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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/29

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Fysik og Astronomi

! Journal ISSN
0094-243X A I P Conference Proceedings Series
1631-0705 Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Physique
1063-7710 Acoustical Physics
0094-5765 Acta Astronautica
0001-5237 Acta Astronomica
0587-4246 Acta Physica Polonica. Series A: General Physics, Physics of Condensed Matter, Optics and Quantum Electronics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Applied Physics
0587-4254 Acta Physica Polonica. Series B: Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, Theory of Relativity, Field Theory
0323-0465 Acta Physica Slovaca
1313-1311 Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics
1049-250X Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
0065-2385 Advances in Chemical Physics
0001-8732 Advances in Physics
1438-4329 Advances in Solid State Physics
0065-2970 Advances in the Physics of Particles and Nuclei
0002-9505 American Journal of Physics
0003-3804 Annalen der Physik
0003-4169 Annales de Physique
0306-4549 Annals of Nuclear Energy
0003-4916 Annals of Physics
0066-4146 Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
0163-8998 Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
0843-6061 Apeiron (Montreal)
0946-2171 Applied Physics B
1882-0778 Applied Physics Express
0003-6951 Applied Physics Letters
0969-8043 Applied Radiation and Isotopes
1055-6796 Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions
0004-6256 Astronomical Journal
0004-6337 Astronomische Nachrichten
0004-6361 Astronomy & Astrophysics
1366-8781 Astronomy & Geophysics
0935-4956 Astronomy and Astrophysics Review
1063-7737 Astronomy Letters
1063-7729 Astronomy Reports
0927-6505 Astroparticle Physics
0004-637X Astrophysical Journal
0067-0049 Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
0571-7256 Astrophysics
0004-640X Astrophysics and Space Science
0092-640X Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
1063-4258 Atomic Energy
1347-2879 Atomos
1392-0049 Baltic Astronomy
0103-9733 Brazilian Journal of Physics
0007-084X British Interplanetary Society Journal
0250-4707 Bulletin of Materials Science
0007-8328 C E R N Reports
0008-4204 Canadian Journal of Physics
0923-2958 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
1644-3608 Central European Journal of Physics
0009-2614 Chemical Physics Letters
0275-1062 Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics
0577-9073 Chinese Journal of Physics
1674-1056 Chinese Physics B
1674-1137 Chinese Physics C
0256-307X Chinese Physics Letters
0264-9381 Classical and Quantum Gravity
1021-2043 Communications in Asteroseismology
0253-6102 Communications in Theoretical Physics
0010-4655 Computer Physics Communications
1546-6086 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part A
1607-324X Condensed Matter Physics
0010-7514 Contemporary Physics
0863-1042 Contributions to Plasma Physics
0010-9525 Cosmic Research
1567-1739 Current Applied Physics
1028-3358 Doklady Physics
0167-9295 Earth, Moon, and Planets
0143-0807 European Journal of Physics
1286-0042 European Physical Journal -Applied Physics
1434-6001 European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei
1434-6044 European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
1434-6060 European Physical Journal D. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics
1292-8941 European Physical Journal E. Soft Matter
1951-6355 European Physical Journal. Special Topics
1930-8876 European Solid State Device Research Conference. Proceedings
0295-5075 Europhysics Letters
0922-6435 Experimental Astronomy
0731-5171 Ferroelectrics Letters Section
0177-7963 Few-Body Systems
1330-0008 Fizika A
1330-0016 Fizika B
0182-4295 Fondation Louis de Broglie. Annales
0015-8208 Fortschritte der Physik
0015-9018 Foundations of Physics
0920-3796 Fusion Engineering and Design
1536-1055 Fusion Science and Technology
0254-3052 Gaoneng Wuli yu He Wuli
0001-7701 General Relativity and Gravitation
0018-0238 Helvetica Physica Acta
1424-2729 High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine
0895-7959 High Pressure Research
0018-151X High Temperature
0924-8099 Houches Summer School Proceedings
0304-3843 Hyperfine Interactions
0093-3813 I E E E Transactions on Plasma Science
0019-1035 Icarus
0099-4480 Illuminating Engineering Society. Journal
0973-1458 Indian Journal of Physics
0019-5596 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics
0367-8393 Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics
0374-0676 Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
0951-3248 Institute of Physics Conference Series
0074-1809 International Astronomical Union. Proceedings of Symposia
1027-5851 International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration
0217-751X International Journal of Modern Physics A
0217-9792 International Journal of Modern Physics B
0129-1831 International Journal of Modern Physics C: Physics and Computers
0218-2718 International Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology
0218-3013 International Journal of Modern Physics E
0020-7748 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
1362-671X Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy
0947-7047 Ionics
0021-3411 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Fizika
0021-3640 J E T P Letters
1155-4304 Journal de Physique I
1479-4810 Journal of Advances in Chemical Physics
0021-8979 Journal of Applied Physics
0250-6335 Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
1864-063X Journal of Biophotonics
0021-9991 Journal of Computational Physics
1475-7516 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
1063-7761 Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
0164-0313 Journal of Fusion Energy
1029-8479 Journal of High Energy Physics (Online)
1748-0221 Journal of Instrumentation
0022-2291 Journal of Low Temperature Physics
0022-2313 Journal of Luminescence
1934-2608 Journal of Nanophotonics
1402-9251 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
0022-3131 Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
1027-4642 Journal of Physical Studies
0953-4075 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
