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Wikipedia:USEP/Courses/JHU MolBio Ogg SP14/Group 82D

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Initial article assessments from Jocelyn Munson


Capping enzyme


This article is currently a stub. It definitely needs more information, but shouldn't be too technical or too detailed. In my opinion, the article as its currently written is difficult for many readers to understand. It should contain sections, subsections, tables, and external links. Diagrams would also be useful, including a depiction of the protein itself and its general mechanism. Most importantly, more references[1] [2] [3] are needed.

DNA adduct


This article is larger than a stub, but definitely needs more information. I agree with what was written on the talk page; the definition of "DNA adduct" is confusing. The "DNA Damage" section needs to be rewritten or deleted. This article should include, among other things, information on its use in research, discovery, mechanism, and overall significance. The writing should be clear, concise, and not too detailed. More references[1][4][5][6] are needed.

Possible references for capping enzyme article and DNA adduct article

  1. ^ a b Watson, James D.; Baker, Tania A.; Bell, Stephen P.; Gann, Alexander; Levine, Michael; Losick, Richard (2014). Molecular Biology of the Gene. Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 978-0321762436.
  2. ^ Takizawa, Naoki; Fujiwara, Toshinobu; Yamasaki, Manabu; Saito, Ayako; Fukao, Akira; Nomoto, Akio; Mizumoto, Kiyohisa; Kanai, Akio (30 October 2013). "The Essential Role for the RNA Triphosphatase Cet1p in Nuclear Import of the mRNA Capping Enzyme Cet1p-Ceg1p Complex of Saccharomyces cerevisiae". PLOS ONE. 8 (10): e78000. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...878000T. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078000. PMC 3813497. PMID 24205062.
  3. ^ Cho, E.-J.; Takagi, T.; Moore, C. R.; Buratowski, S. (15 December 1997). "mRNA capping enzyme is recruited to the transcription complex by phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain". Genes & Development. 11 (24): 3319–3326. doi:10.1101/gad.11.24.3319. PMC 316800. PMID 9407025.
  4. ^ Megaraj, V; Ding, X; Fang, C; Kovalchuk, N; Zhu, Y; Zhang, QY (19 February 2014). "Role of Hepatic and Intestinal P450 Enzymes in the Metabolic Activation of the Colon Carcinogen Azoxymethane in Mice". Chemical Research in Toxicology. 27 (4): 656–662. doi:10.1021/tx4004769. PMC 4002058. PMID 24552495.
  5. ^ Brown, K (2012). "Methods for the Detection of DNA Adducts". Genetic Toxicology. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 817. pp. 207–230. doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-421-6_11. ISBN 978-1-61779-420-9. PMID 22147575.
  6. ^ Kotapati, S; Sangaraju, D; Esades, A; Hallberg, L; Walker, VE; Swenberg, JA; Tretyakova, NY (14 February 2014). "Bis-butanediol-mercapturic acid (bis-BDMA) as a urinary biomarker of metabolic activation of butadiene to its ultimate carcinogenic species". Carcinogenesis. 35 (6): 1371–1378. doi:10.1093/carcin/bgu047. PMC 4043237. PMID 24531806.

Initial Article Assessments- Cindy Atwell




This article is clearly a stub as it currently is composed of only one sentence with links to the various types of acetyltransferases. There is an illustration of an acetyl group. However, it isn't very useful as it is just a picture of the acetyl group without the enzyme. In other words, the picture doesn't illustrate the function of the enzyme nor does it illustrate the structure of the enzyme. There is currently one reference. In my opinion, the article could use additional content on the structure, function, and implications for disease. This content would ideally be arranged using headings and sub-headings. To substantiate this content, additional references will be needed [CA 1][CA 2] [CA 3] [CA 4]

Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT


This article is also clearly a stub as it contains one single sentence describing a protein inhibitor of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. There are links to examples, but there are no illustrations. There is a reference to the US National Library of Medicine, and the table describes the JAK-STAT pathway. However, there is a lot of content to develop and many citations will be needed in order to provide the necessary secondary sources. A summary of the protein inhibitor of STAT, the function, structure, and therapeutic indications will need to be summarized in a concise and organized manner[CA 5] [CA 6] [CA 7] [1] [2] .

