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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/31

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Journal ISSN
0097-6156 A C S Symposium Series
1551-7004 A R K I V O C
1631-0748 Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Chimie
0001-4842 Accounts of Chemical Research
1318-0207 Acta Chimica Slovenica
1233-2356 Acta Chromatographicae
0108-7673 Acta Crystallographica. Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
0108-7681 Acta Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science
0108-2701 Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications
0907-4449 Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography
1600-5368 Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online
1744-3091 Acta Crystallographica. Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Online
0151-9093 Actualite Chimique
0065-2415 Advances in Chromatography
0065-2725 Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry
0898-8838 Advances in Inorganic Chemistry
0065-3160 Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry
0065-3195 Advances in Polymer Science
0065-3276 Advances in Quantum Chemistry
0002-7812 American Ceramic Society. Bulletin
0002-7863 American Chemical Society. Journal
0044-7749 American Laboratory
1044-0305 American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Journal
0003-2670 Analytica Chimica Acta
1618-2642 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
0003-2700 Analytical Chemistry
0003-2719 Analytical Letters
0910-6340 Analytical Sciences
0044-8249 Angewandte Chemie
1433-7851 Angewandte Chemie (International Edition)
0066-4103 Annual Reports on N M R Spectroscopy
0066-426X Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
0937-9347 Applied Magnetic Resonance
0268-2605 Applied Organometallic Chemistry
0570-4928 Applied Spectroscopy Reviews
0971-9822 Asian Chemistry Letters
0970-7077 Asian Journal of Chemistry
0971-9237 Asian Journal of Spectroscopy
0365-0375 Asociacion Quimica Argentina. Anales
0195-5373 Atomic Spectroscopy
0004-9425 Australian Journal of Chemistry
1860-5397 Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
1043-1802 Bioconjugate Chemistry
1525-7797 Biomacromolecules
0968-0896 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
0960-894X Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
0045-2068 Bioorganic Chemistry
0132-3423 Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya
0301-4622 Biophysical Chemistry
0103-5053 Brazilian Chemical Society. Journal
0256-1654 Bulletin of Electrochemistry
0525-1931 Bunseki Kagaku
1611-9479 Bunsenmagazin
1205-6685 Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy
0008-4042 Canadian Journal of Chemistry
1439-4227 ChemBioChem
0009-2223 Chemia Analityczna
1359-7345 Chemical Communications
1523-1623 Chemical Journal on Internet
0366-6352 Chemical Papers
0301-0104 Chemical Physics
1527-8999 Chemical Record
1005-9040 Chemical Research in Chinese Universities
0009-2665 Chemical Reviews
1011-3924 Chemical Society of Ethiopia. Bulletin
0009-2673 Chemical Society of Japan. Bulletin
0253-5106 Chemical Society of Pakistan. Journal
0306-0012 Chemical Society Reviews
0009-2770 Chemicke Listy
0009-2851 Chemie in Unserer Zeit
1861-4728 Chemistry -An Asian Journal
1612-1872 Chemistry & Biodiversity
0366-7022 Chemistry Letters
0009-3122 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, 1965)
0897-4756 Chemistry of Materials
0947-6539 Chemistry: A European Journal
1860-7179 ChemMedChem
1439-4235 ChemPhysChem
0009-2703 Chemtech
0717-9324 Chilean Chemical Society. Journal
0009-4293 Chimia
0392-839X Chimica Oggi
1001-8417 Chinese Chemical Letters
0009-4536 Chinese Chemical Society. Journal
1003-7713 Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics
1001-604X Chinese Journal of Chemistry
0256-7679 Chinese Journal of Polymer Science
0009-5893 Chromatographia
0010-0765 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
0303-402X Colloid and Polymer Science
1464-3383 Combinatorial Chemistry
1386-2073 Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
0260-3594 Comments on Inorganic Chemistry
1040-8347 Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
0011-1643 Croatica Chemica Acta
1528-7483 Crystal Growth & Design
0232-1300 Crystal Research and Technology
1063-7745 Crystallography Reports
0889-311X Crystallography Reviews
1466-8033 CrystEngComm
1573-4110 Current Analytical Chemistry
0929-8673 Current Medicinal Chemistry
1359-0294 Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
1385-2728 Current Organic Chemistry
1568-0266 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
1477-9226 Dalton Transactions (Print Edition)
1385-772X Designed Monomers and Polymers
0012-5008 Doklady Chemistry
0012-5016 Doklady Physical Chemistry
1938-5862 E C S Transactions
0100-4670 Ecletica Quimica
1040-0397 Electroanalysis
0070-9778 Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances
0013-4651 Electrochemical Society. Journal
1344-3542 Electrochemistry
1388-2481 Electrochemistry Communications
0013-4686 Electrochimica Acta
1610-3653 Environmental Chemistry Letters
1618-7229 e-Polymers
1753-3546 European Journal of Glass Science and Technology. Part A. Glass Technology
1434-1948 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
1469-0667 European Journal of Mass Spectrometry
1434-193X European Journal of Organic Chemistry
1359-6640 Faraday Discussions
0253-3820 Fenxi Huaxue
1386-4238 Foundations of Chemistry
0251-0790 Gaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao
1000-3304 Gaofenzi Xuebao
0282-0080 Glycoconjugate Journal
1463-9262 Green Chemistry
0162-5519 Hadronic Journal
0018-019X Helvetica Chimica Acta
1042-7163 Heteroatom Chemistry
0385-5414 Heterocycles
0793-0283 Heterocyclic Communications
0018-1439 High Energy Chemistry
0954-0083 High Performance Polymers
1005-281X Huaxue Jinzhan
0567-7351 Huaxue Xuebao
1433-5158 Hyle
