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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/26

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! Journal ISSN
1065-8025 A D H D Report
0001-6918 Acta Psychologica
0192-4788 Activities, Adaptation & Aging
1059-7123 Adaptive Behavior
0306-4603 Addictive Behaviors
1531-5754 Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment
0001-8449 Adolescence
0308-5759 Adoption and Fostering
1092-6755 Adoption Quarterly
0065-2407 Advances in Child Development and Behavior
1381-589X Advances in Consciousness Research
0065-2601 Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
0065-3454 Advances in the Study of Behavior
1359-1789 Aggression and Violent Behavior
0096-140X Aggressive Behavior
0735-0414 Alcohol and Alcoholism
0002-9157 American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
0091-0562 American Journal of Community Psychology
0095-2990 American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
0192-6187 American Journal of Family Therapy
0002-9556 American Journal of Psychology
0002-9564 American Journal of Psychotherapy
1055-0496 American Journal on Addictions
0003-0651 American Psychoanalytic Association. Journal
0003-066X American Psychologist
0003-1070 American Society for Psychical Research. Journal
0301-3006 Analytische Psychologie
0883-6612 Annals of Behavioral Medicine
0003-5033 Annee Psychologique
1746-739X Annual Review of Critical Psychology (Online)
0066-4308 Annual Review of Psychology
1061-5806 Anxiety, Stress and Coping
0962-1849 Applied and Preventive Psychology
0888-4080 Applied Cognitive Psychology
1088-8691 Applied Developmental Science
0146-6216 Applied Psychological Measurement
0269-994X Applied Psychology
1090-0586 Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
0887-6177 Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
0004-0002 Archives of Sexual Behavior
0197-4556 Arts in Psychotherapy
1367-2223 Asian Journal of Social Psychology
1073-1911 Assessment
1461-6734 Attachment and Human Development
1047-0387 Attention and Performance
1943-3921 Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
0814-723X Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
1446-5442 Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
0004-9530 Australian Journal of Psychology
0005-0067 Australian Psychologist
1362-3613 Autism
1939-3792 Autism Research
0197-3533 Basic and Applied Social Psychology
0738-6729 Behavior Analyst
1053-8348 Behavior and Philosophy
0001-8244 Behavior Genetics
0145-4455 Behavior Modification
1554-351X Behavior Research Methods
0005-7894 Behavior Therapy
0198-7429 Behavioral Disorders
1072-0847 Behavioral Interventions
0896-4289 Behavioral Medicine
0735-7044 Behavioral Neuroscience
0005-7959 Behaviour
0813-4839 Behaviour Change
0005-7967 Behaviour Research and Therapy
1352-4658 Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
0166-4328 Behavioural Brain Research
0376-6357 Behavioural Processes
0301-0511 Biological Psychology
1740-1445 Body Image
0278-2626 Brain and Cognition
0093-934X Brain and Language
0144-6657 British Journal of Clinical Psychology
0261-510X British Journal of Developmental Psychology
0007-0998 British Journal of Educational Psychology
0007-1102 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
0007-1269 British Journal of Psychology
0144-6665 British Journal of Social Psychology
0249-9185 Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive
0008-400X Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
0713-3936 Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health (Online)
0828-3893 Canadian Journal of Counselling
1196-1961 Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
1188-4517 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
0834-1516 Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
0829-5735 Canadian Journal of School Psychology
0708-5591 Canadian Psychology
0885-7288 Career Development for Exceptional Individuals
0731-7107 Child & Family Behavior Therapy
0009-3920 Child Development
1750-8592 Child Development Perspectives
0009-398X Child Psychiatry and Human Development
0305-1862 Child: Care, Health and Development
1096-4037 Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
1328-4207 Clinical Psychologist
0969-5893 Clinical Psychology
1063-3995 Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
0272-7358 Clinical Psychology Review
0010-0277 Cognition
0269-9931 Cognition and Emotion
1077-7229 Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
1650-6073 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
0885-2014 Cognitive Development
0264-3294 Cognitive Neuropsychology
0010-0285 Cognitive Psychology
0364-0213 Cognitive Science
1389-0417 Cognitive Systems Research (Online)
0147-5916 Cognitive Therapy and Research
1530-7026 Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
1525-7401 Communication Disorders Quarterly
0010-3853 Community Mental Health Journal
1566-5836 Consciousness & Emotion Book Series
1053-8100 Consciousness and Cognition
1520-2984 Constructivism in the Human Sciences
1065-9293 Consulting Psychology Journal
