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Editing perspective
Editing perspective




  • Deborah Wye, Wendy Weitman, Eye on Europe: Prints, Books & Multiples, 1960 to Now, Museum of Modern Art, 2006. SITE
  • Gregory Elgstrand, Dave Dyment, One for Me and One to Share: Artists’ Multiples and Editions, YYZBooks, 2012.
  • Stephen Bury, Artists’ Multiples, Artists Multiplied, Multiplication, The British Council, 2001 PDF
  • Blog Artists' Books and Multiples


  • Philip Aarons, Andrew Roth, and Victor Brand, In Numbers: Serial Publications by Artists Since 1955, JRP/Ringier Kunstverlag, 2009.
  • Ulises Carríon, Bookworks revisited, Artists Books conference, 1979. extrait
  • Anne Mœglin-Delcroix, Sur Le Livre D’artiste: Articles et Écrits de Circonstance, 1981-2005, Mot et le reste, 2006.
  • Leszek Brogowski, Anne Mœglin-Delcroix, « Livres d'artistes. L'esprit de réseau. », Nouvelle revue d’esthétique 2/2008 (n° 2) PDF
  • Jérôme Dupeyrat, Les livres d’artistes entre pratiques alternatives à l’exposition et pratiques d’exposition alternatives, thèse, 2012 PDF
  • Christoph Keller, Kiosk: modes of multiplication : a sourcebook on independent art publishing, 1999-2009, JRP Ringier, Kunstbibliothek Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2009.
  • Roger Willems, and Christoph Keller, Books Make Friends = Os Livros Fazem Amigos, Roma Publications, 2006.
  • Bernhard Cella, Leo Findeisen, and Agnes Blaha, No-ISBN on Self-publishing, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2015. extrait
  • Alessandro Ludovico, Post-digital print, Onomatopee, 2012 PDF
  • Journal Sans niveau ni mètre SITE


  • Benjamin, Walter, L’oeuvre d’art à l’époque de sa reproductibilité technique, Gallimard, 2007. WEB
  • Malraux, André, Le musée imaginaire, Gallimard, 1996. extrait PDF
  • John Berger, Voir le voir, B42, 2014.
  • John Berger, Ways of Seeing, émissions BBC, 1972. video (EN)

partage, accès, communauté

  • Price, Seth, Dispersion, Louie Louie, Tours Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts Tours, Angers Le Mans - Ecole nationale supérieure d'art de Bourges, 2011. PDF
  • Dominik Landwehr, Public Domain Edition Digital Culture 3, Migros Kulturprozent, Christoph Merian Verlag, 2015.
  • Matthew Stadler, What is a book?, video (EN).
  • Dupeyrat, Jérôme. «As Cheap and Accessible as Comic Books»: L’utopie Démocratique Du Livre D’artiste, F-u-t-u-r-e.org, n.d. http://f-u-t-u-r-e.org/r/12_Jerome-Dupeyrat_L-Utopie-democratique-du-livre-d-artiste_FR.md.
  • Steal This Book, Abbie Hoffman, 1971 PDF & facsimilé
  • Sofia Gonçalves, “Between Editorial Concerns and Workshop”, Samizdat, 2012 PDF

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livres d’artistes: artistes et œuvres


Disponibles sur artistsbooksonline, base de donnée de livres d’artistes fondée par Johanna Drucker

