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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/25

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Erhvervsøkonomiske fag

! Journal ISSN
1539-7890 A B A Bank Marketing
1412-2073 A S E A N Journal on Hospitality and Tourism
0001-3072 Abacus
1542-8710 Academy of Business and Economics. Journal
1087-9595 Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
1941-6520 Academy of Management Annals
0001-4273 Academy of Management Journal
1558-9080 Academy of Management Perspectives
0363-7425 Academy of Management Review
1526-1794 Academy of Marketing Science Review
0092-0703 Academy of Marketing Science. Journal
1095-6298 Academy of Marketing Studies Journal
1544-1458 Academy of Strategic Management Journal
0001-4788 Accounting and Business Research
0810-5391 Accounting and Finance
1530-9320 Accounting and the Public Interest
0963-9284 Accounting Education
0155-9982 Accounting Forum
0148-4184 Accounting Historians Journal
1032-3732 Accounting History
0888-7993 Accounting Horizons
1744-9480 Accounting in Europe
1911-382X Accounting Perspectives
0001-4826 Accounting Review
1368-0668 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
0958-5206 Accounting, Business and Financial History
0361-3682 Accounting, Organizations and Society
0001-771X Actualite Economique
0001-8392 Administrative Science Quarterly
0882-6110 Advances in Accounting
0278-0984 Advances in Applied Microeconomics
1077-0097 Advances in Competitiveness Research
0098-9258 Advances in Consumer Research
1523-4223 Advances in Developing Human Resources
1745-3542 Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
1474-7979 Advances in International Marketing
1067-5671 Advances in Services Marketing and Management
0742-3322 Advances in Strategic Management
0885-3339 Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms
1751-9853 Aesthesis
1750-4554 African Journal of Business and Economic Research
0268-7615 Airline Business
1300-4220 Anatolia Turizm ve Cevre Kulturu Dergisi
1748-4995 Annals of Actuarial Science
1614-2446 Annals of Finance
0254-5330 Annals of Operations Research
0960-3107 Applied Financial Economics
1387-2834 Asia -Pacific Financial Markets
1608-1625 Asia -Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics
1360-2381 Asia Pacific Business Review
1326-8481 Asia Pacific Journal of Economics & Business
0217-4561 Asia Pacific Journal of Management
1355-5855 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
1094-1665 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
1472-4782 Asian Business & Management
0218-9275 Asian Case Research Journal
1351-3958 Asian Economic Journal
1535-3516 Asian Economic Papers
1819-1924 Asian Journal of Marketing
1321-7348 Asian Review of Accounting
0278-0380 Auditing
1441-3582 Australasian Marketing Journal
1035-6908 Australian Accounting Review
0311-6336 Australian Bulletin of Labour
0312-8962 Australian Journal of Management
0340-5370 B F u P -Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis
1084-3981 B Quest
1746-5265 Baltic Journal of Management
0894-3958 Bank Accounting & Finance
1050-4753 Behavioral Research in Accounting
1463-5771 Benchmarking
1504-3134 Beta (Online Edition)
0342-7064 Betriebswirtschaft
1943-2593 Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance
0890-8389 British Accounting Review
1045-3172 British Journal of Management
1520-5479 Brookings Trade Forum
1098-3651 Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services
1528-7084 Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs (Year)
0307-3378 Bulletin of Economic Research
0973-7022 Bulletin of Statistics & Economics
0007-6465 Business & Economic Review
0277-2027 Business & Professional Ethics Journal
0007-6503 Business & Society
1469-3569 Business and Politics (Online)
0045-3609 Business and Society Review
0007-666X Business Economics
0962-8770 Business Ethics
1052-150X Business Ethics Quarterly
0007-6813 Business Horizons
0143-6295 Business Law Review
1553-5827 Business Review, Cambridge
0964-4733 Business Strategy and the Environment
0955-6419 Business Strategy Review
8756-7113 C F O
0008-1256 California Management Review
0825-0383 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
1362-0436 Career Development International