0091-4509 Contemporary Drug Problems
0892-2764 Contemporary Family Therapy
0960-5290 Contemporary Hypnosis
0010-7530 Contemporary Psychoanalysis
0160-7960 Counseling and Values
0011-0000 Counseling Psychologist
1473-3145 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research
0951-5070 Counselling Psychology Quarterly
0093-8548 Criminal Justice & Behavior
1099-9809 Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
1816-5435 Cultural-Historical Psychology
0963-7214 Current Directions in Psychological Science
1046-1310 Current Psychology (New York)
1379-6100 Current Psychology Letters (Online)
1088-7423 Current Research in Social Psychology
1094-9313 CyberPsychology & Behavior
0748-1187 Death Studies
1091-4269 Depression and Anxiety (Hoboken)
0954-5794 Development and Psychopathology
1184-0412 Developmental Disabilities Bulletin
8756-5641 Developmental Neuropsychology
0012-1649 Developmental Psychology
0273-2297 Developmental Review
1363-755X Developmental Science
0163-9625 Deviant Behavior
0012-1924 Diagnostica
1464-5165 Disability and rehabilitation
0801-0536 Diskriminanten
1053-0797 Dreaming
0959-5236 Drug and Alcohol Review
0968-7637 Drugs
0167-238X Dth
1832-7931 E -Journal of Applied Psychology
1124-4909 Eating and Weight Disorders
1040-7413 Ecological Psychology
0266-7363 Educational Psychology in Practice
1040-726X Educational Psychology Review
1528-3542 Emotion
1363-2752 Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
0013-9165 Environment and Behavior
1875-9343 Ergonomics Open Journal
1559-4343 Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry
1050-8422 Ethics & Behavior
1022-6877 European Addiction Research
1502-1149 European Journal of Behavior Analysis
1351-1297 European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
0954-1446 European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
1740-5629 European Journal of Developmental Psychology
1863-3811 European Journal of Developmental Science
0890-2070 European Journal of Personality
1015-5759 European Journal of Psychological Assessment
1364-2537 European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health
0046-2772 European Journal of Social Psychology
1016-9040 European Psychologist
1046-3283 European Review of Social Psychology (Print Edition)
1841-0413 Europe's Journal of Psychology
0193-841X Evaluation Review
1090-5138 Evolution and Human Behavior
1474-7049 Evolutionary Psychology
0936-2835 Exceptionality
1752-5616 Existential Analysis
0361-073X Experimental Aging Research
1618-3169 Experimental Psychology
0014-7370 Family Process
1537-6680 Fathering
1088-3576 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
0015-511X Focus on Exceptional Children
0332-5415 Fokus paa Familien
1084-5569 Forensic Examiner
0178-7667 Forum der Psychoanalyse
0267-0887 Free Associations
1117-7322 Gender & Behaviour
1084-8657 Gestalt Review
0170-057X Gestalt Theory
0362-4021 Group (New York)
0533-3164 Group Analysis
1089-2699 Group Dynamics
1368-4302 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
1618-7849 Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung
0017-4947 Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik
0278-6133 Health Psychology
1743-7199 Health Psychology Review
1790-1391 Hellenic Journal of Psychology
0739-9863 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
1093-4510 History of Psychology
0018-716X Human Development
0018-7208 Human Factors
1045-6767 Human Nature
0895-9285 Human Performance
1529-5168 Human Performance in Extreme Environments
0887-3267 Humanistic Psychologist
0933-1719 Humor
1117-1421 I F E PsychologIA
1528-3488 Identity (Philadelphia)
1748-8621 Identity, Self & Symbolism
1054-1373 Illness, Crisis, and Loss
0276-2366 Imagination, Cognition and Personality
1525-0008 Infancy
1522-7227 Infant and Child Development
0163-6383 Infant Behavior and Development
0163-9641 Infant Mental Health Journal
0896-3746 Infants and Young Children
1932-4502 Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science
1934-9491 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
0160-2896 Intelligence (Kidlington)
1572-0373 Interaction Studies
0034-9690 Interamerican Journal of Psychology
1545-7516 International Gestalt Journal
1556-1720 International Journal for Dialogical Science
0165-0653 International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
0267-3843 International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
0091-4150 International Journal of Aging & Human Development
1742-3341 International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
1050-8414 International Journal of Aviation Psychology
0165-0254 International Journal of Behavioral Development
0020-7144 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
0889-3667 International Journal of Comparative Psychology
0020-7187 International Journal of Early Childhood
0276-3478 International Journal of Eating Disorders
0020-7284 International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
0020-7411 International Journal of Mental Health
1557-1874 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
1462-3730 International Journal of Mental Health Promotion