Charles Agel
Monuments to the Industrial Revolution (1989)
Laurence Bach
The Paros Dream Book (1972)
Susan Baker
How to Humiliate your Peeping Tom (1989)
Susan Bee
A Girl's Life (2002)
Little Orphan Anagram (1997) (with Charles Bernstein)
Paul Berger
Seattle Subtext (1984)
Charles Bernstein
Little Orphan Anagram (1997) (with Susan Bee)
Suky Best
Photo Love (1995)
Douglas Beube
Manhattan Street Romance (1982)
Gregg Biglieri
Reading Keats to Sleep (2003)
Sarah Bodman
The Marsh Test (2002) by Sarah Bodman
AnneDorothee Böhme
The Consistency of Shadows: Exhibition Catalogs as Autonomous Works of Art (with Kevin Henry) (2004)
Terry Braunstein
Windows (1982)
Karen Bucher
Sunnydell Farm (2004)
Caryl Burtner
The Exorcism of Page Thirteen (1993)
Frances Butler
Occult Psychogenic Misfeasance (1980)
Lilli Carré
Swell (2005)
Tales of Woodsman Pete (2004)
Ulises Carrión
For Fans and Scholars Alike (1987)
Critical Art Ensemble
Action is Addiction (1992)
NovaText (1990)
Nancy Chalker-Tennant
Secret Wing (1991)
Bob Chaplin
Mill River - River Mill (1997)
A.D. Coleman
Carbon Copy (1973)
Ana Cortils
Poética (Poetics) (1995) (with Eduardo Cortils)
Eduardo Cortils
Poética (Poetics) (1995) (with Ana Cortils)
Simon Cutts
The Translated Latrine Inscriptions of the Palazzo Davanzati (1993)
Balázs Czeizel
Journey Without Title (1995)
This is Not America Either (1993)
Miles DeCoster
Television (1985)
Agnes Denes
Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space: Map Projections (1979)
François Deschamps
Life in a Book (1986)
Mémoire D'un Voyage en Océanie (1995)
The Return of the Slapstick Papyrus (1988)
Sombras Rojas (1999)
Helen Douglas
Wild Wood (1999)
Eric Drooker
Home (1986)
Johanna Drucker
Against Fiction: Organized Affinities (1983)
As No Storm or the Any Port Party (1975)
Bookscape (1988)
Cuba (2005) (with Brad Freeman)
The Current Line (1996)
Damaged Nature / Salvage Culture (2005)
Damaged Spring: Pink Noire (2003)
Dark Decade (1995)
Dark, The Bat Elf Banquets the Pupae (1972)
Deterring Discourse (1993)
Dolls of the Spirit (1980)
Emerging Sentience (2001)
Events: Particle Zoo (2005)
Experience of the Medium (1978)
Fragile (1977)
From A to Z (1977)
From Now (2005)
A Girl's Life (2002)
Graphical Investigations (2005)
History of the/my Wor(l)d (1990)
It Happens Pretty Fast (1982)
Italy (1980), Jane Goes Out w' the Scouts (1980)
Just As (1983)
Kidz (1979)
Narratology (1994)
Netherland: %5bHow%5d So Far (1978)
Nightcrawlers on the Web (2000)
Nova Reperta (2000)
OTHERSPACE: Martian Ty(o)pography (1992)
Prove Before Laying (1997)
Quantum (2001)
'S crap 'S ample (1980)
Sample Dialog (1989)
Simulant Portrait (1990)
Spectacle (1984)
Subjective Meteorology (2005)
Testament of Women (2006)
The Surprise Party Or (1977)
Three Early Fictions (1994)
Through Light and the Alphabet (1986)
Tongues: a parent language (1982)
Twenty-six '76 (1976)
The Word Made Flesh (1989)
Dahlia Elsayed
Gdansk: Talk Back (2003)
Chris Enos
Garbaj (1982)
Ann Fessler
Water Safety (1982)
Frau Fiber (Carole Frances Lung)
Surviving Weimar Look Book (2007)
Carol Flax
Some (M)other Stories: a Parent(hetic)al Tale (1995)
Brad Freeman
Cuba (2005) (with Johanna Drucker)
Emerging Sentience (2001)
The Grass is Greener (2001)
The Journal of Artists' Books (editor): 1994, 1994, 1995, 1995, 1996, 1996, 1997, 1997, 1998, 1998

, 1999, 1999, 2000, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2002, 2002, 2003, 2003

