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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/32

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Journal ISSN
1217-8837 Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica. Acta Zoologica
1631-0691 Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Biologies
0097-3157 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings
0906-4702 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section A. Animal Science
0001-5296 Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Botanica
0001-530X Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Zoologia
0236-5383 Acta Biologica Hungarica
1407-8953 Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis
0001-5342 Acta Biotheoretica
0001-5369 Acta Botanica Fennica
1253-8078 Acta Botanica Gallica
1508-1109 Acta Chiropterologica
0873-9749 Acta Ethologica
1146-609X Acta Oecologica
0001-6454 Acta Ornithologica
0001-6594 Acta Palaeobotanica
0137-5881 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
0065-1583 Acta Protozoologica
0001-6977 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
0001-7051 Acta Theriologica
0001-7272 Acta Zoologica
0001-7299 Acta Zoologica Fennica
Advanced Studies in Biology
0065-2296 Advances in Botanical Research
0065-2504 Advances in Ecological Research
0931-4202 Advances in Ethology
0065-2806 Advances in Insect Physiology
1612-166X Advances in Limnology
0065-2881 Advances in Marine Biology
0147-4863 Advances in Microbial Ecology
0393-5965 Aerobiologia
1021-3589 African Entomology
1608-5914 African Journal of Aquatic Science
0141-6707 African Journal of Ecology
1814-232X African Journal of Marine Science
1562-7020 African Zoology
1459-6067 Agricultural and Food Science (Print)
1682-1130 Agricultural Engineering International
0835-5851 Alces
0065-6755 Amazoniana
0002-8320 American Entomological Society. Transactions
0002-8444 American Fern Journal
0002-9122 American Journal of Botany
0275-2565 American Journal of Primatology
0740-2783 American Malacological Bulletin
0003-0031 American Midland Naturalist
0003-0082 American Museum Novitates
0003-0147 American Naturalist
0173-5373 Amphibia -Reptilia
1751-7311 Animal
0003-3472 Animal Behaviour
1570-7555 Animal Biology
1049-5398 Animal Biotechnology (Print Edition)
1435-9448 Animal Cognition
1367-9430 Animal Conservation
0377-8401 Animal Feed Science and Technology
0268-9146 Animal Genetics
0378-4320 Animal Reproduction Science
1344-3941 Animal Science Journal
0860-4037 Animal Science Papers and Reports
0962-7286 Animal Welfare
0003-3847 Annales Botanici Fennici
0003-4088 Annales de Limnologie
0003-4541 Annales Zoologici
0003-455X Annales Zoologici Fennici
0003-4746 Annals of Applied Biology
0305-7364 Annals of Botany
1543-592X Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
0066-4170 Annual Review of Entomology
0066-4286 Annual Review of Phytopathology
1543-5008 Annual Review of Plant Biology
0168-1591 Applied Animal Behaviour Science
0003-6862 Applied Entomology and Zoology
0929-1393 Applied Soil Ecology
1864-7782 Aquatic Biology
0304-3770 Aquatic Botany
1386-2588 Aquatic Ecology
0165-0424 Aquatic Insects
0167-5427 Aquatic Mammals
0948-3055 Aquatic Microbial Ecology
1015-1621 Aquatic Sciences
1472-3646 Archaea
0003-9098 Archiv für Gefluegelkunde
0323-5408 Archiv für Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz
0003-9438 Archiv für Tierzucht
1745-039X Archives of Animal Nutrition
0373-2266 Ardea
0570-7358 Ardeola
1467-8039 Arthropod Structure & Development
1011-2367 Asian -Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
1531-1074 Astrobiology
1388-2511 Atlantic Seabird
0004-8038 Auk
1442-9985 Austral Ecology
0815-3191 Australasian Plant Pathology
0067-1924 Australian Journal of Botany
1326-6756 Australian Journal of Entomology
0004-959X Australian Journal of Zoology
1030-1887 Australian Systematic Botany
1758-1559 Avian Biology Research
1424-8743 Avian Science
1741-7007 B M C Biology
1471-213X B M C Developmental Biology
1471-2229 B M C Plant Biology
1752-0509 B M C Systems Biology
0253-5416 Bangladesh Journal of Botany
1439-1791 Basic and Applied Ecology
1045-2249 Behavioral Ecology
0340-5443 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
0778-4031 Belgian Journal of Botany