0306-624X International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
0164-0291 International Journal of Primatology
0020-7578 International Journal of Psychoanalysis
1555-1024 International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology
0020-7594 International Journal of Psychology
0167-8760 International Journal of Psychophysiology
1099-7717 International Journal of Reality Therapy
1931-7611 International Journal of Sexual Health (Print Edition)
0884-724X International Journal of Short-Term Psychotherapy
1072-5245 International Journal of Stress Management
1530-5058 International Journal of Testing
1833-2390 International Journal of Transitions in Childhood
1740-8938 International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
1355-6177 International Neuropsychological Society. Journal
1940-8447 International Review of Qualitative Research
0074-7750 International Review of Research in Mental Retardation
1530-1311 International Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning. Proceedings
0790-9667 Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine
0303-3910 Irish Journal of Psychology
1468-4748 Issues in Forensic Psychology
1075-0754 Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology
0274-838X J E M
0021-5368 Japanese Psychological Research
1155-1704 Journal de Therapie Comportamentale et Cognitive
0193-3922 Journal for Specialists in Group Work
0942-2285 Journal fuer Psychologie
0091-0627 Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
0021-843X Journal of Abnormal Psychology
1055-0887 Journal of Addictive Diseases
0140-1971 Journal of Adolescence
0743-5584 Journal of Adolescent Research
0165-0327 Journal of Affective Disorders
0090-1482 Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education
0021-8774 Journal of Analytical Psychology
1902-4649 Journal of Anthropological Psychology
0021-8855 Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
0021-8863 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
0193-3973 Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
0021-9010 Journal of Applied Psychology
1360-2322 Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
0021-9029 Journal of Applied Social Psychology
1539-8714 Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis
1087-0547 Journal of Attention Disorders
0162-3257 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
0894-3257 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
0160-7715 Journal of Behavioral Medicine
1529-9716 Journal of Bisexuality
0095-7984 Journal of Black Psychology
1069-0727 Journal of Career Assessment
0894-8453 Journal of Career Development
1067-828X Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse
1728-0583 Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
0021-9630 Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry
0075-417X Journal of Child Psychotherapy
0176-4268 Journal of Classification
1537-4416 Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
0021-9762 Journal of Clinical Psychology
1068-9583 Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
1567-7095 Journal of Cognition and Culture
1524-8372 Journal of Cognition and Development
1945-8959 Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology
8756-8225 Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
1052-9284 Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
0090-4392 Journal of Community Psychology
0735-7036 Journal of Comparative Psychology
1072-0537 Journal of Constructivist Psychology
0022-006X Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
1057-7408 Journal of Consumer Psychology
0022-0116 Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
0022-0167 Journal of Counseling Psychology
1533-2691 Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy
0022-0175 Journal of Creative Behavior
0022-0221 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
0196-206X Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
0022-0426 Journal of Drug Issues
0272-4316 Journal of Early Adolescence
1053-8151 Journal of Early Intervention
1047-4412 Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation
0022-0663 Journal of Educational Psychology
1092-6798 Journal of Emotional Abuse
1063-4266 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
0022-0787 Journal of Employment Counseling
0272-4944 Journal of Environmental Psychology
0737-4828 Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
0022-0965 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
0022-0973 Journal of Experimental Education
0097-7403 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
1076-898X Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
0096-3445 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
0096-1523 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
0278-7393 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
0022-1031 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
1526-7431 Journal of Family Communication
0893-3200 Journal of Family Psychology
0897-5353 Journal of Family Psychotherapy
0163-4445 Journal of Family Therapy
0885-7482 Journal of Family Violence
