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Wikipedia:Title pairs for future redirects

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page lists, in each group, the titles of an as yet unwritten article, and titles that should redirect to it; sometimes an editor adding a group knows which should be the article, and the focus is always to provide a place where titles can noted as applying to the same topic, without creating a stub or creating rdrs that point to red links.


If you came to this page by following a lk on a "What links here" page, you probably are starting a article, redirect, or Dab page, whose title has been anticipated here:

  1. Do a find within this page for the main-namespace page-name in question.
  2. The whole numbered point that the find identifies is the entry for your topic.
  3. That entry consists of pairs, each pair consisting of a wiki-lk to a main-namespace title, and a URL-lk (i.e., an external-style link) to its "uses" (i.e., to the corresponding "What links here").
  4. If any of the Wiki-lks in the entry are blue (unless you have already saved the page you are creating, and it is the only blue lk in the entry), then the originator of the entry anticipated those titles being used for your topic, and they are already being used -- either for competing articles on your topic, or for different topics whose articles suggest disambiguation is needed. (Or someone may have created a redirect to a non-existant article.)
  5. Even if all the Wiki-lks are red, you should follow the "uses" lks to find titles that other editors may have lk'd to, planning on your eventually writing on your topic under that title. Check the context to see which cases are of that kind: If all lks to a given title have your topic in mind, those titles probably should become redirects to your created or impending article on your topic -- unless you decide to change your mind, and give the article one of the other titles. Of course, again, they may have in mind topics other than yours, in which case again disambiguation is probably needed.
  6. Caution suggests that even if some of the wiki-lks have no uses, they still may later, and you should probably create redirects from them to your article. It may develop later that someone lks to some of them with other topics in mind, but the rdrs can be converted into Dabs at that point.

If you came here because of a red lk to a topic that has, or could eventually have, different red-lk'd titles intended for it:


Current method


The section below, #Templates for simplifying creations of entries and its subsections are no longer needed -- advanced facilities (that were at least unknown to some of us at the time that was written) make the process much simpler:

  1. Start an entry with a number-sign markup on a new line. (But don't leave a blank line after the previous entry.)
  2. For each title, for example František Kramàr, use it as the only argument of {{Tpfr}}, thus:
    {{tpfr|František Kramàr}}
    František Kramàr::used-by
    (In spite of the diacritical marks and the embedded blank (which cannot directly appear in a URL), that template is powerful enuf to create the wiki-lks to the article and the what-links-here page.)
  3. At this point, you've done a service to WP, and it's fine to just save the page and get on with whatever else you had in mind. But if you care to, you can continue:
  4. If either (any) of the article wiki-lks is blue, the articles with red wiki-lks probably are worth creating; this is especially true for those whose "used-by" lks lead to something other than this page (Title pairs for future redirects) and/or talk pages. Note that it is usually better to create Redirects from the redlk titles (whether or not you bypass them) than to change those lks without creating the Rdrs, because sites that have copied WP content often do not imitate your updates, and their users may come to WP looking for the articles under the titles that were red lks at the time the other site copied our content; the Rdrs will still be needed to get them to the article they want, even if all those old rdlks have been bypassed, in the new revisions of the WP articles.
  5. Sometimes the titles with no what-lks-here entries have never been Wiki-lks (red or blue), but are just natural choices for lks, listed here in case new lks get created between creation of the LPFR entry and creation of the article it anticipates. But the longer the delay between creation of the article and checking for rdlks that are intended for that article, the stronger the possibility that someone eliminated old rdlks without creating the corresponding Rdrs, obscuring the fact that other sites have lks intended for the article, that have neither the article's title nor the title of a rdr to the article -- and therefore the more valuable adding the rdrs is likely to be.