0777-6276 Belgian Journal of Zoology
1436-1698 Bibliotheca Lichenologica
0952-4622 Bioacoustics
1386-6141 BioControl
1810-6277 Biogeosciences Discussions
1748-3182 Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
0006-3088 Biologia
0006-3134 Biologia Plantarum
0006-3185 Biological Bulletin
0006-3207 Biological Conservation
1387-3547 Biological Invasions
1480-9222 Biological Procedures Online
0716-9760 Biological Research
1464-7931 Biological Reviews
0929-1016 Biological Rhythm Research
0006-324X Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings
1392-0146 Biologija
0134-3475 Biologiya Morya
1745-6150 Biology Direct
0969-4765 Biometric Technology Today
1793-0480 Biophysical Reviews and Letters
1539-2422 Bioscene
0006-3568 BioScience
1875-1342 Biosemiotics
0303-2647 BioSystems
1676-0611 Biota Neotropica
0006-3606 Biotropica
0156-1383 Bird Behavior
0959-2709 Bird Conservation International
0006-3657 Bird Study
0006-5196 Blumea
0006-5269 Blyttia
0523-7904 Bocagiana
0253-1453 Botanica Helvetica
0006-8055 Botanica Marina
0006-8101 Botanical Review
1817-406X Botanical Studies
0006-8152 Botanische Jahrbuecher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie
1916-2790 Botany
0006-8241 Bothalia
1516-8913 Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
0524-4994 British Arachnological Society. Bulletin
0007-1668 British Poultry Science
0007-196X Brittonia
1235-3949 Bryobrothera
0007-2745 Bryologist
0007-4853 Bulletin of Entomological Research
0007-9723 Cahiers de Biologie Marine
0008-347X Canadian Entomologist
0008-3984 Canadian Journal of Animal Science
0008-4301 Canadian Journal of Zoology
0373-2967 Candollea
0008-6452 Caribbean Journal of Science
0969-1251 Cattle Practice
0886-5558 Choices (Ames)
0185-3880 Ciencias Marinas
0748-3007 Cladistics
0091-7451 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Symposia on Quantitative Biology
0010-065X Coleopterists Bulletin
0154-6309 Collection Forum
1095-6433 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
1525-2647 Comparative Parasitology
1424-8492 ComPlexUs
1476-9271 Computational Biology and Chemistry
0010-5422 Condor
0888-8892 Conservation Biology
1383-4517 Contributions to Zoology
0045-8511 Copeia
0722-4028 Coral Reefs
1836-0947 Crop and Pasture Science
0011-216X Crustaceana
1570-7024 Crustaceana Monographs
0011-2240 Cryobiology
0181-1568 Cryptogamie Algologie
1290-0796 Cryptogamie Bryologie
0181-1584 Cryptogamie Mycologie
1369-5266 Current Opinion in Plant Biology
1674-5507 Current Zoology
1355-4905 Curtis's Botanical Magazine
0399-0974 Cybium
1212-1819 Czech Journal of Animal Science
0967-0645 Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
1641-1307 Dendrobiology
1125-7865 Dendrochronologia
0145-305X Developmental & Comparative Immunology
1424-6074 Developments in Biologicals
0269-249X Diatom Research
1021-1020 Dipterological Research
0070-6728 Dissertationes Botanicae
1366-9516 Diversity and Distributions
0265-5640 Dodo
0012-4966 Doklady Biological Sciences
0739-7240 Domestic Animal Endocrinology
0250-8052 E P P O Bulletin
0906-7590 Ecography
1936-0584 Ecohydrology
1051-0761 Ecological Applications
1476-945X Ecological Complexity
0012-9615 Ecological Monographs
0912-3814 Ecological Research
0070-8356 Ecological Studies
0012-9658 Ecology
1461-023X Ecology Letters
0013-0001 Economic Botany
1195-6860 Ecoscience
1432-9840 Ecosystems
0960-4286 Edinburgh Journal of Botany
1335-342X Ekologia
0803-4427 Elgen
0158-4197 Emu
0171-8177 Entomologia Generalis
0785-8760 Entomologica Fennica
0013-872X Entomological News
1343-8786 Entomological Science
0013-8746 Entomological Society of America. Annals
0013-8797 Entomological Society of Washington. Proceedings
0013-886X Entomologisk Tidskrift
1317-5262 Entomotropica
0378-1909 Environmental Biology of Fishes
1559-2723 Estuaries and Coasts
0179-1613 Ethology
0394-9370 Ethology Ecology & Evolution
1478-0917 EuroChoices
0071-2477 European Association for Animal Production. Scientific Series
1210-5759 European Journal of Entomology
0967-0262 European Journal of Phycology
1612-4642 European Journal of Wildlife Research
0747-9859 Evansia
0014-3820 Evolution
1752-4563 Evolutionary Applications
0269-7653 Evolutionary Ecology
0168-8162 Experimental & Applied Acarology