1061-9259 Case Manager
1435-246X Central European Journal of Operations Research
0265-8003 Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers
0886-3687 Compensation and Benefits Review
1024-5294 Competition and Change
1783-5917 Competition and Regulation in Network Industries
1025-3866 Consumption Markets & Culture
0823-9150 Contemporary Accounting Research
1938-9655 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
1810-8601 Corporate Board
1089-327X Corporate Finance Review
1472-0701 Corporate Governance (Bradford)
0964-8410 Corporate Governance (Oxford)
1727-9232 Corporate Ownership & Control
1535-3958 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
1045-2354 Critical Perspectives on Accounting
1742-2043 Critical Perspectives on International Business
1352-7606 Cross Cultural Management
1064-5543 Customer Management Insight
1545-8490 Decision Analysis
0011-7315 Decision Sciences
1593-8883 Decisions in Economics and Finance
1389-1863 Derivatives & Financial Instruments
0391-2078 Economia e Politica Industriale
1751-8326 Economic & Labour Market Review
0265-0665 Economic Affairs
1573-9414 Economic Change and Restructuring
1043-8599 Economics of Innovation and New Technology
0013-063X Economist
1389-5753 Electronic Commerce Research
1740-7494 Electronic Government
1239-2685 Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies
1477-7029 Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods
1521-3250 Emergence: Complexity and Organization
1566-0141 Emerging Markets Review
1444-7053 Employment Relations Record
0013-791X Engineering Economist
1755-1978 Enterprise Development & Microfinance
0898-5626 Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
1042-2587 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
1528-8226 e-Service Journal
0872-8496 Euro Asia Journal of Management
1450-2194 EuroMed Journal of Business
0963-8180 European Accounting Review
1469-6460 European Business Forum
0955-534X European Business Review (Bingley)
1354-7798 European Financial Management
1758-1508 European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management
1351-847X European Journal of Finance
1460-1060 European Journal of Innovation Management
1751-6757 European Journal of International Management
0309-0566 European Journal of Marketing
0377-2217 European Journal of Operational Research
0263-2373 European Management Journal
1740-4754 European Management Review
1525-9951 Event Management
1530-6283 eWEEK
0739-7011 F I U Hospitality Review
0046-3892 F M
1077-727X Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal
0894-4865 Family Business Review
1564-5142 Finance & Development (Online)
0015-1920 Finance a Uver
0970-3772 Finance India
1544-6123 Finance Research Letters
0267-4424 Financial Accountability & Management
0015-198X Financial Analysts Journal
1934-4554 Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
0963-8008 Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
0732-8516 Financial Review (Statesboro)
1057-0810 Financial Services Review
0106-1798 Finans/Invest
1463-6689 Foresight (Cambridge)
1551-3114 Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship
0016-3287 Futures
1568-4539 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
1932-2054 Global Business and Organizational Excellence
1044-0283 Global Finance Journal
0972-2696 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
1543-2955 Global Perspectives on Accounting Education
0969-7500 Global Telecoms Business
0966-9671 Greener Management International
1059-6011 Group & Organization Management
0926-2644 Group Decision and Negotiation
0927-0507 Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science
0017-8012 Harvard Business Review
0735-9683 Health Marketing Quarterly
1059-6038 HRfocus
0018-7267 Human Relations
1367-8868 Human Resource Development International
1044-8004 Human Resource Development Quarterly
1534-4843 Human Resource Development Review
0090-4848 Human Resource Management
0954-5395 Human Resource Management Journal
1053-4822 Human Resource Management Review
0167-2533 Human Systems Management
0972-9119 I C F A I Journal of Derivatives Markets
0360-8581 I E E E Engineering Management Review
0018-9391 I E E E Transactions on Engineering Management
0162-8968 Inc.