Deprecated procedures

  1. Start an entry with a number-sign markup on a new line. (But don't leave a blank line after the previous entry.)
  2. Where the titles are suited to the following templates, use one template on that line for each potential title for your topic.
  3. For the remaining titles that lack templates, either
    • create a new template by copying and pasting the mark-up for an existing one, and modifying and saving it under a new template title. Or
    • just put the titles in question between double-brackets, preview, and for each resulting lk
      1. follow the lk to a start-a-new-article edit page,
      2. instead of saving anything, follow "What links here" to the corresponding Special page,
      3. copy the URL of that page, and
      4. type two colons and a "[" character to the right of the wiki-lk,
      5. paste in the URL, and
      6. type a blank, "uses", and a "]" character.
  4. Preview the page; if one of the article links you've created is blue, there's already an article, and you should abandon the edit of this page after creating redirects from the other titles to the article -- unless the blue lk is a rdr with no target article, or the topic of the article shows the need from disambiguation between that topic and the topic you had in mind.
  5. Unless you found a blue lk, save the page; mention one or more of the titles in the edit summary.

Templates for simplifying creations of entries


For ordinary titles (no parentheses)


For ordinary titles (with parentheses)


For titles including special characters

  • For titles with only blanks and URL-legal characters, except for one "special" stretch that includes characters that may not appear directly in a URL. These are named according to the number of uninterrupted stretches of non-blank URL-legal characters, and the number of such stretches that precede the "special" stretch.
    Example: {{tpfd-3s2|Gerry|Schr|ö|%C3%B6|der}}
    ==> [[Gerry Schröder]]::[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Whatlinkshere/Gerry_Schr%C3%B6der used-by]
    1. one stretch:
      {{tpfd-1s0|A|a|X}} template:tpfd-1s0
      1. {{tpfd-1s1|X|A|a}} template:tpfd-1s1
    2. two stretches:
      {{tpfd-2s0|A|a|X|Y}} template:tpfd-2s0
      1. {{tpfd-2s1|X|A|a|Y}} template:tpfd-2s1
      2. {{tpfd-2s2|X|Y|A|a}} template:tpfd-2s2
    3. three stretches:
      {{tpfd-3s0|A|a|X|Y|Z}} template:tpfd-3s0
      1. {{tpfd-3s1|X|A|a|Y|Z}} template:tpfd-3s1
      2. {{tpfd-3s2|X|Y|A|a|Z}} template:tpfd-3s2
      3. {{tpfd-3s3|X|Y|Z|A|a}} template:tpfd-3s3
  • For titles with only blanks and URL-legal characters, except for two "special" stretchs that include characters that may not appear directly in a URL. These are named according to the number of uninterrupted stretches of non-blank URL-legal characters, and the numbers of such stretches that precede the respective "special" stretches.
    Example: {{tpfd-3s12|R|ö|%C3%B6|tterd|ä|%C3%A4|mmerung}}
    ==> [[Rötterdämmerung]]::[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Whatlinkshere/G%C3%B6tterd%C3%A4mmerung used-by]
    1. one stretch:
      {{tpfd-1s01|A|a|X|B|b}} template:tpfd-1s01
    2. two stretches:
      {{tpfd-2s01|A|a|X|B|b|Y}} template:tpfd-2s01
      {{tpfd-2s02|A|a|X|Y|B|b}} template:tpfd-2s02
      {{tpfd-2s12|X|A|a|Y|B|b}} template:tpfd-2s12
    3. three stretches:
      {{tpfd-3s01|A|a|X|B|b|Y|Z}} template:tpfd-3s01
      {{tpfd-3s02|A|a|X|Y|B|b|Z}} template:tpfd-3s02
      {{tpfd-3s03|A|a|X|Y|Z|B|b}} template:tpfd-3s03
      {{tpfd-3s023|A|a|X|Y|B|b|Z|C|c}} template:tpfd-3s023
      {{tpfd-3s12|X|A|a|Y|B|b|Z}} template:tpfd-3s12
      {{tpfd-3s13|X|A|a|Y|Z|B|b}} template:tpfd-3s13
      {{tpfd-3s23|X|Y|A|a|Z|B|b}} template:tpfd-3s23

These two cases (Moses Hess and Ian Wilson) are at this point just samples; it would be less confusing if no one fixes the corresponding articles and redirects, as this page is intended it facilitate with future cases; they don't really need this page bcz the articles already exist, and the redirects could have been created without using this page.

Pending cases


The "uses" lks are by their nature already blue, but an entry in this section should have all of its title lks red at the time it is placed here. When one of them becomes blue, that title is in use (presumably as an article rather than a redirect or Dab, but it's worth checking) the other titles should normally be created as redirects to the article.