0019-4522 Indian Chemical Society. Journal
0376-4710 Indian Journal of Chemistry. Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry
0376-4699 Indian Journal of Chemistry. Section B: Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
0971-1627 Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
0020-1669 Inorganic Chemistry
1387-7003 Inorganic Chemistry Communications
1028-6624 Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms
0073-8077 Inorganic Syntheses Series
0020-1693 Inorganica Chimica Acta
1073-9149 Instrumentation Science & Technology
1556-5890 International Conference on Miniaterized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (proceedings)
1435-6163 International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry
0538-8066 International Journal of Chemical Kinetics
1387-3806 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
1422-0067 International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Online)
1023-666X International Journal of Polymer Analysis & Characterization
0020-7608 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
0144-235X International Reviews in Physical Chemistry
1026-1265 Iranian Polymer Journal
0021-2148 Israel Journal of Chemistry
0254-5861 Jiegou Huaxue
1203-8407 Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies
0165-2370 Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
1061-9348 Journal of Analytical Chemistry
0021-8898 Journal of Applied Crystallography
0021-891X Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
1463-9246 Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry
0949-8257 Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
1613-9615 Journal of Business Chemistry
0732-8303 Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
1074-1542 Journal of Chemical Crystallography
0021-9606 Journal of Chemical Physics
1747-5198 Journal of Chemical Research (Print Edition)
1549-9618 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
0021-9665 Journal of Chromatographic Science
1040-7278 Journal of Cluster Science
0021-9797 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
1520-4766 Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
0192-8651 Journal of Computational Chemistry
1347-1767 Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan
0095-8972 Journal of Coordination Chemistry
0022-0248 Journal of Crystal Growth
1773-2247 Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
1572-6657 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
1385-3449 Journal of Electroceramics
0368-2048 Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
0022-1139 Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
0022-152X Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
1388-3127 Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
1574-1443 Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
0162-0134 Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
1060-1325 Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A -Pure and Applied Chemistry
0022-2348 Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part B -Physics
1090-7807 Journal of Magnetic Resonance
1381-1169 Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
1381-1177 Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
1093-3263 Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
1610-2940 Journal of Molecular Modeling
0022-2852 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
0022-2860 Journal of Molecular Structure
0166-1280 Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
0163-3864 Journal of Natural Products
0022-3263 Journal of Organic Chemistry
0022-328X Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
1010-6030 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry
0914-9244 Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology
0047-2689 Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
1089-5639 Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory
1520-6106 Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical
1932-7447 Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces
0894-3230 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
0022-3697 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
0933-4173 Journal of Planar Chromatography Modern TLC
0334-6447 Journal of Polymer Engineering
0970-0838 Journal of Polymer Materials
1022-9760 Journal of Polymer Research
0887-624X Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry
0887-6266 Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics
1088-4246 Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
0022-4073 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer
0236-5731 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
0377-0486 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
0022-4596 Journal of Solid State Chemistry
1432-8488 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
0095-9782 Journal of Solution Chemistry
0022-4766 Journal of Structural Chemistry
1741-5993 Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
1472-7862 Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry
0219-6336 Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
1388-6150 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
0861-9255 Khimiya
0132-6244 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii
0023-1150 Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii
0386-2186 Kobunshi Ronbunshu
0253-2964 Korean Chemical Society. Bulletin
1471-6577 L C G C Europe
1527-5949 L C G C North America
1616-9530 Landolt-Börnstein -Group II Molecules and Radicals
1616-9557 Landolt-Börnstein -Group IV Physical Chemistry
0278-6273 Laser Chemistry
1570-1786 Letters in Organic Chemistry
0267-8292 Liquid Crystals
1022-1352 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
1022-1336 Macromolecular Rapid Communications
1598-5032 Macromolecular Research
1022-1360 Macromolecular Symposia
1022-1344 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
0024-9297 Macromolecules
