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Wikipedia:United States Education Program/Poverty Justice and Human Capabilities (Kimberly Hoang)/Additional Contributions

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Poverty, Justice, Human Capabilities Program Wikipedia Assignment

Additional Contributions

Assignment: Make additional contributions to your and other students’ Talk and WikiProject pages

For this next stage of the Wikipedia assignment, you will (1) peer review the entries of three of your classmates and (2) respond on your Talk and WikiProject pages to the feedback and responses you have received to date. You will then need to compile and upload an annotated record of the contributions you have made to your own and your classmates talk pages to OWL-Space.

Please note that after this assignment is completed you should also continue to improve your entry; you will later document that additional work for your final entry.


A. Peer Review Contributions:

  1. Go to our class Wikipedia Page

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:USEP/Courses/Poverty,_Justice,_and_Human_Capabilities_(Kimberly_Hoang_and_Diana_Strassmann) and locate the “Articles” section where you previously listed your username and article.

  1. On this page, add your name as a peer reviewer to three of your classmates’ entries on the course page. To ensure that all entries receive at least three peer reviewers, no more than three students may list themselves as the peer reviewers of each page. You must pick pages to contribute to that still need peer reviewers.
  1. Carefully review the entries of the three classmates you have signed up to review. You should also look at their entries’ Talk pages and the WikiProject pages they have contributed to. (Once you know who has signed up to review your own entries, you should email those classmates and provide a quick guide to your work so that you can get the most useful feedback.)

You may use the entry’s History page to see what changes the classmate made to the page, but do not comment solely on these changes. You should also remark on how the changes add to or detract from the revised article as a whole.

  1. Contribute your thoughts to the Talk pages (and where appropriate) to the WikiProject pages of the classmates you have signed up to review.
  1. Document your work by taking regular screenshots of your contributions. For a reminder on how to take screenshots, see the “How to take screenshots” section at the end of this assignment.

B. Additions to your own Article Discussion and WikiProject pages

  1. Respond on your Talk and WikiProject pages to feedback from classmates and others who have commented on your Wikipedia contributions. (You should also continue to improve your entry according to these comments; you will later document that additional work for your final entry.)
  1. Document your responses by taking regular screenshots of your contributions.

Submit to OWL-Space: Deadline Tuesday, November 20th at 11:45 pm

Create .pdfs or screenshots of your contributions, making sure that the screenshots contain a font size that is large and easy to read. The zoom feature on your computer and/or browser can solve this problem if the font is too small. Check your work by printing your contribution to make sure that the printed version is the equivalent size as the print in this handout. Screenshots with too small print will lose points.

For this assignment, you must compile ALL of your additional contributions into a single Word document or pdf. This includes contributions to both categories above. For each contribution, include a screenshot of the text you added as well as an explanation of the additional contribution you are documenting. You should include information about the page and the discussion. Screenshots must include your contribution and your username.

Submit these files to the relevant assignment tab on OWL-Space and for full credit save the file as follows: <LastName>Additional.pdf (or .doc)

How to take screen shots:

If the page you are viewing has unnecessary information, please use a selected screenshot instead of a full screenshot as this will make the image larger and, therefore, more legible.

To zoom-in on the screen: In Firefox and Google Chrome, you can zoom in by simply pressing “Control” or “Ctrl” and scrolling up. Then you can take your screenshot and the font will be larger.

On a MAC: For a selected screenshot, hold “command” and “shift” and then press 4. Use your cursor to then select the area to screenshot. For a full screenshot, hold “command” and “shift” and then press 3. The screenshots save to your desktop and can be renamed to .jpg or .pdf (they default as .png files).

On a PC: Please follow the steps provided at this link: http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows



Creative Commons License
Proposed topics by Diana Strassmann is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Last updated on: November 14, 2012