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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/20

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! Journal ISSN
0169-5436 Academie de Droit International de la Haye. Recueil des Cours
0001-8368 Administrative Law Review (Chicago)
0954-8890 African Journal of International and Comparative Law
1380-7412 African Yearbook of International Law
0002-3752 Aktiengesellschaft
0027-9048 American Bankruptcy Law Journal
0002-7766 American Business Law Journal
0164-0364 American Criminal Law Review
0002-919X American Journal of Comparative Law
0002-9300 American Journal of International Law
0002-9319 American Journal of Legal History
1465-7252 American Law and Economics Review
1520-460X American University International Law Review
0066-3085 Annuaire Francais de Droit International
0003-6056 Antitrust Law Journal
1503-5883 Arbeidsrett
1502-7767 Arbeidsrett og arbeidsliv
0108-7150 Arbejdsretligt Tidsskrift
0957-0411 Arbitration International
0003-892X Archiv des Voelkerrechts
1424-4276 Archiv für Urheber-und Medienrecht
1051-1431 Argumentation & Advocacy
0924-8463 Artificial Intelligence and Law
1388-1906 Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law
1019-2557 Asia Pacific Law Review
0004-8658 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
0084-7658 Australian Yearbook of International Law
0005-5506 Banking Law Journal
0735-3936 Behavioral Sciences and the Law
1365-8867 Bio-Science Law Review
0730-031X Biotechnology Law Report
0276-3583 Boston College Third World Law Journal
0007-0955 British Journal of Criminology
0068-2691 British Year Book of International Law
0753-2601 Bulletin de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Securité Sociale
0007-6899 Business Lawyer
0007-9758 Cahiers de Droit Europeen
0168-0455 Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International
0008-1221 California Law Review
0886-3210 California Western International Law Journal
0008-1973 Cambridge Law Journal
1528-8870 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
1707-7753 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
0841-8209 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
0829-3201 Canadian Journal of Law and Society
0069-0058 Canadian Yearbook of International Law
1750-7219 Capital Markets Law Journal
1069-3181 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law
0270-5192 Cardozo Law Review
1358-8184 Child and Family Law Quarterly
1875-2047 China Yearbook on Human Rights
1050-0391 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy
1076-6715 Columbia Journal of European Law
0010-1923 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems
0010-1931 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
0010-1958 Columbia Law Review
0165-0750 Common Market Law Review
1081-1680 Communication Law and Policy
0162-9093 Communications and the Law
1746-7616 Communications Law (Haywards Heath)
0010-4051 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa
1095-6654 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal
0267-3649 Computer Law & Security Report
1610-7608 Computer Law Review International
1028-2580 Contemporary Justice Review
0010-8812 Cornell International Law Journal
0192-3234 Crime and Justice
0925-4994 Crime, Law and Social Change
0731-129X Criminal Justice Ethics
0887-4034 Criminal Justice Policy Review
1478-601X Criminal Justice Studies
1046-8374 Criminal Law Forum
0011-135X Criminal Law Review
0011-1384 Criminology
1748-8958 Criminology & Criminal Justice
1205-8629 Critical Criminology
1298-728X Dalloz
0012-642X Droit Maritime Francais
1016-4995 Droit Nucleaire
1064-3958 Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum
1053-6736 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law
0144-3054 E C L R: European Competition Law Review
0928-2750 E C Tax Review
1387-3091 Electronic Journal of Comparative Law
1461-4529 Environmental Law Review
0966-2030 Environmental Liability
1824-3886 Erasmus Law and Economics Review
1901-3612 Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift
1423-6931 Eu Z -Zeitschrift für Europarecht
1395-220X EU-Ret & Menneskeret
0937-7204 Europaeische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht
1403-8722 Europaraettslig Tidskrift
0531-2485 Europarecht
0959-6941 European Business Law Review
1566-7529 European Business Organization Law Review
1613-2548 European Company and Financial Law Review
1572-4999 European Company Law
1744-1056 European Competition Journal
1574-0196 European Constitutional Law Review
0966-1646 European Energy and Environmental Law Review
1862-2720 European Food and Feed Law Review
1361-1526 European Human Rights Law Review
0142-0461 European Intellectual Property Review
