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Wikipedia:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/Wikipedian-in-Residence program

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A guiding path that makes the collaboration among cultural institutions and Wikipedia easier. It has been created for WikiAfrica and gives its contribution to the GLAM project.

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In 2012 a course for Wikipedian in Residence was held at lettera27. Such a program aims at making the collaboration between Wikipedia and cultural institutions easier and at supporting the institutions taking part into the projects GLAM, WikiAfrica and Share Your Knowledge. The training course addresses students and cultural institutions staff who want to contribute to Wikipedia, and it addresses wikipedians and wikimedia volunteers who would like to collaborate with cultural institutions. Each participant is associated to a GLAM (gallery, library, archive, museum). The course lasts 3 months (12 weeks) and it is structured in a one-hour meeting per week. The first six meetings are focused on Wikipedia, its principles and how it works; the next six meetings support individual work and give hints on different and specific aspects of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia sister projects (in particular Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource). The participants are guided in producing 15 quality articles or 50 quantity uploads based on documentation provided in CC by-sa or Public Domain by cultural institutions. The trainers are wikipedians, administrators of Wikipedia and lawyers with an expertise in Creative Commons licenses and in copyright. The course is free and open to a maximum of 10 participants. The first Wikipedian in Residence course takes place in Milan between March 7th and May 30th 2012 and it is promoted by lettera27 Foundation in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia.

# Meeting After the meeting, during the week
1 Introduction and expectations. Wikipedia: what it is, what it is not; consensus, community, registration. Registration on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource with small and simple edits to existing articles. Download of Zotero. The participants collect statistics from the institution webmaster and overview of the GLAM mission, projects and activities.
2 A Wikipedia article, editorial oversight and control, control systems, namespace. Sources. Using Zotero participants work on the GLAM sources (bibliography, publications, catalogues, online articles, reviews, essays...) and on other sources associated to 50 key words relevant to the GLAM (objects, collectors, territories, concepts, buildings, protagonists...). They start looking for copyright information (©, cc, existing procedure and contracts within the GLAM).
3 Creative Commons, Licenses, authors, chronology and credits, OTRS. Clearance and structure of an article. The participants verify the copyright on their sources, they collect information from the GLAM and they select the most relevant contents. By selecting one of the 50 keywords, they start producing their first article in their sandbox. They verify if they can use some of the sources previously selected (texts, images, videos...) and eventually they start the procedure to make the sources available.
4 Editing, categories, templates and tables. Editing. The participants enrich the article with the correct editing, templates, charts and tables if necessary and they move the article from the sandbox to Wikipedia. The article should be around 10 kb and it should have the characteristics of a quality article. If they finish working on the first article they start a new one. Mid-term evaluation of the training course.
5 Footnotes and bibliography. Article. The participants finish their article, add footnotes and bibliography with the Wikipedia standards (around 10.000 characters text, rich, complete and articulated). Participants are invited to involve other people in editing and contributing to the article (GLAM staff, other volunteers, friends...).
6 Wikimedia Commons and images. Editing. The participants enrich the articles with the hints provided during the meeting and they start new articles. At this point, based on the GLAM they are collaborating with or based on their personal skills, they decide if they want to produce 15 quality articles or 50 shorter articles. The produce a list of articles they want to create or they want to contribute to.
7 Wikisource. Individual work on the articles selected.
8 Quality of the articles. Individual work on the articles selected.
9 Wikievents and hints to promote participation (Wiki Loves Monuments, Backstage pass, Wiki Takes Your City) Individual work on the articles selected.
10 Case studies and documenting the collaboration between cultural institutions and Wikipedia. Monitoring and evaluating the impact and the visibility of articles and images Individual work on the articles selected.
11 Organizational chart: Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia chapters and current projects of Wikimedia Italy Individual work on the articles selected.
12 Conclusions and presentations of the work produced. Evaluation. 03/10/2012. Mid-term evaluation. Follow up and evaluation of the training course and of the articles and images produced (website statistics and feedback from the institutions involved).