0895-2833 Journal of Feminist Family Therapy
1522-8932 Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice
0022-1309 Journal of General Psychology
0022-1325 Journal of Genetic Psychology
1091-1359 Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
1598-8643 Journal of Human Subjectivity
1614-0001 Journal of Individual Differences
0094-1956 Journal of Instructional Psychology
1744-6295 Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
1535-0770 Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
1544-4759 Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
1530-5538 Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice
0261-927X Journal of Language and Social Psychology
1548-0518 Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies
1086-296X Journal of Literacy Research
1532-5024 Journal of Loss & Trauma
0268-3946 Journal of Managerial Psychology
0194-472X Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
0022-2496 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
0749-596X Journal of Memory and Language
0963-8237 Journal of Mental Health
0364-5541 Journal of Mental Imagery
0271-0137 Journal of Mind and Behavior
0883-8534 Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
0191-5886 Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
0963-1798 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
1050-9674 Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
0022-3387 Journal of Parapsychology
0146-8693 Journal of Pediatric Psychology
0022-3506 Journal of Personality
0022-3514 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
0022-3891 Journal of Personality Assessment
0885-579X Journal of Personality Disorders
0047-2662 Journal of Phenomenological Psychology
1533-2586 Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations
1612-5681 Journal of Politeness Research
1098-3007 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
1743-9760 Journal of Positive Psychology
0145-3378 Journal of Psychohistory
0022-3980 Journal of Psychology
1520-8834 Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets
1433-0237 Journal of Psychology in Africa
0882-2689 Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
0269-8803 Journal of Psychophysiology
0734-7332 Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
1478-6737 Journal of Psycho-Social Studies
1053-0479 Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
0894-9085 Journal of Rational -Emotive and Cognitive -Behavior Therapy
0264-6838 Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
0092-6566 Journal of Research in Personality
1050-8392 Journal of Research on Adolescence
0022-4405 Journal of School Psychology
1538-8220 Journal of School Violence
0092-623X Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
0022-4499 Journal of Sex Research
1355-2600 Journal of Sexual Aggression
0736-7236 Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
0265-4075 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
0886-1641 Journal of social behavior and personality
0022-4545 Journal of Social Psychology
1933-5377 Journal of Social, Evolutionary & Cultural Psychology
1195-4396 Journal of Systemic Therapies
1533-2705 Journal of Teaching in the Addictions
0022-5002 Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
1068-8471 Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology
0022-524X Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
0894-9867 Journal of Traumatic Stress
0001-8791 Journal of Vocational Behavior
0047-2891 Journal of Youth and Adolescence
0942-5403 Kindheit und Entwicklung
0021-5015 Kyoiku Shinrigaku Kenkyu
1357-650X Laterality
1478-498X Law & Psychology
0147-7307 Law and Human Behavior
1543-4494 Learning & Behavior
1072-0502 Learning & Memory
0023-9690 Learning and Motivation
0109-646X Matrix
0748-1756 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
1404-5559 Mellanrummet:Tidsskrift om barn-og ungdomspsykoterapi
0965-8211 Memory
0090-502X Memory and Cognition
0272-930X Merrill -Palmer Quarterly
1556-1623 Metacognition and Learning
0899-5605 Military Psychology
1751-2271 Mind, Brain, and Education
0146-7239 Motivation and Emotion
0027-3171 Multivariate Behavioral Research
0146-7875 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation
0028-3932 Neuropsychologia
0894-4105 Neuropsychology
1040-7308 Neuropsychology Review
0732-118X New Ideas in Psychology
0112-109X New Zealand Journal of Psychology
1090-0578 Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences
Nordic Psychology (Online)
1455-0725 Nordisk Alkohol-och Narkotikatidskrift
0108-271X Nordisk Sexologi
0332-6470 Norsk Psykologforening. Tidsskrift
0030-2228 Omega: Journal of Death and Dying
0193-2713 Operant Subjectivity
0937-2032 P P M P
1529-5192 Parenting (Philadelphia)
0031-2789 Pastoral Psychology
1078-1919 Peace and Conflict
0301-0066 Perception
0031-5125 Perceptual and Motor Skills
1350-4126 Personal Relationships
0191-8869 Personality and Individual Differences
0146-1672 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
1088-8683 Personality and Social Psychology Review
0031-5826 Personnel Psychology
0048-3486 Personnel Review
1745-6916 Perspectives on Psychological Science