0749-1581 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
1418-9933 Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat, Kemiai Kozlemenyek
1024-1221 Main Group Chemistry
0792-1241 Main Group Metal Chemistry
0277-7037 Mass Spectrometry Reviews
0254-0584 Materials Chemistry and Physics
1573-4064 Medicinal Chemistry
0959-9436 Mendeleev Communications
0161-5149 Metal Ions in Biological Systems
0026-265X Microchemical Journal
0026-3672 Microchimica Acta
1542-1406 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals
1381-1991 Molecular Diversity
1420-3049 Molecules
0026-9247 Monatshefte fuer Chemie
0579-9384 Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 2: Khimiya
1934-578X Natural Product Communications
1755-4330 Nature Chemistry
1748-3387 Nature Nanotechnology
1144-0546 New Journal of Chemistry
1874-7698 Open Magnetic Resonance Journal
1874-1045 Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal
1874-0952 Open Organic Chemistry Journal
1874-3838 Open Spectroscopy Journal
0030-400X Optics and Spectroscopy
1477-0520 Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
1523-7060 Organic Letters
0030-4948 Organic Preparations and Procedures International
0078-6209 Organic Syntheses
1047-773X Organic Synthesis
0276-7333 Organometallics
0209-4541 Oxidation Communications
1042-6507 Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements
1463-9076 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
0031-9104 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids
0032-2725 Polimery
0137-5083 Polish Journal of Chemistry
1040-6638 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
0277-5387 Polyhedron
0170-0839 Polymer Bulletin
0959-8103 Polymer International
0032-3896 Polymer Journal
1558-3724 Polymer Reviews (Print Edition)
1560-0904 Polymer Science. Series B
0360-2559 Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering
1042-7147 Polymers for Advanced Technologies
0379-153X Porrime
0370-0089 Proceedings -Chemical Sciences
0253-4134 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of sciences. Chemical sciences
0079-6379 Progress in Inorganic Chemistry
0079-6565 Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
0079-6700 Progress in Polymer Science
1468-6783 Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism
0079-6786 Progress in Solid State Chemistry
0079-6816 Progress in Surface Science
0033-4545 Pure and Applied Chemistry
1611-020X Q S A R & Combinatorial Science
0100-4042 Quimica Nova
1066-3622 Radiochemistry
0033-8230 Radiochimica Acta
0951-4198 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
1575-3417 Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica. Anales
1687-6865 Research Letters in Organic Chemistry
0922-6168 Research on Chemical Intermediates
0048-752X Reviews in Analytical Chemistry
1069-3599 Reviews in Computational Chemistry
0193-4929 Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry
0915-6151 Reviews on Heteroatom Chemistry
0035-3930 Revue Roumaine de Chimie
0260-6291 Royal Society of Chemistry. Special Publications
0035-9475 Rubber Chemistry and Technology
1061-933X Russian Academy of Sciences. Colloid Journal
1066-5285 Russian Chemical Bulletin
1068-1620 Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
1070-3284 Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry
1023-1935 Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
1070-3632 Russian Journal of General Chemistry
0036-0236 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
1070-4280 Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry
0036-0244 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry
1006-9291 Science in China. Series B: Chemistry
0925-4005 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
0167-2738 Solid State Ionics
0926-2040 Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
1293-2558 Solid State Sciences
0736-6299 Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange
0379-4350 South African Journal of Chemistry
1386-1425 Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
0584-8547 Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
0712-4813 Spectroscopy
0887-6703 Spectroscopy
0038-7010 Spectroscopy Letters
1040-0400 Structural Chemistry
0081-5993 Structure and Bonding
0167-2991 Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
1061-0278 Supramolecular Chemistry
0142-2421 Surface and Interface Analysis
0936-5214 Synlett
0039-7881 Synthesis
1553-3174 Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry
0039-7911 Synthetic Communications
0497-2627 Teoreticheskaya i Eksperimental'naya Khimiya
0040-4020 Tetrahedron
0040-4039 Tetrahedron Letters
0957-4166 Tetrahedron: Asymmetry
0212-5919 Thalassas
0040-5760 Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry
1432-881X Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
0040-6031 Thermochimica Acta
0340-1022 Topics in Current Chemistry
1436-6002 Topics in Organometallic Chemistry
0082-500X Topics in Stereochemistry
0340-4285 Transition Metal Chemistry
1350-4177 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
0042-1308 Uspekhi Khimii
0924-2031 Vibrational Spectroscopy
1023-3091 Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya. Seriya A i Seriya B
1000-324X Wuji Cailiao Xuebao
1001-4861 Wuji Huaxue Xuebao
1000-6818 Wuli Huaxue Xuebao
0049-8246 X-Ray Spectrometry
0253-2786 Youji Huaxue
0037-9980 Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi
0044-2313 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
0044-2968 Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie
1433-7266 Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie -New Crystal Structures
0932-0784 Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section A: A Journal of Physical Sciences
0932-0776 Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences
0044-457X Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii
0514-7492 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii