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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/23

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Geografi og Udviklingsstudier

! Journal ISSN
1492-9732 Acme
0850-3907 Africa Development
0001-9887 Africa Today
0001-9909 African Affairs
1017-6772 African Development Review
1436-7890 African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management
0308-521X Agricultural Systems
0044-7471 Amerasia Journal
0194-4363 American Planning Association. Journal
0003-4010 Annales de Geographie
0570-1864 Annals of Regional Science
0066-4812 Antipode
0143-6228 Applied Geography
0004-0894 Area
1360-7456 Asia Pacific Viewpoint
0116-1105 Asian Development Review
0004-5608 Association of American Geographers. Annals
0004-9182 Australian Geographer
1278-3986 Autrepart
0007-9766 Cahiers de Geographie du Quebec
0008-3658 Canadian Geographer
0225-5189 Canadian Journal of Development Studies
1473-3285 Children's Geographies
0010-3802 Community Development Journal
1474-4740 Cultural Geographies
1368-3500 Current Issues in Tourism
1278-3366 CyberGEO
0070-3370 Demography
0012-1533 Developing Economies
1011-6370 Development (Basingstoke)
0012-155X Development and Change
0961-4524 Development in Practice
0950-6764 Development Policy Review
0376-835X Development Southern Africa
0965-3562 Disaster Prevention and Management
0361-3666 Disasters
0353-6777 Dve Domovini
0012-8376 East and West
1350-1674 East European Jewish Affairs
0013-0079 Economic Development and Cultural Change
0013-0095 Economic Geography
0308-518X Environment and Planning A
0263-7758 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
0956-2478 Environment and Urbanization
1387-585X Environment, Development and Sustainability
0014-0015 Erdkunde
0378-0813 Ethiopian Journal of Development Research
0850-5780 Etude de la Population Africaine
1538-7216 Eurasian Geography and Economics
0943-8254 European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
0957-8811 European Journal of Development Research
0168-6577 European Journal of Population
1650-9544 European Journal of Spatial Development
0965-4313 European Planning Studies
0969-7764 European Urban and Regional Studies
0015-0010 Fennia
0306-9192 Food Policy
0803-9410 Forum for Development Studies
1355-2074 Gender and Development
0966-369X Gender, Place and Culture
0016-7185 Geoforum
0016-7223 Geografisk Tidsskrift
0435-3684 Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography
0016-724X Geografiska Notiser
0016-7363 Geographical Analysis
0016-7398 Geographical Journal
1745-5863 Geographical Research
0016-7428 Geographical Review
1295-926X Geographie, Economie, Societe
0016-7479 Geographische Zeitschrift
0016-7487 Geography
1749-8198 Geography Compass
1384-6175 Geoinformatica
0343-2521 GeoJournal
0924-5499 Geojournal Library
1465-0045 Geopolitics
1692-0791 GeoTropico
0959-3780 Global Environmental Change
1470-2266 Global Networks (Oxford)
1474-7731 Globalizations
0275-7664 Great Plains Quarterly
0017-4815 Growth and Change
0197-3975 Habitat International
1728-6107 Health Policy and Development
1210-3055 Human Affairs
0265-5012 I D S Bulletin
1473-6489 India Review
1540-1669 Industrial Geographer
1366-2716 Industry and Innovation
0020-2754 Institute of British Geographers. Transactions
1474-6743 International Development Planning Review
1525-6480 International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration
1099-1220 International Journal of Population Geography
0973-0052 International Journal of Rural Management
1725-0463 International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research
0960-1406 International Journal of Sustainable Development
1350-4509 International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
1476-5667 International Journal of Technology and Globalisation
0309-1317 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
1049-8001 International Journal of Wildland Fire
0160-0176 International Regional Science Review
0075-0778 Irish Geography
1444-3058 J A S, Australia's Public Intellectual Forum
0173-7600 Jahrbuch fuer Regionalwissenschaft
0140-1963 Journal of Arid Environments