0022-3727 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
0954-3899 Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
0953-8984 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
1742-6596 Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online)
0022-3778 Journal of Plasma Physics
0909-0495 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
0740-3232 Journal of the Optical Society of America A
0895-3996 Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
0932-3902 Kerntechnik
0374-4884 Korean Physical Society. Journal
1616-9522 Landolt-Börnstein -Group I Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms
1616-9549 Landolt-Börnstein -Group III Condensed Matter
1616-9573 Landolt-Börnstein -Group VI Astronomy and Astrophysics
1863-8880 Laser & Photonics Reviews
0263-0346 Laser and Particle Beams
1043-8092 Laser Focus World
1054-660X Laser Physics
1612-2011 Laser Physics Letters
1616-6361 Lecture Notes in Physics. Monographs
1433-8351 Living Reviews in Relativity
1063-777X Low Temperature Physics
0094-2405 Medical Physics
0026-1394 Metrologia
0217-7323 Modern Physics Letters A
0217-9849 Modern Physics Letters B
1556-7265 Nanoscale & Microscale Thermophysical Engineering (Print)
1749-4885 Nature Photonics
1745-2473 Nature Physics
1384-1076 New Astronomy
1387-6473 New Astronomy Reviews
1367-2630 New Journal of Physics
1543-0537 Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics
0090-3752 Nuclear Data Sheets
0029-5493 Nuclear Engineering and Design
0029-5507 Nuclear Engineering International
0029-5515 Nuclear Fusion
1745-2058 Nuclear Future
0168-9002 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment
0168-583X Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
0375-9474 Nuclear Physics, Section A
0550-3213 Nuclear Physics, Section B
0920-5632 Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements
0029-5639 Nuclear Science and Engineering
0029-5450 Nuclear Technology
0029-5922 Nukleonika
0392-6737 Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. D Condensed matter, atomic, molecular and chemical physics, biophysics (Testo stampato)
0029-7704 Observatory
1094-4087 Optics Express
0030-4026 Optik
0141-1594 Phase Transitions
0378-4371 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
0921-4526 Physica B: Condensed Matter
0921-4534 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
0167-2789 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
0031-8949 Physica Scripta
0281-1847 Physica Scripta. Topical Issues
1862-6319 Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials Science (Online)
0370-1972 Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research
1862-6351 Physica Status Solidi. C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics
0893-388X Physical Acoustics
1029-9599 Physical Mesomechanics
0094-0003 Physical Review -Index
1050-2947 Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)
0163-1829 Physical Review B Condensed Matter
0556-2813 Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics)
1550-7998 Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology)
1539-3755 Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics)
1098-4402 Physical Review Special Topics Accelerators and Beams
0031-9015 Physical Society of Japan. Journal
1063-7869 Physics -Uspekhi
0836-1398 Physics Essays
1422-6944 Physics in Perspective
0375-9601 Physics Letters. Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
0370-2693 Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
1063-7788 Physics of Atomic Nuclei
0204-3467 Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures
1063-7796 Physics of Particles and Nuclei
1070-664X Physics of Plasmas
1063-7834 Physics of the Solid State
0370-1573 Physics Reports
0031-9228 Physics Today
0953-8585 Physics World
1617-9439 Physik Journal (Print)
0032-0633 Planetary and Space Science
1051-9998 Plasma Devices and Operations
0741-3335 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
1063-780X Plasma Physics Reports
0963-0252 Plasma Sources Science and Technology
0304-4289 Pramana
0149-1970 Progress in Nuclear Energy
0146-6410 Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
1062-7995 Progress in Photovoltaics
0033-068X Progress of Theoretical Physics
0375-9687 Progress of Theoretical Physics. Supplement
0004-6264 Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan
0004-6280 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
1042-0150 Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
1350-4487 Radiation Measurements
0969-806X Radiation Physics and Chemistry
0033-8443 Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics
0034-4885 Reports on Progress in Physics
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
0034-6748 Review of Scientific Instruments
0034-6861 Reviews of Modern Physics
0210-3680 Revista de Acustica
0185-1101 Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica
0035-001X Revista Mexicana de Fisica
1221-146X Romanian Journal of Physics
1026-3489 Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Izvestiya. Seriya Fizicheskaya
0035-8711 Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices
1061-9208 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
1064-8887 Russian Physics Journal
Science in China. Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy
1063-7826 Semiconductors
1546-198X Sensor Letters
1613-6810 Small
1594-9982 Societa Italiana di Fisica. Nuovo Cimento B. General Physics, Relativity, Astronomy, and Mathematical Physics and Methods
0393-697X Societa Italiana di Fisica. Rivista del Nuovo Cimento
0038-0938 Solar Physics
0038-0946 Solar System Research
0038-1098 Solid State Communications
1012-0394 Solid State Phenomena
0081-1947 Solid State Physics
0038-6308 Space Science Reviews
0081-3869 Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
0218-625X Surface Review and Letters
0894-0886 Synchrotron Radiation News
0040-5779 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
0303-4216 Topics in Applied Physics
0042-1294 Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk
1000-3290 Wuli Xuebao
1687-7632 X-Ray Optics and Instrumentation
0942-9352 Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie
1673-1581 Zhejiang University. Journal (Science B)