Possible References For Acetyltranferase and Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT Articles

  1. ^ Patin, E; Barreiro, LB; Sabeti, PC; Austerlitz, F; Luca, F; Sajantila, A; Behar, DM; Semino, O; Sakuntabhai, A; Guiso, N; Gicquel, B; McElreavey, K; Harding, RM; Heyer, E; Quintana-Murci, L (March 2006). "Deciphering the ancient and complex evolutionary history of human arylamine N-acetyltransferase genes". American Journal of Human Genetics. 78 (3): 423–36. doi:10.1086/500614. PMC 1380286. PMID 16416399.
  2. ^ Doyon, Y; Selleck, W; Lane, WS; Tan, S; Côté, J (March 2004). "Structural and functional conservation of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex from yeast to humans". Molecular and Cellular Biology. 24 (5): 1884–96. doi:10.1128/MCB.24.5.1884-1896.2004. PMC 350560. PMID 14966270.
  3. ^ Khlifi, R; Messaoud, O; Rebai, A; Hamza-Chaffai, A (2013). "Polymorphisms in the human cytochrome P450 and arylamine N-acetyltransferase: susceptibility to head and neck cancers". BioMed Research International. 2013: 582768. doi:10.1155/2013/582768. PMC 3787584. PMID 24151610.
  4. ^ Pham, TX; Lee, J (28 November 2012). "Dietary regulation of histone acetylases and deacetylases for the prevention of metabolic diseases". Nutrients. 4 (12): 1868–86. doi:10.3390/nu4121868. PMC 3546612. PMID 23363995.
  5. ^ Leaman, DW; Leung, S; Li, X; Stark, GR (December 1996). "Regulation of STAT-dependent pathways by growth factors and cytokines". FASEB Journal. 10 (14): 1578–88. doi:10.1096/fasebj.10.14.9002549. PMID 9002549. S2CID 16751551.
  6. ^ Bourgeais, Jérome; Gouilleux-Gruart, Valérie; Gouilleux, Fabrice (1 October 2013). "Oxidative metabolism in cancer: A STAT affair?". JAK-STAT. 2 (4): e25764. doi:10.4161/jkst.25764. PMC 3876433. PMID 24416651.
  7. ^ Timofeeva, OA; Tarasova, NI (1 October 2012). "Alternative ways of modulating JAK-STAT pathway: Looking beyond phosphorylation". JAK-STAT. 1 (4): 274–284. doi:10.4161/jkst.22313. PMC 3670285. PMID 24058784.

Article selection rationale


We have chosen to contribute to the protein inhibitor of activated STAT article. While the JAK-STAT pathway has been shown to be important in many diseases, and protein inhibitors of activated STAT (PIAS) family has been shown to interact with over 60 different proteins, [1] this Wiki article is classified as a stub and there has been no discussion regarding the article on the talk page.

Our goal is to provide readers with a general overview of PIAS in a straightforward manner. There is clearly a lot of work to do as this article currently contains only one single sentence describing the PIAS family. There are links to specific examples, but there are no illustrations. As there is a lot of content to develop and many citations will be needed, this is a great article for our group to work on during this class. We will review secondary sources in order to develop a summary of the PIAS family, the function, structure, and importance in disease. For example, there is evidence suggesting the PIAS mechanism is the key to potential cancer treatments. [1] PIAS is also involved in regulating the immune system. [2]

We don’t want to confuse our readers with too many details. At the same time, we want them to understand the significance of PIAS and its relation to the JAK-STAT pathway. With the large amount of information available from the scientific community, we are confident that we can successfully contribute to the PIAS article on Wikipedia.

References For Selection Rationale Discussion

  1. ^ a b c Shuai, K (February 2006). "Regulation of cytokine signaling pathways by PIAS proteins". Cell Research. 16 (2): 196–202. doi:10.1038/sj.cr.7310027. PMID 16474434. S2CID 755228.
  2. ^ a b Shuai, Ke; Liu, Bin (August 2005). "Regulation of gene-activation pathways by PIAS proteins in the immune system". Nature Reviews Immunology. 5 (8): 593–605. doi:10.1038/nri1667. PMID 16056253. S2CID 7466028.

Unit 8 progress report

  • Used Inkscape to make a figure that illustrates the PIAS domains and motifs and uploaded it to Wikimedia Commons
  • Created the headings for the article using the WikiProject Cell Signaling guidelines
  • All other contributions were prose

Unit 10 progress report

  • Found image SAP domain from Wikimedia Commons and uploaded it
  • All other contributions were prose

Unit 12 progress report

  • Added tables
  • Added image of PHD zinc finger domain of SIZ1
  • All other contributions were prose

Unit 14 progress report

  • Added image of PIAS and JAK-STAT pathway signaling. Derived from this image. Inkscape was used.
  • All images and tables were added by us. See past progress reports.
  • Added more references
  • Added another external link
  • All other contributions were prose
  • Although there were no contributions by outside editors to this article, the comments from reviewers were instrumental in shaping it. Thank you!