0960-6491 Industrial and Corporate Change
0263-5577 Industrial Management & Data Systems
0019-8501 Industrial Marketing Management
0943-2779 Industrielle Beziehungen
0039-0895 IndustryWeek
1463-6697 Info (Bingley)
1503-9676 Innovate
1715-3816 Innovation Journal
1531-3468 Innovation Policy and the Economy
1447-9338 Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice
1558-2477 Innovations (Cambridge)
1814-2427 Innovative Marketing
1550-1949 Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management
0092-2102 Interfaces (Linthicum)
0969-5931 International Business Review
International Business: Research, Teaching and Practice
1324-1125 International Employment Relations Review
1554-7191 International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
1367-0271 International Finance
1445-9795 International Gambling Studies
1094-4060 International Journal of Accounting
1752-8224 International Journal of Accounting and Finance
1834-7649 International Journal of Accounting and Information Management
1740-8008 International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation
1096-4738 International Journal of Applied Quality Management
1090-6738 International Journal of Auditing
0265-2323 International Journal of Bank Marketing
1607-0704 International Journal of Business and Economics
1753-3627 International Journal of Business and Globalisation
1751-200X International Journal of Business and Systems Research
1477-9048 International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics
1751-0252 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
1368-4892 International Journal of Business Performance Management
1741-8763 International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management
1753-0296 International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
1470-6423 International Journal of Consumer Studies
0959-6119 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
1754-3037 International Journal of Corporate Governance
1470-5958 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
1577-8517 International Journal of Digital Accounting Research
1470-6067 International Journal of Electronic Business
1728-2047 International Journal of Electronic Business Management
1741-1025 International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
1471-4825 International Journal of Emergency Management
1355-2554 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
1465-7503 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
1368-275X International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
1476-1297 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
1649-2269 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
1041-2743 International Journal of Finance
0169-2070 International Journal of Forecasting
1740-2816 International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy
1479-3059 International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
1389-6563 International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
0278-4319 International Journal of Hospitality Management
0958-5192 International Journal of Human Resource Management
1465-6612 International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
1740-8822 International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
0219-8770 International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
1363-9196 International Journal of Innovation Management
1476-1300 International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management
1477-5212 International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
1746-6962 International Journal of Inventory Research
1548-0666 International Journal of Knowledge Management
1743-8268 International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies
1447-9524 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
1754-243X International Journal of Law and Management
1554-3145 International Journal of Leadership Studies
1367-5567 International Journal of Logistics
0957-4093 International Journal of Logistics Management
0813-0183 International Journal of Management
1462-4621 International Journal of Management and Decision Making
1468-4330 International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development
1477-9064 International Journal of Management Practice
1460-8545 International Journal of Management Reviews
1753-6715 International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting
1743-9132 International Journal of Managerial Finance
0143-7720 International Journal of Manpower
1470-7853 International Journal of Market Research
1465-4520 International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
1082-1910 International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management
1440-5377 International Journal of Organisational Behaviour
1093-4537 International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior
1934-8835 International Journal of Organizational Analysis
0960-0035 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