Plain Redirects

  1. Jim Kinnane::used-by Jim Canaan::used-by Jim Canan::used-by
    (fl. early 20th century), Memphis entertainment entrepreneur, gangster, & politician -- namesake of Robert Wilkins recording "I Wisht I was Back at Ol' Jim Canaan's" - Trail of the Hellhound Memphis Sites
  2. Cave Dog::used-by Ted Keizer::used-by
    (fl. 2000s), American speed-hiker
  3. L. E. Sissman::used-by L.E. Sissman::used-by (misspellings largely propagated by WP: L. E. Sisson::used-by L.E. Sisson::used-by)
  4. Dudley Barker::used-by Lionel Black::used-by
    British mystery writer, born 1910
  5. Herbert Grier::used-by Herbert E Grier::used-by Herbert E. Grier::used-by
  6. Target: Nikko Kroetsch::used-by
    Rdr Nikko Kröetsch::used-by
    (born 1988), Canadian athlete; the umlaut version seems to be an error promoted by WP; needs confirmation of notability: 6 of about 13 Google hits.
  7. Dave Berg (musician)::used-by Dave Berg (DJ)::used-by Dave Berg (disk jockey)::used-by Dave Berg (electronica musician and DJ)::used-by
  8. ABA Fellow::used-by Fellow of the American Bar Association::used-by American Bar Association Fellow::used-by
    Fellow of the American Bar Association
    American mid-20th-century physicist, business partner of Harold Edgerton in EG&G
  9. redirects (unless unused): Charles Gordon (football player)::used-by Charles Gordon (football)::used-by
    Targets: Charles Gordon (CFL)::used-by Charles Gordon (U of K)::used-by
  10. Jeffrey D. Ivers::used-by -- Jeff Ivers::used-by -- Jeffrey Ivers::used-by -- producer
  11. Divine Madness (short story)::used-by -- Divine Madness (story)::used-by -- Divine Madness (Zelazney)::used-by
  12. Harry Smith (MLB infielder)::used-by -- Harry Smith (infielder)::used-by
  13. rdr: Mark Bell (Artist)::used-by
    target: Mark Bell (artist)::used-by
  14. rdr:Bill Hammond (Texas politician)::used-by --
    target: Bill Hammond (politician)::used-by -- (Texas senate to 1990)
  15. rdr:Endymion (band)::used-by
    target: Endymion (Netherlands)::used-by
    Caution: using the "band" Dab'g phrase on the article may produce confusion due efforts by advocates of
    Endymion ... an incredibly obscure funeral doom/death band from Austin, Texas who released a tape called "Apocrypha" in 1999. The band later changed its name to Endymion Awakes.
    If Endymion Awakes achieves notability, Endymion (band) should probably become a Dab.
  16. rdr: Ken Johnson (basketball forward)::used-by
    target: Ken Johnson (forward)::used-by
  17. rdrs: Peter Kiewit Sr.::used-by -- Peter Kiewit, Sr::used-by -- Peter Kiewit Sr::used-by --
    target: Peter Kiewit, Sr.::used-by - primarily of interest bcz of son Peter Kiewit, Jr.::used-by w/ article at Peter Kiewit::used-by (completed cases, below)
  18. rdrs: David L Hiser::used-by -- David Hiser::used-by
    target: David L. Hiser::used-by
  19. rdr: Vandenberg(novel)::used-by
    target: Vandenberg (novel)::used-by
  20. rdr: Butress Nunatak::used-by
    target: Buttress Nunatak::used-by
  21. rdr: Richard S. Muller (engineer)::used-by
    target: Richard S. Muller::used-by
  22. rdr: Hildia Cambell::used-by
    target: Hildia Campbell::used-by
  23. rdr: Iain Cambell::used-by
    target: Iain Cambell (swimmer)::used-by
  24. rdrs: JABberwocky (Literary agency)::used-by Jabberwocky (Literary agency)::used-by Jabberwocky (literary agency)::used-by JABberwocky::used-by
    target: JABberwocky (literary agency)::used-by
  25. rdr: Jack Burns (MLB second baseman)::used-by
    target: Jack Burns (second base)::used-by
  26. rdr: Jack Burns (Football Coach)::used-by
    target: Jack Burns (football)::used-by
  27. rdrs: Jan Novak (Writer)::used-by Jan Novak(Writer)::used-by Jan Novak (writer)::used-by Jan Novák(Writer)::used-by Jan Novák (Writer)::used-by
    target: Jan Novák (writer)::used-by
  28. rdr: Jim Walsh (Racing driver)::used-by
    target: Jim Walsh (racing driver)::used-by