0928-9569 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
1477-3708 European Journal of Criminology
0929-0273 European Journal of Health Law
0938-5428 European Journal of International Law
0929-1261 European Journal of Law and Economics
1387-2370 European Journal of Law Reform
1388-364X European Journal of Migration and Law
1388-2627 European Journal of Social Security
0928-1371 European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
1351-5993 European Law Journal
1091-3297 European Law Reports
0307-5400 European Law Review
1354-3725 European Public Law
1614-9920 European Review of Contract Law
0928-9801 European Review of Private Law
1105-1590 European Review of Public Law
1619-5272 European State Aid Law Quarterly
0014-3138 European Taxation
0167-6717 European Yearbook
0014-9128 Federal Probation
0966-3622 Feminist Legal Studies
1438-3292 Finanz-Rundschau Ertragsteuerrecht
0786-6453 Finnish Yearbook of International Law
0015-8585 Foervaltningsraettslig Tidskrift
1064-590X Food and Drug Law Journal
1079-9699 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal
0747-9395 Fordham International Law Journal
0015-704X Fordham Law Review
0344-3094 German Yearbook of International Law
0016-9420 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
0435-8600 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil
1744-0572 Global Crime
1934-2640 Global Jurist
0017-1956 Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
0923-8298 Hague Yearbook of International Law
0147-8257 Harvard Environmental Law Review
1057-5057 Harvard Human Rights Journal
0017-8063 Harvard International Law Journal
0193-4872 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
0017-811X Harvard Law Review
0149-9246 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
0017-8322 Hastings Law Journal
1079-0969 Health and Human Rights
0194-1879 Houston Journal of International Law
0265-5527 Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
0174-4704 Human Rights Law Journal
1461-7781 Human Rights Law Review
0275-0392 Human Rights Quarterly
1524-8879 Human Rights Review
0937-5414 Humanitaeres Voelkerrecht
0018-9855 I I C -International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
0720-6585 I P Rax -Praxis de Internationalen Privat-und Verfahrensrechts
1602-365X Idrætsjuristen
1568-2749 Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe
1080-0727 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
0305-9332 Industrial Law Journal
1360-0834 Information and Communications Technology Law
1741-1424 Intellectual Asset Management
1364-906X Intellectual Property Quarterly
1388-7084 International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal
1873-6629 International and Comparative Criminal Law Series
0020-5893 International and Comparative Law Quarterly
1871-9740 International Community Law Review
0265-1416 International Construction Law Review
1567-536X International Criminal Law Review
1757-4404 International Energy Law Review
1369-5762 International Family Law
0952-8059 International Journal for the Semiotics of Law
0927-5568 International Journal of Children's Rights
1439-6262 International Journal of Communications Law and Policy
0952-617X International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
1474-2640 International Journal of Constitutional Law
1741-7392 International Journal of Franchising Law
1364-2987 International Journal of Human Rights
1478-9647 International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
0967-0769 International Journal of Law and Information Technology
1756-0616 International Journal of Law Crime and Justice
1360-9939 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family
1741-6426 International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry
0927-3522 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
1753-6235 International Journal of Private Law
0953-8186 International Journal of Refugee Law
1742-4240 International Journal of Technology Policy and Law
0969-5958 International Journal of the Legal Profession
1752-7716 International Journal of Transitional Justice
0020-7810 International Lawyer
0144-8188 International Review of Law and Economics
1360-0869 International Review of Law, Computers & Technology
1816-3831 International Review of the Red Cross
0097-7314 International Tax Journal
1385-3074 International Transfer Pricing Journal
0925-0832 International V A T Monitor
1617-5395 Internationales Handelsrecht
0942-6744 Internationales Steuerrecht
0165-2826 Intertax
0791-5403 Irish Journal of European Law
8756-8160 Issues in Law and Medicine
0391-5107 Italian Yearbook of International Law
1078-4128 John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law
0021-8170 Journal du Droit International