1753-8432 International Journal of Procurement Management
1741-0401 International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
0263-7863 International Journal of Project Management
1740-2891 International Journal of Project Organisation and Management
1741-1041 International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management
0265-671X International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
0972-4907 International Journal of Regulation and Governance
0167-8116 International Journal of Research in Marketing
0959-0552 International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
1466-8297 International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
0965-075X International Journal of Selection and Assessment
1479-2494 International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage
1740-2859 International Journal of Strategic Change Management
1648-715X International Journal of Strategic Property Management
1746-5370 International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship
1468-4322 International Journal of Technology Policy and Management
1470-6075 International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation
1357-1516 International Journal of the Economics of Business
0219-0249 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
1099-2340 International Journal of Tourism Research
1360-3736 International Journal of Training & Development
1741-5357 International Journal of Value Chain Management
1751-1062 International Journal of Wine Business Research
0020-7780 International Labour Review
0265-1335 International Marketing Review
1059-0560 International Review of Economics & Finance
1369-412X International Review of Finance
1057-5219 International Review of Financial Analysis
0959-3969 International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
1865-1984 International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing
0266-2426 International Small Business Journal
0020-8825 International Studies of Management and Organization
0885-3908 International Trade Journal
0969-6016 International Transactions in Operational Research
0791-9638 Irish Accounting Review
0739-3172 Issues in Accounting Education
0148-558X J A A F
1424-1277 J M M
1549-9324 Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development
0344-9327 Journal fuer Betriebswirtschaft
0021-8448 Journal of Accountancy
0165-4101 Journal of Accounting and Economics
1832-5912 Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change
0278-4254 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
0737-4607 Journal of Accounting Literature
0021-8456 Journal of Accounting Research
0091-3367 Journal of Advertising
0021-8499 Journal of Advertising Research
1522-8916 Journal of African Business
0967-5426 Journal of Applied Accounting Research
0892-7626 Journal of Applied Business Research
1078-1196 Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
1534-6668 Journal of Applied Finance
1077-1158 Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship
1557-7244 Journal of Applied Packaging Research
1059-9231 Journal of Asia -Pacific Business
1176-8592 Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
1068-0055 Journal of Asian Business
1470-8272 Journal of Asset Management
0378-4266 Journal of Banking & Finance
1930-0158 Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management
1542-7560 Journal of Behavioral Finance
1095-5127 Journal of Biolaw and Business
1350-231X Journal of Brand Management
0889-3268 Journal of Business & Psychology
0735-0015 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
0885-8624 Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
1535-668X Journal of Business and Management
0167-4544 Journal of Business Ethics
1649-5195 Journal of Business Ethics Education
0306-686X Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
0735-3766 Journal of Business Logistics
0148-2963 Journal of Business Research
0887-2058 Journal of Business Strategies
1833-4318 Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics
0883-9026 Journal of Business Venturing
1051-712X Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
1469-7017 Journal of Change Management
1476-5284 Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies
1363-254X Journal of Communication Management
1460-1559 Journal of Computational Finance
0022-0078 Journal of Consumer Affairs
1472-0817 Journal of Consumer Behaviour
0736-3761 Journal of Consumer Marketing
0093-5301 Journal of Consumer Research
0966-0879 Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
1470-5001 Journal of Corporate Citizenship
0929-1199 Journal of Corporate Finance
1463-001X Journal of Corporate Real Estate
1744-6619 Journal of Credit Risk
1064-1734 Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
1475-3928 Journal of Customer Behavior
1741-2439 Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management (Print Edition)
1074-1240 Journal of Derivatives
1084-9467 Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