1553-0124 Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy
0735-7028 Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
0363-0951 Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology
0211-2159 Psicologica
0033-2623 Psyche
1039-723X Psyche (Greenville, Online Edition)
1720-7525 PsychNology
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society
1048-1885 Psychoanalytic Dialogues
0735-1690 Psychoanalytic Inquiry
0736-9735 Psychoanalytic Psychology
0033-2828 Psychoanalytic Quarterly
0079-7308 Psychoanalytic Study of the Child
1346-3500 Psychogeriatrics
0033-2852 Psychologia
0033-2879 Psychologica Belgica
1040-3590 Psychological Assessment
0033-2909 Psychological Bulletin
1047-840X Psychological Inquiry
1082-989X Psychological Methods
0033-2933 Psychological Record
0033-2941 Psychological Reports
0340-0727 Psychological Research
0033-295X Psychological Review
0956-7976 Psychological Science
1529-1006 Psychological Science in the Public Interest
0342-183X Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
0033-3042 Psychologische Rundschau
0952-8229 Psychologist
1553-6939 Psychology & Education
0887-0446 Psychology & Health
1476-0835 Psychology & Psychotherapy
0882-7974 Psychology and Aging
0971-3336 Psychology and Developing Societies
0033-3085 Psychology in the Schools
0893-164X Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
1931-3896 Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
0079-7421 Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory
1524-9220 Psychology of Men & Masculinity
0361-6843 Psychology of Women Quarterly
1068-316X Psychology, Crime and Law
1354-8506 Psychology, Health & Medicine
1076-8971 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
0033-3123 Psychometrika
1069-9384 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
1057-9249 Psycho-Oncology
0048-5772 Psychophysiology
0171-3434 Psychosozial
0935-6185 Psychotherapeut
1438-7026 Psychotherapie im Dialog
0033-3204 Psychotherapy
1050-3307 Psychotherapy Research
0107-1211 Psyke og Logos
1662-1778 Punktum
1478-0887 Qualitative Research in Psychology
1448-0980 Qualitative Research Journal
1903-7031 Qualitative studies
1747-0218 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
0270-2711 Reading Psychology
0090-5550 Rehabilitation Psychology
1750-9467 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
0891-4222 Research in Developmental Disabilities
0191-3085 Research in Organizational Behavior
1089-2680 Review of General Psychology
1155-4452 Revue de Neuropsychologie
1162-9088 Revue Europeene de Psychologie Appliquee
0035-2942 Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse
0971-6610 S I S Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health
0036-5564 Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
0281-0573 Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Supplementum
0143-0343 School Psychology International
1045-3830 School Psychology Quarterly
0279-6015 School Psychology Review
1421-0185 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie
1539-6150 Science of Aging Knowledge Environment
1529-8868 Self and Identity
0360-0025 Sex Roles
1158-1360 Sexologies
1079-0632 Sexual Abuse
1072-0162 Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity
1468-1994 Sexual and Relationship Therapy
0333-0389 Skolepsykologi
1046-4964 Small Group Research
0301-2212 Social Behavior and Personality
0278-016X Social Cognition
0961-205X Social Development
1864-9335 Social Psychology
0190-2725 Social Psychology Quarterly
0037-976X Society for Research in Child Development. Monographs
0081-2463 South African Journal of Psychology
0169-1015 Spatial Vision
1025-3890 Stress
1532-3005 Stress and Health (Print)
0039-3320 Studia Psychologica
1755-6341 Subjectivity
0889-7077 Substance Abuse
1022-9280 Systeme
0098-6283 Teaching of Psychology
1464-9969 The Psychoanalytical Notebooks of the London Circle
0959-3543 Theory & Psychology
0964-1866 Therapeutic Communities: International Journal for Therapeutic and Supportive Organizations
1354-6783 Thinking & Reasoning
0804-466X Tidsskrift for organisasjonspsykologi : NOS-bulletinen
0362-1537 Transactional Analysis Journal
1524-8380 Trauma, Violence & Abuse
1085-9373 Traumatology (Online)
0041-1868 Travail Humain
1364-6613 Trends in Cognitive Sciences
1016-6262 Verhaltenstherapie
1350-6285 Visual Cognition
1388-235X Visual Impairment Research
0270-3149 Women & Therapy
0267-8373 Work and Stress
1541-2040 Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
0932-4089 Zeitschrift fuer Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie
0049-8637 Zeitschrift fuer Entwicklungspsychologie und Paedagogische Psychologie
1616-3443 Zeitschrift fuer Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie -Forschung und Praxis
0940-5569 Zeitschrift fuer Medizinische Psychologie
1010-0652 Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogische Psychologie
1661-4747 Zeitschrift fuer Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie
0044-3409 Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie mit Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Psychologie