0886-5655 Journal of Borderlands Studies
0022-037X Journal of Developing Areas
0169-796X Journal of Developing Societies (Print Edition)
0022-0388 Journal of Development Studies
1028-8813 Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies
1468-2702 Journal of Economic Geography
1472-4049 Journal of Ecotourism
0361-4476 Journal of Energy and Development
1070-4965 Journal of Environment & Development
0964-0568 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
1538-0378 Journal of Eurasian Research
0022-1341 Journal of Geography
1095-8940 Journal of Health & Population in Developing Countries
0305-7488 Journal of Historical Geography
1945-2829 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
0954-1748 Journal of International Development
1545-2476 Journal of Latin American Geography
1654-5915 Journal of Northern Studies
0885-4122 Journal of Planning Literature
0022-4146 Journal of Regional Science
0743-0167 Journal of Rural Studies
0149-1784 Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
0973-1741 Journal of South Asian Development
1449-8596 Journal of Spatial Science
0966-9582 Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Journal of the Korean Regional Development Association
8755-3449 Journal of Third World Studies
0735-2166 Journal of Urban Affairs
0733-9488 Journal of Urban Planning and Development
0047-3278 Kart og Plan
1085-3278 Land Degradation and Development
0105-4570 Landinspektoeren
1863-7329 Living Reviews in Landscape Research
1360-6719 Managing Leisure
0308-8839 Maritime Policy and Management
1047-4552 Mediterranean Quarterly
1074-164X Mediterranean Studies
1381-2386 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
0302-3052 Mondes en Developpement
0028-8144 New Zealand Geographer
0111-199X New Zealand Population Review
1719-1726 Newfoundland and Labrador Studies
0282-4329 Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidsskrift
0029-1951 Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift
1183-112X Northern Mariner
0305-506X Northern Studies : The Journal of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies
0029-9138 Oesterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen
1360-0818 Oxford Development Studies
0030-8870 Pacific Science
1056-8190 Papers in Regional Science
1088-937X Polar Geography
0962-6298 Political Geography
0032-4663 Population (French Edition)
0098-7921 Population and Development Review
0199-0039 Population and Environment
0032-468X Population Bulletin
0167-5923 Population Research and Policy Review
1544-8444 Population Space and Place
0032-4728 Population Studies
0033-0124 Professional Geographer
1464-9934 Progress in Development Studies
0309-1325 Progress in Human Geography
1476-8917 Progress in Industrial Ecology
0305-9006 Progress in Planning
1020-4067 Refugee Survey Quarterly
1359-7566 Regional & Federal Studies
0034-3404 Regional Studies
0301-4207 Resources Policy
1363-6669 Review of Development Economics
0917-0553 Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies
0250-7161 Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales
1377-2368 Revue Belge de Geographie
0782-1859 Scandinavian Population Studies
1470-2541 Scottish Geographical Journal
0226-8418 Scripta Mediterranea
1361-7362 Sibirica
0129-7619 Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
1464-9365 Social & Cultural Geography
1729-4274 Social Geography
0373-6245 South African Geographical Journal
0174-3635 Standort
0039-6265 Survey Review
1538-1242 Surveying and Land Information Science
0968-0802 Sustainable Development
0212-4408 Temas Americanistas
1400-1195 TFMS : Tidskrift för Mellanösternstudier
0143-6597 Third World Quarterly
0040-747X Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
1332-7461 Tourism
1083-5423 Tourism Analysis
1479-053X Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development
1467-3584 Tourism and Hospitality Research
1461-6688 Tourism Geographies
0258-7696 Transformation
0041-1191 Transition
0272-3638 Urban Geography
0042-0980 Urban Studies
1525-4488 West Africa Review
0257-3032 World Bank Research Observer
0305-750X World Development
0378-5920 World Economy
0044-3751 Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie