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Wikipedia:Update/1/Deletion policy changes during August 2009

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Besides CSD, there are the following methods of deletion:
Deprecated criteria include:

  • Wikipedia:Oversight
    • Moved WP:OVERSIGHT#Policy up, and changed the advice on vandalism to: "Removal of vandalism. Suppression may be occasionally used to remove vandalism that can not be removed by normal administrative measures. Such cases should be handled with suppression, rather than with the Oversight tool, so that they may be reversed if needed, and should be discussed in advance on the Oversight mailing list unless they are urgent or time-sensitive, in which case they should be discussed on the mailing list afterward. The strict policy at m:Oversight (items 1–3 above) was originally adopted to ensure that a minimum number of revisions were Oversighted and only for extraordinary reasons, as it is very difficult to restore Oversighted revisions, restoration requires the intervention of a developer, and is never done in actual practice. A slightly less restrictive policy (item 4 above) has been adopted for Suppression using RevisionDelete, as suppressed edits are easily reversible."
    • Moved WP:OVERSIGHT#Operation up.
    • Two new entries in the table at WP:OVERSIGHT#RevisionDelete vs Oversight:
      • Suppression of entire page || Only by suppressing each revision in turn as a whole, however many revisions there may be. Last revision on a page cannot be suppressed. || All revisions of the page are set to fully suppressed. Effectively a shortcut to quickly suppress the username, edit summary, and text, on each revision, when the entire page and all revisions are in breach.
      • Suppression of latest or only revision on a page || Last or only revision cannot be suppressed. || Last or only revision can have various fields suppressed but not the entire edit.
    • Removed section, WP:OVERSIGHT#Appearance
    • Changed WP:OVERSIGHT#Assignment and revocation substantially from the July 31 version
    • In WP:OVERSIGHT#Users with Oversight permissions, updated list, and added footnote: "Although this user has the oversight tool, he uses it only for review and does not actually oversight edits himself."