1746-0166 Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice
1530-3209 Journal of e.Commerce and Psychology
1066-9868 Journal of East -West Business
1058-6407 Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
0148-6195 Journal of Economics and Business
1055-0925 Journal of Economics and Finance
1539-2937 Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
1526-6133 Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (Online Edition)
0972-6527 Journal of Emerging Market Finance
0927-5398 Journal of Empirical Finance
1326-4443 Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science
1756-3615 Journal of Energy Markets
0923-4748 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
1750-6204 Journal of Enterprising Communities
0218-4958 Journal of Enterprising Culture
0971-3557 Journal of Entrepreneurship
1098-8394 Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
1049-6483 Journal of Euromarketing
0936-9937 Journal of Evolutionary Economics
1077-5315 Journal of Extension (Online)
0378-5254 Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Science (Online Edition)
1361-2026 Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
0022-1082 Journal of Finance
1527-5426 Journal of Finance Case Research
0022-1090 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
1359-0790 Journal of Financial Crime
0093-3961 Journal of Financial Education
1753-9552 Journal of Financial Forecasting
1042-9573 Journal of Financial Intermediation
1386-4181 Journal of Financial Markets
1040-3981 Journal of Financial Planning
1358-1988 Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
0270-2592 Journal of Financial Research
1363-0539 Journal of Financial Services Marketing
0920-8550 Journal of Financial Services Research
1045-4446 Journal of Food Products Marketing
1537-8020 Journal of Foodservice Business Research
0277-6693 Journal of Forecasting
1524-5586 Journal of Forensic Accounting
0270-7314 Journal of Futures Markets
0306-3070 Journal of General Management
0891-1762 Journal of Global Marketing
1047-8310 Journal of High Technology Management Research
1755-750X Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
1539-0942 Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations
1096-3480 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
1091-3211 Journal of Hospitality Financial Management
1936-8623 Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
1401-338X Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting
1533-2845 Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism
1547-5816 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1566-1679 Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
1094-9968 Journal of Interactive Marketing
1542-6297 Journal of International Accounting Research
1061-9518 Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
1527-8603 Journal of International Business and Economy
0047-2506 Journal of International Business Studies
0896-1530 Journal of International Consumer Marketing
1570-7385 Journal of International Entrepreneurship
0954-1314 Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
1042-4431 Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money
0897-4438 Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
1075-4253 Journal of International Management
1069-031X Journal of International Marketing
1324-5864 Journal of International Marketing and Exporting
0261-5606 Journal of International Money and Finance
1533-2861 Journal of Internet Commerce
1068-0896 Journal of Investing
1545-9144 Journal of Investment Management
1705-9232 Journal of Knowledge Management Practice
0195-3613 Journal of Labor Research
1935-2611 Journal of Leadership Studies
1932-5584 Journal of Legal Technology Risk Management
0276-1467 Journal of Macromarketing
0149-2063 Journal of Management
1385-3457 Journal of Management & Governance
1049-2127 Journal of Management Accounting Research
0262-1711 Journal of Management Development
1056-4926 Journal of Management Inquiry
0972-5814 Journal of Management Research
0022-2380 Journal of Management Studies
1741-038X Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
0022-2429 Journal of Marketing
1046-669X Journal of Marketing Channels
0273-4753 Journal of Marketing Education
0884-1241 Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
0267-257X Journal of Marketing Management
0022-2437 Journal of Marketing Research
1069-6679 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
1098-1217 Journal of Markets & Morality
1438-4957 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
1745-7904 Journal of Medical Marketing (Print)
1746-5664 Journal of Modelling in Management
1368-5201 Journal of Money Laundering Control
1057-9214 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
1042-444X Journal of Multinational Financial Management
1049-5142 Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
0272-6963 Journal of Operations Management
0894-3796 Journal of Organizational Behavior
0160-8061 Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
0953-4814 Journal of Organizational Change Management
0735-1968 Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (Online Edition)
1474-7472 Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
0885-3134 Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
0883-7597 Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management
1940-7963 Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
1537-7857 Journal of Political Marketing
0095-4918 Journal of Portfolio Management
1096-5572 Journal of Private Equity
1061-0421 Journal of Product and Brand Management
0737-6782 Journal of Product Innovation Management
1049-6491 Journal of Promotion Management
1463-578X Journal of Property Investment & Finance
0959-9916 Journal of Property Research
1096-3367 Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
0748-6766 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
1478-4092 Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management
1528-008X Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism
1084-8568 Journal of Quality Management
0895-5638 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
0927-7544 Journal of Real Estate Literature
0896-5803 Journal of Real Estate Research
1533-2667 Journal of Relationship Marketing
1444-6359 Journal of Research for Consumers
1471-5201 Journal of Research in Marketing & Entrepreneurship
0022-4359 Journal of Retailing
0969-6989 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
1476-6930 Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
1465-1211 Journal of Risk
0022-4367 Journal of Risk and Insurance
1526-5943 Journal of Risk Finance
1757-5818 Journal of Service Management
1094-6705 Journal of Service Research
0887-6045 Journal of Services Marketing
1462-6004 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
0827-6331 Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
0047-2778 Journal of Small Business Management
0972-0510 Journal of Statistics and Management Systems
1554-5393 Journal of Strategic e-Commerce
0965-254X Journal of Strategic Marketing
1523-2409 Journal of Supply Chain Management
0967-3237 Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing
0897-5930 Journal of Teaching in International Business
1547-5778 Journal of Transnational Management
1054-8408 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
1356-7667 Journal of Vacation Marketing
1534-7524 Journal of Wealth Management
1553-3611 Journal of Website Promotion
1090-9516 Journal of World Business
1569-1829 Journal on Chain and Network Science
1930-2975 Judgment and Decision Making
1477-8238 Knowledge Management Research & Practice
1121-7081 Labour
1087-0857 Latin Trade
1571-9537 Law & Business Review of the Americas
1742-7150 Leadership
1532-6748 Leadership and Management in Engineering
0143-7739 Leadership and Organization Development Journal
1048-9843 Leadership Quarterly
1329-4539 Leading and Managing
0902-3704 Ledelse og Erhvervsoekonomi
0266-9102 Leisure Management
0024-3469 Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja
1865-035X Logistics Research
0024-6301 Long Range Planning
0938-8249 M I R: Management International Review
1532-9194 M I T Sloan Management Review
1500-0788 Magma
1286-4692 Management
1331-0194 Management
1740-8776 Management & Organization Review
1744-9359 Management & Organizational History
1044-5005 Management Accounting Research
0025-1747 Management Decision
0935-9915 Management Revue
0025-1909 Management Science
0307-6768 Management Services
0143-6570 Managerial and Decision Economics
0268-6902 Managerial Auditing Journal
0307-4358 Managerial Finance
1581-6311 Managing Global Transitions
0960-4529 Managing Service Quality
1523-4614 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
1479-2931 Maritime Economics & Logistics
0344-1369 Marketing
1176-645X Marketing Bulletin (Online)
1052-8008 Marketing Education Review
1094-1304 Marketing Health Services
0263-4503 Marketing Intelligence & Planning
0923-0645 Marketing Letters
1061-3846 Marketing Management
1040-8460 Marketing Research
1469-347X Marketing Review
0732-2399 Marketing Science
1470-5931 Marketing Theory
0025-3863 Markt
0809-8042 Matindustrien
1368-3047 Measuring Business Excellence
0275-5823 Military Operations Research (Alexandria, 1981)
0098-1818 Monthly Labor Review
1096-1879 Multinational Finance Journal
1385-9587 Netnomics
0271-0579 New Directions for Institutional Research
1550-333X New England Journal of Entrepreneurship
1048-6682 Nonprofit Management and Leadership
1459-5877 Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research
1501-8237 Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier (NOS)
1062-9408 North American Journal of Economics and Finance
0900-8322 Oekonomistyring og Informatik
0950-1045 Oil and Energy Trends
0953-1033 Oil and Energy Trends: Annual Statistical Review
0305-0483 Omega
0160-5682 Operational Research Society. Journal
1936-9735 Operations Management Research
0030-364X Operations Research
0171-6468 OR Spectrum -Quantitative Approaches in Management
