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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/36

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Byggeri og anlægsteknik

Journal ISSN
0889-325X A C I Materials Journal
0889-3241 A C I Structural Journal
0924-3046 Advanced Composite Materials
0951-7197 Advances in Cement Research
0219-4880 Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering
1369-4332 Advances in Structural Engineering
1563-0854 Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
0926-5805 Automation in Construction
0307-6490 Automotive Engineer
0143-6244 Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
1996-3599 Building Simulation
0008-3674 Canadian Geotechnical Journal
0315-1468 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
0958-9465 Cement and Concrete Composites
0008-8846 Cement and Concrete Research
0885-7024 Civil Engineering (Reston)
1028-6608 Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems
0378-3839 Coastal Engineering
0578-5634 Coastal Engineering Journal
0266-352X Computers and Geotechnics
0198-9715 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
0162-4075 Concrete International
0950-0618 Construction and Building Materials
0274-9696 Cost Engineering (Morgantown)
0098-8847 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
8755-2930 Earthquake Spectra
1089-3032 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
0378-7788 Energy and Buildings
0264-4401 Engineering Computations
0013-8029 Engineering Journal
0141-0296 Engineering Structures
1567-7419 Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Dordrecht, 2001)
1571-473X European Journal of Navigation
0014-4851 Experimental Mechanics
8756-758X Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
0149-6115 Geotechnical Testing Journal
0016-8505 Geotechnique
0947-7411 Heat and Mass Transfer
1420-326X Indoor and Built Environment
1478-4629 Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Bridge Engineering
0965-089X Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Civil Engineering
1747-650X Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Construction Materials
1478-4637 Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Engineering Sustainability
1353-2618 Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Geotechnical Engineering
1741-7597 Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Maritime Engineering
0965-0903 Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Municipal Engineer
0965-0911 Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Structures and Buildings
1475-0902 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment
1523-651X International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Proceedings
1524-5845 International Journal for Computational, Civil & Structural Engineering
0363-9061 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
1466-5115 International Journal of Computer Integrated Design and Construction
1056-7895 International Journal of Damage Mechanics
1064-2277 International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research
1532-3641 International Journal of Geomechanics
1569-1713 International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design
1053-5381 International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
1029-8436 International Journal of Pavement Engineering
1365-1609 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
1098-6189 International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
0020-868X International Shipbuilding Progress
1084-0702 Journal of Bridge Engineering
1940-1493 Journal of Building Performance Simulation
1744-2591 Journal of Building Physics
1090-0268 Journal of Composites for Construction
0887-3801 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
1609-9451 Journal of Construction Research
0143-974X Journal of Constructional Steel Research
1363-2469 Journal of Earthquake Engineering
0733-9399 Journal of Engineering Mechanics
0733-9429 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (New York)
1076-0342 Journal of Infrastructure Systems
1476-1556 Journal of Marine Design and Operations
1476-1548 Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology
0899-1561 Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
1727-7191 Journal of Mechanics
0892-7219 Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
1226-5594 Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
8756-1417 Journal of Ship Production
0733-9445 Journal of Structural Engineering
0733-950X Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
0047-5955 M E R. Marine Engineers Review
0024-9831 Magazine of Concrete Research
0951-8339 Marine Structures
1945-3582 Marine Technology and S N A M E News
0025-3324 Marine Technology Society Journal
1605-2730 Materials Physics and Mechanics
1537-6494 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
0306-0209 Naval Architect
0028-1425 Naval Engineers Journal
0028-1530 Navigation
0388-7405 Nihon Kokai Gakkai Ronbunshu
0800-6377 Nordic Concrete Research
1402-5728 Nordic Journal of Building Physics
0887-9672 P C I Journal
1084-0680 Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
0266-8920 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
0351-6067 Proceedings
0376-6756 Proceedings -International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions
1046-672X Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Mechanics
1468-0629 Road Materials and Pavement Design
1479-8751 Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. Part A. International Journal of Maritime Engineering
0093-3651 Sea Technology
1738-1584 Smart Structures and Systems
0267-7261 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
0038-0741 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
0038-0806 Soils & Foundations
1229-9367 Steel & Composite Structures
0039-2316 Strength of Materials
1464-4177 Structural Concrete
1541-7794 Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
1466-5123 Structural Engineer
0289-8063 Structural Engineering / Earthquake Engineering
1225-4568 Structural Engineering and Mechanics
1016-8664 Structural Engineering International
1475-9217 Structural Health Monitoring
0167-4730 Structural Safety
0263-080X Structural Survey
1573-2479 Structure & Infrastructure Engineering
0167-8442 Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Trafik og Veje
1756-0543 Underwater Technology
0165-2125 Wave Motion
1226-6116 Wind & Structures
0949-0205 Zement -Kalk -Gips International