1613-7272 Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law
0021-9460 Journal of Business Law
1744-6414 Journal of Competition Law and Economics
1043-9862 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
1473-5970 Journal of Corporate Law Studies
0047-2352 Journal of Criminal Justice
1070-8286 Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
0091-4169 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
1740-1453 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
0264-6811 Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law
0952-8873 Journal of Environmental Law
1475-4835 Journal of Human Rights
1361-4169 Journal of Information, Law and Technology
1747-1532 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
0267-937X Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation
1612-6068 Journal of International Biotechnology Law
1901-8401 Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology
1478-1387 Journal of International Criminal Justice
1369-3034 Journal of International Economic Law
1478-8586 Journal of International Maritime Law
1049-6378 Journal of International Taxation
1350-7605 Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning
1388-0292 Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
1047-8035 Journal of Law & Public Policy
0748-0814 Journal of Law and Religion
0263-323X Journal of Law and Society
0022-2208 Journal of Legal Education
0732-9113 Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law
0047-2530 Journal of Legal Studies (Chicago)
0022-2410 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce
0307-4870 Journal of Planning and Environment Law
1744-1048 Journal of Private International Law
1535-0118 Journal of Public Procurement
0748-4518 Journal of Quantitative Criminology
0022-4278 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
0964-9069 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law
1422-2213 Journal of World Intellectual Property
1011-6702 Journal of World Trade
1100-7761 Juridisk Tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet
0040-6953 Juridiska Foereningen i Finland. Tidskrift
0107-699X Juristen
0022-6882 Juristenzeitung
0022-6971 Jussens Venner
0741-8825 Justice Quarterly
0161-7109 Juvenile and Family Court Journal
0023-4699 Kriminalistik
0341-1966 Kriminologisches Journal
0804-7375 Kritisk Juss
0265-8240 Law & Policy
0023-9216 Law & Society Review
0023-9186 Law and Contemporary Problems
0957-8536 Law and Critique
0738-2480 Law and History Review
0167-5249 Law and Philosophy
1569-1853 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
0897-6546 Law and Social Inquiry
0023-933X Law Quarterly Review
1746-5893 Law, Environment & Development Journal
1470-8396 Law, Probability and Risk
1467-0437 Law, Social Justice and Global Development
1355-3259 Legal and Criminological Psychology
0924-4883 Legal Aspects of International Organization
1566-6573 Legal Issues of Economic Integration
0261-3875 Legal Studies
1352-3252 Legal Theory
0922-1565 Leiden Journal of International Law
0306-2945 Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly
0024-6980 Lov og Rett
0960-5002 Managing Intellectual Property
0332-7868 Marius
0801-3055 Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt
1389-4633 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law
1619-4993 Max-Planck-Instituts für Europaeische Rechtsgeschichte. Rechtsgeschichte
1712-9664 McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy
0968-5332 Medical Law International
0967-0742 Medical Law Review
1052-2867 Michigan Journal of International Law
0026-2234 Michigan Law Review
0026-7961 Modern Law Review
1023-263X Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
0027-6723 N I R. Nordiskt Immateriellt Raettsskydd
0172-1631 Natur und Recht
0028-0739 Natural Resources Journal
0748-4526 Negotiation Journal
0165-070X Netherlands International Law Review
0924-0519 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
0167-6768 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
0341-1915 Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
1434-9272 Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht
0720-1753 Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht
0028-7881 New York University Law Review (New York, 1950)
1174-1538 New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law
1459-9686 Nordic Journal of Commercial Law
0902-7351 Nordic Journal of International Law
0029-1528 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab
1503-6480 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter
1399-140X Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret
0965-0660 Nottingham Law Journal
0143-6503 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
1553-7897 Pace International Law Review