Dabs plus Redirect Pairs


Each of these cases concerns a pair of red links, and either another red link or a likely future link, where this third lk should become a Dab page if both the pair become articles of comparable interest. For instance:

  1. Potential Dab: Basil (film)::used-by is a red link, intended for the film starring Slater & Leto, Basil at IMDb. But both
    1. that film Basil (1998)::used-by -- Basil (1998 film)::used-by and
    2. the film starring Asner Basil at IMDb Basil (1997)::used-by -- Basil (1997 film)::used-by
    could get articles; Basil (film) should then become a Dab page.
    • In Jerzyt's opinion, the editor who creates the first of the two articles has a choice of title between Basil (film) and the film's corresponding year version; if they choose Basil (film), IMO they should include a ToP Dab referencing the other film's year-version title -- at least inside a comment for the attention of a future editor concerned that the other deserves more attention than the Dab page Basil provides it.
  2. Potential Dab: Michelle Burke::used-by (as of 03:53, 19 March 2006 (UTC) there are about 9 main-namespace lks to it, most of them for the actor)
    1. Michelle Burke (makeup)::used-by -- Michèle Burke::used-by -- Michele Burke::used-by -- Michele Burke-Winter::used-by -- Michelle Burke-Winter::used-by -- Michèle Burke-Winter::used-by
    2. Michelle Burke (actress)::used-by -- Michelle Burke (actor)::used-by --
  3. Potential Dab: Martin Russ::used-by (Dab existsed as of 04:35, 20 March 2006 (UTC) but subject to deletion since none of its target articles exist) note Deletion log: 16:44, 25 March 2006 Sceptre deleted "Martin Russ" (content was: '{{prod|unnecessary disambiguation page, neither person by this name currently has a Wikipedia article}} Martin Russ may be:* [[Martin Russ (hi...').
    1. Martin Russ (military writer)::used-by -- Martin Russ (historian)::used-by -- Martin Russ (military)::used-by -- Martin Russ (military history)::used-by --
    2. Martin Russ (music writer)::used-by -- Martin Russ (music synthesis)::used-by -- Martin Russ (electronics)::used-by --
    (re music synthesis & sampling)
  4. Potential Dab: Philip King (author)::used-by Ambiguously Dab'd (!) rd lk
    1. Philip King (playwright)::used-by -- Philip King (farces)::used-by
    2. Philip King (historian)::used-by -- Philip King (archeologist)::used-by
  5. Potential Dab: DMZ (label)::used-by
    1. DMZ (1990s label)::used-by -- released The R*tist 4*merly Known as Dangerous Toys 1995
    2. DMZ (American label)::used-by -- founded 2006 by T Bone Burnett and the Coen Brothers
    3. DMZ (UK label)::used-by -- since 2004, associated with producers Digital Mystikz

Completed cases


Each entry here was in the pending-cases section above, and one of its titles went from red to blue. In response, all its other titles were made redirects to the new article.
(In the long run, this section should be eliminated so that editors don't come to this page via "what links here" pages for articles and redirects that are now completed cases. But for now, IMO the page needs all the publicity it can get.--Jerzyt 16:02, 29 November 2005 (UTC))[reply]

  1. Bernard Ashley (manager)::used-by Sir Bernard Ashley::used-by -- Laura Ashley's spouse & bus. partner - 16:02, 29 November 2005 (UTC)
  2. Sigtrygg Silkbeard::used-by Sitric Silkbeard::used-by Sigtrygg Silkbeard Olafsson::used-by Sigtrygg Olafsson::used-by Sitric Olafsson::used-by -- Irish king - 16:02, 29 November 2005 (UTC)
  3. Walter d'Eynsham::used-by Walter de Hempsham::used-by - archbishop of Canterbury, 1229 to 1231 -- 03:08, 15 December 2005 (UTC)
  4. Mabel Dodge::used-by Mabel Dodge Luhan::used-by Mabel Luhan::used-by -- (1879–1962) finance-connected socialite, lit & art patron, trend-seeker &/or -setter Find-A-Grave entry --21:28, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
  5. Unlike most of these closed cases, this one got closed before i was ready to save the edit. I found SLW and SW as adjacent rd-lks on List of people by name: Wea, with the same death date & similar descriptions. Research satisfied me that the two titles refer to one person, so i started this entry in "new cases". Since the whole concept is to get all the potential rdrs covered, i used an excess of caution & included the combination of L. & Jr in the same title, and covered Jr w/ & w/o the period. Voila! one of those existed, and pointed to the article, using a nickname in place of Sylvester. It's not supposed to produce results that quickly, but that is how this puppy is supposed to work. Sylvester Weaver::used-by Sylvester Weaver Jr.::used-by Sylvester L. Weaver::used-by Sylvester L. Weaver Jr.::used-by Sylvester Weaver, Jr.::used-by Sylvester L. Weaver, Jr.::used-by Sylvester Weaver Jr::used-by Sylvester L. Weaver Jr::used-by Sylvester Weaver, Jr::used-by Sylvester L. Weaver, Jr::used-by
  6. Dab: Kenneth Morgan
    Kenneth O. Morgan::used-by Kenneth O Morgan::used-by -- (fl. late 20th century), British historian, author on Wales, & lord --
    probably different from Kenneth Morgan (Shi'a)::used-by who is probably American & more philosophy/religion oriented
  7. Nicolai Johan Lohmann Krog::used-by Nicolay Johan Lohmann Krog::used-by Nicolai Krog::used-by Nicolay Krog::used-by
    Norwegian First Minister, mid 19th century
  8. Jim St. Clair::used-by James D. St. Clair::used-by
    McCarthy hearings & Nixon Supreme-Court lawyer
  9. Kibbles 'n Bits::used-by Kibbles 'n' Bits::used-by Kibbles & Bits::used-by Kibbles n Bits::used-by
    Kibbles 'n Bits off'l Website (NTBCW Offal Website)
  10. Hale and Dorr::used-by Hale & Dorr::used-by
    Boston law firm Wilmer Hale LLC - History
  11. Chichester Bell::used-by Chichester A. Bell::used-by
    American sound engineer, cousin of Alexander Graham Bell
  12. Divine Madness (Bette Midler album)::used-by -- Divine Madness (Bette Midler)::used-by -- Divine Madness (Midler album)::used-by -- Divine Madness (Midler)::used-by
  13. Rdr: Live at Last (Bette Midler album)::used-by
    Target: Live at Last (Midler)::used-by
  14. Rdr: Live at Last (Steeleye Span album)::used-by
    Target: Live at Last (Steeleye)::used-by
  15. Claude Grahame-White::used-by Claude Grahame White::used-by
  16. Aubrey de Vere III::used-by Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford::used-by
  17. Æthelwold::used-by AEthelwold::used-by Aethelwold::used-by St Æthelwold::used-by St AEthelwold::used-by St Aethelwold::used-by St. Æthelwold::used-by St. AEthelwold::used-by St. Aethelwold::used-by
  18. Franz Krommer::used-by František Kramar::used-by Frantisek Kramar::used-by Frantisek Kramàr::used-by František Kramàr::used-by
    (November 27 1759 -- January 8 1831), Czech Moravian composer [1]; based on pronunciation, the S should have the háček as shown tho i haven't searched for examples re him.
  19. Sue Hammell::used-by Susan Hammell::used-by
    Canadian politician, Legislative Assembly of British Columbia: Surrey-Green Timbers
  20. Jerrold Marsden::used-by Jerrold Eldon Marsden::used-by Jerrold E. Marsden::used-by
    American(?) mathematician
  21. John Black (soap opera character)::used-by -- John Black (TV character)::used-by -- John Black (fictional character)::used-by -- John Black (soap opera)::used-by -- John Black (TV)::used-by -- John Black (character)::used-by -- John Black (fiction)::used-by -- John Black (soap character)::used-by
  22. Laurence McKinley Gould::used-by - Lawence McKinley Gould::used-by - Laurence Gould::used-by - Lawrence Gould::used-by - Larry Gould::used-by -
    American Antarctic scientist & college president
  23. rdr: John Buckley (Bishop)::used-by
    target: John Buckley (bishop)::used-by
  24. Linda Bloodworth-Thomason::used-by Linda Bloodworth::used-by
    American screenwriter, fl. late 20th cent.
  25. Jack Smith (writer)::used-by John F. Smith::used-by
    fl. 2000s, JS or JFS at IMDb -- (Young & Restless)
    (909-984), British religious leader: Bishop of Winchester
  26. Cassini (crater on Mars)::used-by Cassini (Mars)::used-by Cassini (Martian crater)::used-by Cassini (Mars crater)::used-by
  27. George Allen (hockey player)::used-by -- George Allen (hockey)::used-by (both are Rdrs, at the moment, to George Allen (ice hockey)::used-by
  28. rdr:Jan Bylsma::used-by
    target John Bylsma::used-by -- Australian cyclist
  29. rdrs: Peter Kiewit, Jr.::used-by -- Peter Kiewit Jr.::used-by -- Peter Kiewit, Jr::used-by -- Peter Kiewit Jr::used-by --
    target: Peter Kiewit::used-by (IMO, Sr. will not get an article at all, and even if i am wrong he still will not get equal billing: Peter Kiewit is the son (perhaps with a ToP Dab to the father), and Peter Kiewit, Sr. is the father.)
  30. James Harlan (congressman)::used-by James Harlan (Congressman)::used-by James Harlan (Kentucky)::used-by James Harlan (Kentucky Representative)::used-by James Harlan (Kentucky representative)::used-by
    served late 1830s
  31. Elizabeth Eyre::used-by Susannah Stacy::used-by Jill Staines::used-by Margaret Storey::used-by -- 2 pseudonyms & the authors who jointly write under them [2]
  32. Ihsan Dogramaci::used-by İhsan Doğramacı::used-by
    (born 1915), Turkish pediatrician, politician & educator & founder of Bilkent University
  33. Oscar DeLeon::used-by (rdr?), Oscar De Leon::used-by (target?), Oscar deLeon::used-by, Oscar de Leon::used-by
    Spanish bio Venezuelan salsa singer
    correct target is apparently Oscar D'León::used-by; Jerzy's Rdrs should by bypassed.
  34. rdr: Dominuque Girard (architect)::used-by --
    target: Dominique Girard (architect)::used-by
  35. rdr: Ken Johnson (basketball center)::used-by
    target: Ken Johnson (center)::used-by
  36. Richard Foster (Australian politician)::used-by -- Richard Foster (Australia)::used-by -- Richard Foster (Australian)::used-by --
  37. Richard Foster (Alaska politician)::used-by -- Richard Foster (Alaska)::used-by -- Richard Foster (Alaskan)::used-by --
  38. Richard Foster (British Artist)::used-by -- Richard Foster (British artist)::used-by -- Richard Foster (artist)::used-by --
  39. Red Smiley::used-by Arthur Lee Smiley::used-by
    American singer, (1925-1972), part of Reno and Smiley
  40. (This case is unclear: they are probably but not certainly the same guy)
    Juan Sebastian Cano::used-by (died 1526), Spanish explorer
    Juan Sebastian del Cano::used-by completed the first global circumnavigation, started by Magellan
  41. Rdr: Blance Willis Howard::used-by must be the rdr, for benefit of those following former WP error,
    target: Blanche Willis Howard::used-by - - (1847-1898), American novelist & Baroness von Teuffel
  42. Richard Foster (fiction)::used-by -- Kendell Foster Crossen::used-by
    - (fl. 1940s), RF is pseudonym for KFC [3] under "Green Lama"
  43. Rdr: Dylan Smith (Australian rules footballer)::used-by and if used, Dylan Smith (Australian football)::used-by Dylan Smith (Australian rules)::used-by Dylan Smith (Australian footballer)::used-by
    Target: Dylan Smith (football)::used-by
  44. Dave Horler::used-by David Horler::used-by (trombonist)
  45. rdr: Ken Johnson (left-handed pitcher)::used-by
    target: Ken Johnson (lefty)::used-by