1350-5084 Organization
1541-6518 Organization Management Journal
1047-7039 Organization Science
0170-8406 Organization Studies
0090-2616 Organizational Dynamics
1094-4281 Organizational Research Methods
0114-0582 Pacific Accounting Review
1444-5921 Pacific Rim Property Research Journal
0927-538X Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
0882-9098 Patent and Trademark Office Society. Journal
1740-3812 Philosophy of Management
1448-4404 Prism
1727-7051 Problems & Perspectives in Management
1683-0040 Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business
8756-9728 Project Management Journal
0263-7472 Property Management
0742-6046 Psychology & Marketing
1087-0091 Public Administration and Management
0091-0260 Public Personnel Management
1522-8959 Public Services Quarterly
1087-724X Public Works Management & Policy
1352-2752 Qualitative Market Research
1176-6093 Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management
1087-8378 Quality Assurance Journal
1068-6967 Quality Management Journal
0033-524X Quality Progress
1684-3703 Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
1469-7688 Quantitative Finance
1570-7156 Quantitative Marketing and Economics
1939-8123 Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting
1062-9769 Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
0033-6807 R & D Management
0399-0559 R A I R O -Operations Research
1524-1734 Reflections (Cambridge)
0884-0741 Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting
0194-3960 Research in Human Capital and Development
0275-5319 Research in International Business and Finance
0147-9121 Research in Labor Economics
0737-1071 Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy
0048-7333 Research Policy
0895-6308 Research Technology Management
1681-9713 Retos Turisticos
1475-7702 Review of Accounting & Finance
1380-6653 Review of Accounting Studies
1546-2609 Review of Business Research
1380-6645 Review of Derivatives Research
1434-4742 Review of Economic Design
1572-3097 Review of Finance (Print)
1058-3300 Review of Financial Economics
0893-9454 Review of Financial Studies
0898-011X Review of Futures Markets
0889-938X Review of Industrial Organization
1548-6435 Review of Marketing Research
1546-5616 Review of Marketing Science
1475-3693 Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (Online)
1446-9022 Review of Network Economics
0219-0915 Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
0734-371X Review of Public Personnel Administration
0924-865X Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
0210-2412 Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad
1160-7742 Revue des Sciences de Gestion
1460-3799 Risk Management
1098-1616 Risk Management and Insurance Review
0973-3167 S C M S Journal of Indian Management
0163-7517 Sales and Marketing Management
0956-5221 Scandinavian Journal of Management
0971-6742 Seminar (New Delhi)
1862-8516 Service Business
0264-2069 Service Industries Journal
1533-2969 Services Marketing Quarterly
0217-5908 Singapore Economic Review
0129-5977 Singapore Management Review
0921-898X Small Business Economics
1321-5906 Small Enterprise Research: The Journal of SEAANZ
1750-8614 Social Enterprise Journal
1524-5004 Social Marketing Quarterly
1746-5680 Society and Business Review
1742-1772 Spatial Economic Analysis
1441-3523 Sport Management Review
0971-9008 Staff and Educational Development International
1932-4391 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
0143-2095 Strategic Management Journal
1930-4560 Strategic Management Review
1476-1270 Strategic Organization
1753-8297 Strategic Outsourcing
1087-8572 Strategy & Leadership
0391-8769 Studi Organizzativi
1359-8546 Supply Chain Management
1094-429X Systemic Practice and Action Research
1092-7026 Systems Research and Behavioral Science
1535-7740 T+ D
0809-7259 The IMP Journal
1744-6740 The Journal of Operational Risk
1463-1431 The Journal of Selling & Major Account Management
1096-4762 Thunderbird International Business Review
1359-5474 Tizard Learning Disability Review
1478-3371 Total Quality Management & Business (Online Edition)
1478-3363 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (Print Edition)
1354-8166 Tourism Economics
0261-5177 Tourism Management
0250-8281 Tourism Recreation Research
1544-2721 Tourism Review International
1450-0906 Tourism Today
1014-9562 Transnational Corporations
0042-059X Unternehmung
1369-1066 Venture Capital
1547-5565 Workforce Management
0950-1029 World Oil Trade
1746-0573 World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
1022-6583 World Trade and Arbitration Materials
1747-3616 Young Consumers
0044-2372 Z f B
0341-2687 Z F B F
1860-4633 Z f K E -Zeitschrift fuer K M U und Entrepreneurship
0722-7485 Z F O -Zeitschrift fuer Fuehrung und Organisation
1331-5609 Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business
1613-8392 Zeitschrift fuer Planung und Unternehmenssteuerung
1439-880X Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik