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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/38

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Journal ISSN
1523-2867 A C M / S I G P L A N Notices
1527-6805 A C M Journal of Computer Documentation
1549-6325 A C M Transactions on Algorithms
1544-3558 A C M Transactions on Applied Perception
1544-3566 A C M Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
1530-0226 A C M Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
1556-4665 A C M Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
1529-3785 A C M Transactions on Computational Logic
0734-2071 A C M Transactions on Computer Systems
0730-0301 A C M Transactions on Graphics
1533-5399 A C M Transactions on Internet Technology
1556-4681 A C M Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
0098-3500 A C M Transactions on Mathematical Software
1049-3301 A C M Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
1551-6857 A C M Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications
0164-0925 A C M Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
1550-4859 A C M Transactions on Sensor Networks
1550-4875 A C M Transactions on Speech and Language Processing
1553-3077 A C M Transactions on Storage
1559-1131 A C M Transactions on the Web
0951-5666 A I & Society
0921-7126 A I Communications
0738-4602 A I Magazine
0065-2458 Advances in Computers
0965-9978 Advances in Engineering Software
1687-5893 Advances in Human -Computer Interaction
1617-7916 Advances in Pattern Recognition
1615-3871 Advances in Soft Computing
0178-4617 Algorithmica
1748-7188 Algorithms for Molecular Biology
1216-6014 Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae
0168-0072 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
0883-9514 Applied Artificial Intelligence
0924-669X Applied Intelligence
1568-4946 Applied Soft Computing
0004-3702 Artificial Intelligence
0269-2821 Artificial Intelligence Review
1064-5462 Artificial Life
0001-0782 Association for Computing Machinery. Communications
0004-5411 Association for Computing Machinery. Journal
1326-2238 Australasian Journal of Information Systems
0928-8910 Automated Software Engineering
0146-4116 Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
1387-2532 Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
0929-5593 Autonomous Robots
0006-3835 Bit (Lisse)
1079-8986 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
0840-8688 Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1073-0486 Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
1386-7857 Cluster Computing
0963-5483 Combinatorics, Probability & Computing
1076-2787 Complexity
1016-3328 Computational Complexity
0925-7721 Computational Geometry
0824-7935 Computational Intelligence
0018-9162 Computer (New York)
1546-4261 Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
0146-4833 Computer Communications Review
0167-7055 Computer Graphics Forum
1069-529X Computer Graphics Proceedings. Annual Conference Series
0271-4159 Computer Graphics World
0010-4620 Computer Journal
1477-8424 Computer Languages, Systems and Structures
0920-5489 Computer Standards & Interfaces
0045-7906 Computers & Electrical Engineering
0097-8493 Computers & Graphics
0095-2737 Computers & Society (Online Edition)
1759-3425 Computing (London)
1335-9150 Computing and Informatics
1521-9615 Computing in Science & Engineering
1532-0626 Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience
0954-0091 Connection Science
1383-7133 Constraints
1528-4972 Crossroads
0196-9722 Cybernetics and Systems
1060-0396 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
0169-023X Data & Knowledge Engineering
1384-5810 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
1683-1470 Data Science Journal
1618-2162 Datenbank-Spektrum
0929-5585 Design Automation for Embedded Systems
1742-2876 Digital Investigation
0924-6703 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
0926-8782 Distributed and Parallel Databases
0178-2770 Distributed Computing
1577-5097 E L C V I A
1571-0661 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
0177-0667 Engineering with Computers
1687-5176 Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing
0946-2767 Eurographics
0252-9742 European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. Bulletin
1534-5351 European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering. Proceedings
1063-6560 Evolutionary Computation
0266-4720 Expert Systems
0934-5043 Formal Aspects of Computing
0925-9856 Formal Methods in System Design
1931-7883 Foundations and Trends in Databases
1551-3955 Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction
0922-6389 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
0169-2968 Fundamenta Informaticae
0167-739X Future Generation Computer Systems
1389-2576 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
1524-0703 Graphical Models
1388-3690 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
0018-8646 I B M Journal of Research and Development
0018-8670 I B M Systems Journal
1727-8376 I E E E -A C M -S I G G R A P H Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics. Proceedings
1545-5963 I E E E -A C M Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
1058-6180 I E E E Annals of the History of Computing
1556-6056 I E E E Computer Architecture Letters
0272-1716 I E E E Computer Graphics and Applications
1063-6919 I E E E Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Proceedings
0740-7475 I E E E Design & Test of Computers
1541-4922 I E E E Distributed Systems Online
1541-1672 I E E E Intelligent Systems
1089-7801 I E E E Internet Computing
0272-1732 I E E E Micro
1540-7993 I E E E Security & Privacy Magazine
0740-7459 I E E E Software
1081-6011 I E E E Symposium on Security and Privacy. Proceedings
1932-8184 I E E E Systems Journal
1545-5955 I E E E Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
1545-5971 I E E E Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
1089-778X I E E E Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
1063-6706 I E E E Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
1551-3203 I E E E Transactions on Industrial Informatics
1556-6013 I E E E Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
1041-4347 I E E E Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering
1536-1241 I E E E Transactions on NanoBioscience
1932-4537 I E E E Transactions on Network and Service Management
0098-5589 I E E E Transactions on Software Engineering
1063-8210 I E E E Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems
1087-8270 I E E E Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium
1349-2543 I E I C E Electronics Express
0916-8524 I E I C E Transactions on Electronics
0916-8508 I E I C E Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
1751-8628 I E T Communications
1751-9632 I E T Computer Vision
1751-8601 I E T Computers and Digital Techniques
1751-9659 I E T Image Processing
1751-9675 I E T Signal Processing
1751-8806 I E T Software
1571-5736 I F I P
1091-9856 I N F O R M S Journal on Computing
0386-3069 I P S J Journal
1611-2776 I T -Information Technology
1520-9202 I T Professional
1751-8717 IET Information Security
1845-5921 Image and Signal Processing and Analysis
0262-8856 Image and Vision Computing
0868-4952 Informatica
0350-5596 Informatica
0890-5401 Information and Computation
0020-0190 Information Processing Letters
0306-4379 Information Systems
1473-8716 Information Visualization
8750-6874 Information Week (US Edition)
1526-5447 INFORMS Transportation Science
1614-5046 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
0167-9260 Integration
1535-864X Intel Technology Journal
1088-467X Intelligent Data Analysis
1872-4981 Intelligent Decision Technologies
1367-0751 Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics. Logic Journal
1683-3198 International Arab Journal of Information Technology
1550-6185 International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling. Proceedings
1076-5204 International Journal for Computers and Their Applications
1743-8225 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
1462-4613 International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication
1746-1375 International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
1753-0563 International Journal of Applied Cryptography
0888-613X International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1743-8195 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
1557-3958 International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
1074-5351 International Journal of Communication Systems
0218-1959 International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
1304-4508 International Journal of Computational Intelligence
1469-0268 International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications
0952-8091 International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
1535-6698 International Journal of Computer Research
1306-4428 International Journal of Computer Science
0972-9038 International Journal of Computer Science & Applications
1738-7906 International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
0267-6192 International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering
1307-430X International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering
1206-212X International Journal of Computers and Applications
0218-8430 International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
1748-5673 International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
1548-3924 International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining
1741-8453 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare
1741-1068 International Journal of Embedded Systems
0129-0541 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
1740-0562 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking
1094-3420 International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
0129-0533 International Journal of High Speed Computing
1448-5869 International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
0899-9457 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
1466-6642 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology
1756-378X International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics
1477-2043 International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation
1751-5858 International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems
1548-3657 International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies
0884-8173 International Journal of Intelligent Systems
1740-8865 International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
1865-7923 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
1743-8209 International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology
1862-6378 International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems
1750-0591 International Journal of Manufacturing Research
1744-2621 International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
1755-2176 International Journal of Metaheuristics
0129-0657 International Journal of Neural Systems
0885-7458 International Journal of Parallel Programming
1744-5760 International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
0218-0014 International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
1745-3216 International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications
1748-1279 International Journal of Sensor Networks
0218-6543 International Journal of Shaping Modeling
1474-2748 International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development
0218-4885 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
1548-7199 International Journal of Unconventional Computing
1081-1451 International Journal of Virtual Reality
1741-1106 International Journal of Web and Grid Services
1476-1289 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
1744-0084 International Journal of Web Information Systems
1738-6535 International Journal of Web Services Practices (IJWSP)
1545-7362 International Journal of Web Services Research
1741-1084 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
0218-2130 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
1433-2779 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
1727-6209 International Scientific Journal of Computing
1751-1461 International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications
0835-3026 J C M C C
0948-6968 Journal for Universal Computer Science
1343-0130 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
0196-6774 Journal of Algorithms
1748-3018 Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology
1570-8683 Journal of Applied Logic
1166-3081 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
1076-9757 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
0168-7433 Journal of Automated Reasoning
1557-5969 Journal of Cellular Automata
0218-1266 Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers
1066-5277 Journal of Computational Biology
0022-0000 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
1064-2307 Journal of Computer and System Sciences International
1000-9000 Journal of Computer Science and Technology
0926-227X Journal of Computer Security
1063-8016 Journal of Database Management
1017-9909 Journal of Electronic Imaging
0923-8174 Journal of Electronic Testing
1740-4460 Journal of Embedded Computing
0952-813X Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
1084-6654 Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
1080-5230 Journal of Functional and Logic Programming
0956-7968 Journal of Functional Programming
1570-7873 Journal of Grid Computing
1381-1231 Journal of Heuristics
1464-7141 Journal of Hydroinformatics
0252-2667 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1016-2364 Journal of Information Science and Engineering
1099-8047 Journal of information storage and processing systems
1064-1246 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
0925-9902 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
0219-2659 Journal of Interconnection Networks
1607-9264 Journal of Internet Technology
1567-8326 Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
0955-792X Journal of Logic and Computation
1546-1998 Journal of Low Power Electronics
1550-4646 Journal of Mobile Multimedia
1542-3980 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing
1084-8045 Journal of Network and Computer Applications
1660-1769 Journal of Object Technology
0896-8438 Journal of object-oriented programming
0743-7315 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
1094-6136 Journal of Scheduling
0920-8542 Journal of Supercomputing
0164-1212 Journal of Systems and Software
1383-7621 Journal of Systems Architecture
1009-6124 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
0718-1876 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Research
0948-695X Journal of Universal Computer Science
1045-926X Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
1343-8875 Journal of Visualization
1540-9589 Journal of Web Engineering
1570-8268 Journal of Web Semantics
0269-8889 Knowledge Engineering Review
0368-492X Kybernetes
0023-5954 Kybernetika
0921-5034 Language and Computers
0302-9743 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
0741-5834 Lightwave
1075-3583 Linux Journal
1861-2032 LNCS Journal on Data Semantics
1864-306X LNCS Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers
1861-2059 LNCS Transactions on Rough Sets
1860-5974 Logical Methods in Computer Science
1230-0535 Machine Graphics & Vision
0885-6125 Machine Learning
1521-3870 Mathematical Logic Quarterly
0960-1295 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
0025-5718 Mathematics of Computation
1361-8415 Medical Image Analysis
0141-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems
1559-1662 Mobile Computing and Communications Review
1383-469X Mobile Networks and Applications
1574-1702 Multiagent and Grid Systems
0942-4962 Multimedia Systems
1380-7501 Multimedia Tools and Applications
1091-3556 NetWorker (New York, 1997)
0941-0643 Neural Computing and Applications
0288-3635 New Generation Computing
1236-6064 Nordic Journal of Computing
0211-2124 Novatica
1017-1398 Numerical Algorithms
1262-1137 Objet
0163-5980 Operating Systems Review
0167-6377 Operations Research Letters
1084-7529 Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision
1862-4472 Optimization Letters
0167-8191 Parallel Computing
0129-6264 Parallel Processing Letters
1433-7541 Pattern Analysis and Applications
0167-8655 Pattern Recognition Letters
0166-5316 Performance Evaluation
1617-4909 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
1574-1192 Pervasive and Mobile Computing
0361-7688 Programming and Computer Software
1533-7146 Quantum Information & Computation
0257-0130 Queueing Systems
0988-3754 R A I R O -Theoretical Informatics and Applications
0922-6443 Real-Time Systems
1385-3139 Reliable Computing
0947-3602 Requirements Engineering
1936-4954 S I A M Journal on Imaging Sciences
0036-1429 S I A M Journal on Numerical Analysis
0163-5999 S I G M E T R I C S Performance Evaluation Review
0163-5808 S I G M O D Record
0167-6423 Science of Computer Programming
1058-9244 Scientific Programming
0923-5965 Signal Processing: Image Communication
1863-1703 Signal, Image and Video Processing
0740-6797 Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Transactions
1432-7643 Soft Computing
1619-1366 Software and Systems Modeling
0963-9314 Software Quality Journal
0960-0833 Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
0038-0644 Software: Practice & Experience
1860-949X Studies in Computational Intelligence
1434-9922 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
1220-1766 Studies in Informatics and Control
1935-3812 Swarm Intelligence
0752-4072 T S I. Technique et Sciences Informatiques
1018-4864 Telecommunication Systems
0736-5853 Telematics and Informatics
1727-5997 The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin
1087-6537 The Information Society
0304-3975 Theoretical Computer Science
1471-0684 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
1431-7613 Theory in Biosciences
1432-4350 Theory of Computing Systems
1861-2075 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology
1084-4309 Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
0324-721X University of Szeged. Acta Cybernetica
1684-5285 Upgrade (English Edition)
1066-8888 V L D B Journal
0178-2789 Visual Computer
1570-1263 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems
1542-3336 Web Services Strategies
1530-8669 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing