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Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote

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Selected quote 1

Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote/1 We'll be home as soon as we find a portal back!

— Hank, City at the Edge of Midnight, Dungeons & Dragons

Selected quote 2

Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote/2 A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals to discovery.

James Joyce, Ulysses

Selected quote 3

Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote/3 Here goes…Eenie Meenie Peter Piper and the cow jumped over the moon!
So, is that how you open the portal?
Yes, I think so. Sometimes it just makes a pothole…

— Portal Master and Shobu, Duel Masters

Selected quote 4

Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote/4 Every wakeful step, every mindful act is the direct path to awakening. Wherever you go, there you are.


Selected quote 5

Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote/5 Now you're thinking with portals.

GLaDOS, Portal

Selected quote 6

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That heavenly music! what is it I hear?
The notes of the harpers ring sweet in mine ear.
And, see, soft unfolding those portals of gold,
The King all arrayed in his beauty behold!

William Augustus Muhlenberg, I would not live alway

Selected quote 7

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O ye who sit in bondage and continually seek and pant for freedom, seek only for love.
Love is peace in itself and peace which gives complete satisfaction.
I am the key that opens the portal to the rarely discovered land where contentment alone is found.

Leo Tolstoy, A Letter to a Hindu

Selected quote 8

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The movie's curse! Watching it opened a portal into another dimension!
The monster came through the portal, now it's going to hunt us down and eat us!
And I'm probably delicious!

— Beast Boy, Fear Itself, Teen Titans

Selected quote 9

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From the depths of the gloom wherein you dwell, you do not see
much more distinctly than we the radiant and distant portals of Eden.
Only, the priests are mistaken. These holy portals are before and not behind us.

Victor Hugo, letter to the Italian translator of Les Misérables

Selected quote 10

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O Liberty, white Goddess! is it well
To leave the gates unguarded? On thy breast
Fold Sorrow’s children, soothe the hurts of Fate,
Lift the down-trodden, but with hand of steel
Stay those who to thy sacred portals come
To waste the gifts of Freedom.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Unguarded Gates

Selected quote 11

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Buffy: If they manage to re-open the portal…
Dawn: I'm too big! I get it! I've been super-sized! I'm useless.

Joss Whedon, The Long Way Home

Selected quote 12

Wikipedia:Portal:Portal/Selected quote/12 That portal is mine, and it must be sealed forever.

John Malkovich, Being John Malkovich

Selected quote 13

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Beyond that portal lies the dungeon of deceit, which I alone have mastered.
But those of you who cross the boundaries of time, must master it also.

Hugo Myatt (as Treguard), Knightmare