0950-2513 Patent World
1561-4263 Police Practice and Research
1098-6111 Police Quarterly
1363-951X Policing (Bradford)
0107-3893 Politihistorisk Selskab. Aarsskrift
0032-8855 Prison Journal
1449-8227 Privacy Law Bulletin
0264-5505 Probation Journal
0033-3441 Public Contract Law Journal
0033-3565 Public Law
0963-8245 Public Procurement Law Review
1462-4745 Punishment & Society
0033-7250 Rabels Zeitschrift für Auslaendisches und Internationales Privatrecht
0952-1917 Ratio Juris
0340-7926 Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft
1380-6424 Recht der Werkelijkheid
0105-1121 Retfaerd
0925-9880 Review of Central and East European Law
0962-8797 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law
0034-6918 Revision og Regnskabsvaesen
0769-3362 Revue Droit et Societe
0035-2578 Revue du Droit Public et de la Science Politique en France et a l'Etranger
0035-2616 Revue du Marche Commun
0763-1219 Revue Francaise de Droit Administratif
1151-2385 Revue Francaise de Droit Constitutionnel
0035-3086 Revue Generale de Droit
0035-3337 Revue Internationale de Droit Compare
0397-9873 Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil
0035-4317 Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Europeen
0735-8938 Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal
0904-5139 S R -Skat
0323-4045 Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift. Germanistische Abteilung
0323-4142 Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift. Kanonistische Abteilung
0323-4096 Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift. Romanistische Abteilung
0085-5944 Scandinavian Studies in Law
1744-2567 Script-ed
0097-9554 Securities Regulation Law Journal
0905-443X Skat Udland
0346-1254 Skattenytt
0108-6049 Skattepolitisk Oversigt
0333-2810 Skatterett
0964-6639 Social & Legal Studies
0731-5082 Stanford Journal of International Law
0038-9765 Stanford Law Review
0144-3593 Statute Law Review
1941-6008 Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology
1552-3721 Sustainable Development Law & Policy
0346-2218 Svensk Skattetidning
1048-3306 Tax Notes International
0309-7900 Tax Planning International
0908-6692 TemaNord
0040-4411 Texas Law Review
1439-9741 The Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration
1362-4806 Theoretical Criminology
0895-5018 Third World Legal Studies (Year)
1398-1021 Tidsskrift for Bolig-og Byggeret
1504-3495 Tidsskrift for Eiendomsrett
1503-6782 Tidsskrift for Erstatningsrett
1397-4599 Tidsskrift for Familie-og Arveret
1503-2965 Tidsskrift for Familierett, Arverett og Barnevernrettslige Spoergsmaal
1399-6061 Tidsskrift for Kriminalret
1399-252X Tidsskrift for Landbrugsret
1603-8398 Tidsskrift for Miljoe
0040-7143 Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap
0908-8431 Tidsskrift for Skatter og Afgifter
1502-685X Tidsskrift for Strafferett
0040-7585 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
Tilburg Law Review
0962-2624 Tolley's Trust Law International
0041-056X Trademark Reporter
0174-559X Transportrecht
1084-4791 Trends in Organized Crime
1363-1780 Trusts & Trustees
1048-3748 Tulane Maritime Law Journal
0108-2353 Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen (U F R)
1902-813X Ugeskrift for Skat
1124-3694 Uniform Law Review
0041-9494 University of Chicago Law Review
1938-0283 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law
0041-9907 University of Pennsylvania Law Review
0960-2356 Utilities Law Review
0090-2594 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
0042-6601 Virginia Law Review
1096-4886 Western Criminology Review
0043-6151 Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb
0933-2766 Wohnrechtliche Blaetter
1011-4548 World Competition
1834-6707 World Customs Journal
0963-4894 World Food Regulation Review
1474-7456 World Trade Review
0740-8048 Yale Law & Policy Review
0044-0094 Yale Law Journal
0263-3264 Yearbook of European Law
0965-1721 Yearbook of International Environmental Law
1389-1359 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
0044-2348 Zeitschrift für Auslaendisches Oeffentliches Recht und Voelkerrecht
0930-861X Zeitschrift für Auslaendisches und Internationales Arbeits-und Sozialrecht
0044-2437 Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht
0084-5310 Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft
0943-3929 Zeitschrift für Europaeisches Privatrecht
0948-4396 Zeitschrift für Oeffentliches Recht
0174-0202 Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie
0340-2479 Zeitschrift für Unternehmens-und Gesellschaftsrecht
0723-9416 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht -Z I P
0342-3468 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess
0342-3484 Zeitschrift für Zoelle und Verbrauchsteuern