0014-4894 Experimental Parasitology
0106-8377 Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica
1502-4873 Fauna Norvegica
1050-4648 Fish and Shellfish Immunology
0262-9615 Fish Farmer
0920-1742 Fish Physiology & Biochemistry
0367-2530 Flora
0347-8742 Flora of Ecuador
0015-4040 Florida Entomologist
0015-5500 Folia Biologica
0015-5497 Folia Biologica
1211-9520 Folia Geobotanica
0015-5713 Folia Primatologica
0139-7893 Folia Zoologica
0740-0020 Food Microbiology
0046-5070 Freshwater Biology
0269-8463 Functional Ecology
1445-4408 Functional Plant Biology
1749-4613 Fungal Biology Reviews
1560-2745 Fungal Diversity
1941-4757 Fungal Genetics Reports
1177-6250 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology
0016-6480 General and Comparative Endocrinology
0999-193X Genetics Selection Evolution
1474-760X Genome Biology (Online Edition)
0171-1113 Gesellschaft für Oekologie. Verhandlungen
1354-1013 Global Change Biology
1466-822X Global Ecology and Biogeography
0017-3134 Grana
0901-7593 Graphis Scripta
1070-0048 Haseltonia
0073-0912 Hattori Shokubutsu Kenkyujo Hokoku
0018-0831 Herpetologica
0268-0130 Herpetological Journal
0733-1347 Herpetological Monographs
0018-084X Herpetological Review
1727-5210 Himalayan Journal of Sciences
0891-2963 Historical Biology
1074-4827 Human Ecology Review
0018-8158 Hydrobiologia
1751-7362 I S M E Journal
0019-1019 Ibis
1042-0940 Ichnos
1341-8998 Ichthyological Research
1386-6338 In Silico Biology
0367-8318 Indian Journal of Animal Sciences
1399-560X Insect Systematics and Evolution
0020-1812 Insectes Sociaux
0761-3962 Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer. Actes de Colloques
1540-7063 Integrative and Comparative Biology
0164-7954 International Journal of Acarology
1473-5504 International Journal of Astrobiology
0020-7128 International Journal of Biometeorology
1058-5893 International Journal of Plant Sciences
1832-8679 International Journal of Sheep and Wool Science
1742-7584 International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
1434-2944 International Review of Hydrobiology
1077-8306 Invertebrate Biology
1445-5226 Invertebrate Systematics
0791-6833 Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
0021-2210 Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution
0075-1243 Israel Journal of Entomology
0792-9978 Israel Journal of Plant Sciences
1594-4077 Italian Journal of Animal Science
1125-0003 Italian Journal of Zoology
1882-3351 Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. Journal
1156-5233 Journal de Mycologie Medicale
0253-7214 Journal of Advanced Zoology
0776-7943 Journal of African Zoology
0021-8596 Journal of Agricultural Science
1230-1388 Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
0931-2668 Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics
0021-8790 Journal of Animal Ecology
0931-2439 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
0021-8812 Journal of Animal Science
0971-2119 Journal of Applied Animal Research
1088-8705 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
0021-8901 Journal of Applied Ecology
1056-6171 Journal of Applied Poultry Research
0899-7659 Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
0161-8202 Journal of Arachnology
0908-8857 Journal of Avian Biology
0305-0270 Journal of Biogeography
1751-3758 Journal of Biological Dynamics
0218-3390 Journal of Biological Systems
1478-5854 Journal of Biology
0250-5991 Journal of Biosciences
0373-6687 Journal of Bryology
0971-6777 Journal of Camel Practice and Research
1996-0867 Journal of Cell and Animal Biology
0174-1578 Journal of Comparative Physiology B
0022-0019 Journal of Conchology
0278-0372 Journal of Crustacean Biology
0022-0302 Journal of Dairy Science
0022-0477 Journal of Ecology
0022-0493 Journal of Economic Entomology
0749-8004 Journal of Entomological Science
1340-3516 Journal of Equine Science
0289-0771 Journal of Ethology
1010-061X Journal of Evolutionary Biology
0022-0949 Journal of Experimental Biology
0022-0957 Journal of Experimental Botany
1932-5223 Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (Print Edition)
0273-8570 Journal of Field Ornithology
0022-1112 Journal of Fish Biology
0270-5060 Journal of Freshwater Ecology
1345-2630 Journal of General Plant Pathology
0022-149X Journal of Helminthology
0022-1511 Journal of Herpetology
0892-7553 Journal of Insect Behavior
1366-638X Journal of Insect Conservation
1536-2442 Journal of Insect Science
0022-2011 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
1129-5767 Journal of Limnology
1064-7554 Journal of Mammalian Evolution
0022-2372 Journal of Mammalogy
1083-3021 Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia
1542-8818 Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education
0260-1230 Journal of Molluscan Studies
0022-2933 Journal of Natural History
0022-300X Journal of Nematology
0021-8375 Journal of Ornithology
0022-3395 Journal of Parasitology
0022-3646 Journal of Phycology
0931-1785 Journal of Phytopathology
1226-9239 Journal of Plant Biology
1125-4653 Journal of Plant Pathology
0176-1617 Journal of Plant Physiology
0892-1016 Journal of Raptor Research
1537-209X Journal of Swine Health and Production
0529-1526 Journal of Systematics and Evolution
1742-5689 Journal of the Royal Society. Interface
0022-5193 Journal of Theoretical Biology
0306-4565 Journal of Thermal Biology
0266-4674 Journal of Tropical Ecology
1081-1710 Journal of Vector Ecology
1100-9233 Journal of Vegetation Science
0947-5745 Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
0952-8369 Journal of Zoology
0022-8567 Kansas Entomological Society. Journal
0366-3612 Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Biologiske Skrifter
0024-2829 Lichenologist
0075-9511 Limnologica
1439-8621 Limnology
0024-3590 Limnology and Oceanography
0105-0761 Lindbergia
0370-047X Linnean Society of New South Wales. Proceedings
0024-4066 Linnean Society. Biological Journal
0024-4074 Linnean Society. Botanical Journal
0024-4082 Linnean Society. Zoological Journal
Livestock Research for Rural Development (Online Edition)
1871-1413 Livestock Science
0076-2997 Malacologia
0305-1838 Mammal Review
0025-1461 Mammalia
1616-5047 Mammalian Biology
1023-6244 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
0025-3154 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal
1745-1000 Marine Biology Research
1436-2228 Marine Biotechnology
0173-9565 Marine Ecology
0824-0469 Marine Mammal Science
1018-3337 Marine Ornithology
0025-6153 Maydica
0047-6986 Metsastaja
1751-7907 Microbial Biotechnology
0095-3628 Microbial Ecology
0026-3648 Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya
0026-6493 Missouri Botanical Garden. Annals
1435-1951 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin -Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
1055-7903 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
1590-8399 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. Bollettino. Botanica Zoologia
1280-8571 Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Adansonia
1280-9551 Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Zoosystema
0027-5514 Mycologia
1617-416X Mycological Progress
0953-7562 Mycological Research
0301-486X Mycopathologia
1340-3540 Mycoscience
0093-4666 Mycotaxon
0028-0712 Natural History
1754-2189 Nature Protocols (Print)
0028-1344 Nautilus (Sanibel)
1388-5545 Nematology
1573-5869 Nematology Monographs and Perspectives
0099-5444 Nematropica
0028-7199 New York Entomological Society. Journal
0028-8233 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
0028-825X New Zealand Journal of Botany
0110-6465 New Zealand Journal of Ecology
0301-4223 New Zealand Journal of Zoology
0021-4914 Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaishi
0011-1848 Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai Kiji
0021-5392 Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi
0107-055X Nordic Journal of Botany
0887-3593 North American Benthological Society. Journal
0310-379X North-eastern naturalist
0029-344X Northwest Science
1501-8415 Norwegian Journal of Entomology
0342-7536 Nota Lepidopterologica
0029-5035 Nova Hedwigia
0546-8191 Novenytermeles
1055-3177 Novon
0375-0183 Odonatologica
0029-8549 Oecologia
0030-1299 Oikos
1874-401X Open Fish Science Journal
1439-6092 Organisms Diversity & Evolution
0030-5316 Oriental Insects
0169-6149 Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres
0030-5685 Ornis Fennica
1502-0878 Ornis Norvegica
0030-6053 Oryx
0030-6525 Ostrich
1544-9173 P L o S Biology
0556-3321 Pakistan Journal of Botany
0031-0603 Pan-Pacific Entomologist
1252-607X Parasite
0031-5362 Periodicum Biologorum
0031-5850 Persoonia
1433-8319 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
0166-8595 Photosynthesis Research
0300-3604 Photosynthetica
0858-1088 Phuket Marine Biological Center. Research Bulletin
0031-8884 Phycologia
1322-0829 Phycological Research
0031-9317 Physiologia Plantarum
1522-2152 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
0307-6962 Physiological Entomology
0340-269X Phytocoenologia
0079-2047 Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae
0334-2123 Phytoparasitica
0031-949X Phytopathology
1435-8603 Plant Biology
1126-3504 Plant Biosystems
1479-2621 Plant Genetic Resources
1746-4811 Plant Methods
0032-0889 Plant Physiology
0168-9452 Plant Science
0913-557X Plant Species Biology
0378-2697 Plant Systematics and Evolution
0032-0935 Planta
0722-4060 Polar Biology
1505-2249 Polish Journal of Ecology
0032-3780 Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
1438-3896 Population Ecology
0032-5791 Poultry Science
0032-7786 Preslia
0032-8332 Primates
0990-0632 Productions Animales
1434-4610 Protist
0033-183X Protoplasma
0033-5770 Quarterly Review of Biology
0217-2445 Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
1005-3395 Redai Yaredai Zhiwu Xuebao
0080-0694 Regnum Vegetabile
1031-3613 Reproduction, Fertility and Development
1687-6768 Research Letters in Ecology
0034-6667 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
0034-6438 Review of Plant Pathology
1516-3598 Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
0716-078X Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
0034-7744 Revista de Biologia Tropical
0249-7395 Revue d'Ecologie: La Terre et la Vie
0035-418X Revue Suisse de Zoologie
0035-4902 Rhodora
0035-6050 Rivista di Biologia
1026-3470 Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Izvestiya. Seriya Biologicheskaya
0962-8436 Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions. Biological Sciences
0962-8452 Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Biological Sciences
1062-3590 Russian Academy of Sciences. Biology Bulletin
1062-3604 Russian Journal of Developmental Biology
1067-4136 Russian Journal of Ecology
0869-6918 Russian Journal of Nematology
1021-4437 Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
1006-9305 Science in China. Series C: Life Sciences
1537-744X Scientific World Journal
0105-2403 Scientifur
0934-0882 Sexual Plant Reproduction
0921-4488 Small Ruminant Research
0037-9271 Societe Entomologique de France. Annales
0037-962X Societe Zoologique de France. Bulletin
0361-6525 Sociobiology
0800-6865 Sommerfeltia
0375-1589 South African Journal of Animal Science
0254-6299 South African Journal of Botany
0147-1724 Southwestern Entomologist
0341-8391 Spixiana
0945-3954 Studia Dipterologica
0166-0616 Studies in Mycology
0039-646X Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift
0082-0598 Sydowia
0082-0644 Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses
0802-8966 Synopsis fungorum
1063-5157 Systematic Biology
0363-6445 Systematic Botany
1477-2000 Systematics and Biodiversity
0040-0262 Taxon
0040-7496 Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
1610-2096 Topics in Current Genetics
1095-5674 Torrey Botanical Society. Journal
0169-5347 Trends in Ecology & Evolution
0935-5626 Tropical Bryology
0394-6975 Tropical Zoology
0882-5165 U S D A Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station. Research Paper P N W
0042-3211 Veliger
0240-8759 Vie et Milieu
1524-4695 Waterbirds
1399-1183 Web Ecology
0001-6209 Weishengwu Xuebao
0856-860X Western Indian Ocean journal of marine science
0511-9618 Willdenowia
1559-4491 Wilson Journal of Ornithology
1336-4561 Wood Research
1014-6954 World Animal Review (Multilingual Edition)
1257-5011 World Rabbit Science
0043-9339 World's Poultry Science Journal
0577-7496 Zhiwu Xuebao
0044-4596 Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii
0733-3188 Zoo Biology
0300-3256 Zoologica Scripta
0289-0003 Zoological Science
1021-5506 Zoological Studies
0044-5134 Zoologicheskii Zhurnal
0044-5231 Zoologischer Anzeiger
0944-2006 Zoology
0720-213X Zoomorphology
1175-5326 Zootaxa
0798-7269 Zootecnia Tropical
0044-5401 Zuechtungskunde