occupational Ergonomics
0962-7480 Occupational Medicine
0738-0577 Occupational Therapy in Health Care
0164-212X Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
0800-7489 Omsorg
1072-7639 Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing
0937-941X Osteoporosis International
1555-5887 P L o S Clinical Trials
0269-5022 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (Print)
0269-2163 Palliative Medicine
1743-8977 Particle and Fibre Toxicology
Patient Care: Primary Care Topics in Women's Health
1757-9139 Perspectives in Public Health
0194-2638 Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
0031-9023 Physical Therapy
1083-3196 Physical Therapy Reviews
0940-6689 Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin
0031-9406 Physiotherapy
0300-0508 Physiotherapy Canada
1358-2267 Physiotherapy Research International
0959-3985 Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
1477-3996 Policy and Practice in Health and Safety
1942-7891 Population Health Management
1478-7954 Population Health Metrics
0032-5473 Postgraduate Medical Journal
0032-5481 Postgraduate Medicine
0950-3153 Practice (Abingdon)
0032-6518 Practitioner
1661-8157 Praxis
1545-1151 Preventing Chronic Diseases
1389-4986 Prevention Science
0091-7435 Preventive Medicine
1751-9918 Primary Care Diabetes
0095-4543 Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice
1463-4236 Primary Health Care Research and Development
0033-3174 Psychosomatic Medicine
0033-3182 Psychosomatics
0033-3506 Public Health
0033-3549 Public Health Reports
1049-7323 Qualitative Health Research
1475-3898 Quality and Safety in Health Care
1479-1072 Quality in Primary Care (Print)
1063-8628 Quality Management in Health Care
0962-9343 Quality of Life Research
0098-9142 R C. Respiratory Care
0144-8420 Radiation Protection Dosimetry
0033-8451 Radioprotection
0899-6237 Rehab Management
0048-7120 Rehabilitacion
0034-3536 Rehabilitation
0034-3552 Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
1470-1626 Reproduction
0968-8080 Reproductive Health Matters
1933-7191 Reproductive Sciences
0890-6238 Reproductive Toxicology
1540-7969 Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
0164-0275 Research on Aging
0886-571X Residential Treatment for Children & Youth
1134-282X Revista de Calidad Asistencial
0034-8910 Revista de Saude Publica
1020-4989 Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica
0398-7620 Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique
0035-2640 Revue du Praticien
1341-1667 Rigakuryoho Kagaku
0272-4332 Risk Analysis
0035-9203 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Transactions
1500-8614 Rus og Samfunn
0036-3634 Salud Publica de Mexico
1501-7419 Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
1103-8128 Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
0281-3432 Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
1403-4948 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
1403-4956 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Supplement
0355-3140 Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
0294-0337 Sciences Sociales et Sante
0740-2570 Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology
0146-1044 Sexuality and Disability
0148-5717 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
0933-7954 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
0277-9536 Social Science & Medicine
1937-1918 Social Work in Public Health
0037-833X Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift
0037-9085 Societe de Pathologie Exotique. Bulletin
1432-9123 Somnologie
0125-1562 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
0362-2436 Spine (Philadelphia, 1976)
0039-3665 Studies in Family Planning
1082-6084 Substance Use and Misuse
0363-0234 Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
1501-6994 Suicidologi
0941-4355 Supportive Care in Cancer
1939-6368 Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine
0928-7329 Technology and Health Care
Telemedicine and e-Health
1463-922X Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
0040-5930 Therapeutische Umschau
1604-3405 Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund
1583-5251 Timisoara Medical Journal
0964-4563 Tobacco Control
0883-5691 Topics in Clinical Nutrition
0882-7524 Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation
0271-8294 Topics in Language Disorders
1745-6215 Trials
0049-4755 Tropical Doctor
1360-2276 Tropical Medicine & International Health
1832-4274 Twin Research and Human Genetics
1066-2936 Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine
1608-909X Upravlenie Zdravookhraneniem
1098-3015 Value in Health
0042-8639 Volta Review
0512-3054 W H O Technical Report Series
0342-300X W S I Mitteilungen
1080-6032 Wilderness and Environmental Medicine
0363-0242 Women & Health
1049-3867 Women's Health Issues
1051-9815 Work
1740-3715 Work Based Learning in Primary Care
1447-3828 World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin
0042-9686 World Health Organization. Bulletin
1865-9217 Zeitschrift fuer Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitaet im Gesundheitswesen
0943-1853 Zeitschrift fuer Gesundheitswissenschaften
1615-2921 Zeitschrift fuer Palliativmedizin