Nova Reperta (2000)
OTHERSPACE: Martian Ty(o)pography (1992)
Dianna Frid
Just Wait and See (2002)
Judy Gelles
Florida Family Portrait (2002)
When We Were Ten (1997)
George Gessert
Dust and Light (1987)
Conrad Gleber
raising a family (1976)
Michael Goodman
How to Make Your Own Cheap Inexpensive Artists' Book (1990)
Bonnie Gordon
The Anatomy of Proteus (1982)
The Anatomy of the Image Maps (1982)
Pattie Belle Hastings
The Scarlet Genotype (2004)
Kevin Henry
The Consistency of Shadows: Exhibition Catalogs as Autonomous Works of Art (with AnneDorothee Böhme) (2004)
Douglas Holleley
Adaminaby (1998)
Nancy Holt
Ransacked (1980)
The Journal of Artists' Books
1994, 1994, 1995, 1995, 1996, 1996, 1997, 1997, 1998, 1998, 1999, 1999, 2000, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2002, 2002, 2003, 2003
Alastair Johnston
Cafe Charivari Charlatan Chrom (1975)
Elissa Joy
The Return of the Liposuctioned Corpse: Love Letters to Madmen (1993)
Tamarra Kaida
Tremors from the Faultline (1989)
Babette Katz
At the Beach (1988)
Getting There (1992)
My Flag (1995)
Yarn (1992)
Alison Knowles
Journal of the Identical Lunch (1971)
Ruth Laxson
%5bHo+Go%5d2=It (1987)
A Hundred Years of: LEX FLEX (2001)
Wheeling (1992)
Irene Ledwith
R.B. Schueller (1992)
Warren Lehrer
French Fries (1984)
I Mean You Know (1983)
Louise Levergneux
Beside Me (2005)
City Shields (2006)
Windows of the Soul (2003)
Ann Lovett
Palimpsest (1990)
Pilgrimage (2004)
Remains (2003)
Jenni Lukac
Kaddish (1995)
M.M. Lum
Current Events (1984)
Carole Frances Lung (as Frau Fiber)
Surviving Weimar Look Book (2007)
Joan Lyons
Abecé: (Mexico City Book 2) (2004)
Bride Book Red to Green (1975)
The Gynecologist (1989)
My Mother's Book (1993)
Twenty-Five Years Ago (1998)
Wonder Woman (1974) (with Juliet McGrath)
Nathan Lyons
Verbal Landscape/Dinosaur Sat Down (1987)
Joni Mabe
Joni Mabe's Museum Book (1988)
William Cody Maher
To Quiet a Foreign Pain (Jimmy a Real American) (with Susan Schwartzenberg) (1990)
Juliet McGrath
Wonder Woman (1974) (with Joan Lyons)
Emily McVarish
Sample Dialog (1989)
Moving Platforms (1991)
Was Here (2001)
Clifton Kirkpatrick Meador
A.A.A.R.P. (1994)
Bad Printing (2006)
Foxtrot Oscar Lima Lima Yankee (1991)
Great Men of the Modern Age (1982)
Greenness (1988)
Long, Slow March (1996)
A Long Walk (1993)
The Nameless Dead (2004)
Nutritional Disease Throw Rugs (1995)
Positive Produce & Negative Books (1995)
Rising, Converging (1988)
Sea Change (1990)
Selma to Montgomery (1995)
Stampland (1988)
Daniel Mellis
Several Split Fountains and a Jack (2007)
Gary Meres
Dead Man's Trail (2002)
Richard Minsky
Minsky in Bed (1988)
Beverly Nelson
Alternets (2005)
Carmelo Arden Quin
ailleurs 8 (unknown)
Gary Richman
Index of the Alphabetic Rebus (1984)
Fred Rinne
All My Bands (2003)
Willyum Rowe
Nurse Duck Enters and Approaches and Leaves the Garden of Eden (1982)
Gail Rubini
Sweet Junk (1977)
Forever Yours (1980)
Joe Ruther
Victorian Album (1980)
Paul Rutkovsky
Commodity Character (1982)
Get More (1986)
I am Siam (1984)
Kyle Schlesinger
A Book of Closings (2005)
David Schulz
Non-Identifying Social, Genetic Report (1999)
Variations of a Fall (2002)
Susan Schwartzenberg
To Quiet a Foreign Pain (Jimmy a Real American) (with William Cody Maher) (1990)
Tate Shaw
String Lessons (2002)
Clarissa Sligh
It Wasn't Little Rock (2006)
Jim Snitzer
Seeing Egypt (1980)
Leroy Stevens
Four Corners (2007)
Susannah Strang
Peel (1999)
Jeff Strayer
Still Life with Fruit, Wine, Audiotape and Projections (1982)
Elisabeth Tonnard
Contemplation (2008)
Erica Van Horn
Black Dog White Bark (1987)
Scraps of an Aborted Collaboration (1994)
Roy Villevoye
'No Problem, Brother!' (1997)
Jan Voss
Wartelist (1984)
Todd Walker
18 (1992)
opuntia is just another name for prickly pear (1983)
See (1978)
Three Soliloquies, --- (1977)
Joan Wolbier
arachne/amaranth (1983)
Paul Zelevansky
The Shadow Architecture at the Crossroads (1988)
Philip Zimmermann
High Tension (1993)
Nature Abhors (2003)
Francine Zubeil
Panique Generale (1993)

multiples: artistes et œuvres

Alison Knowles
Annie Sprinkle
Full Up
John Bock
Geometrischer Ort Der…
Art Metropole
Aspen Magazine (Phyllis Johnson)
Barbara Kruger
Ben Vautier
Bob and Roberta Smith
Wrapped Der Spiegel
Cory Arcangel
Damien Hirst
Home Sweet Home

I want to spend the rest of my life everywhere, with everyone…

Daniel Spoerri
Dieter Roth
Big Sunset
Jenny Holzer
Jeremy Deller
Joseph Beuys
Felt Suit
Telephone T____R
How the Dictatorship of the parties can be overcome
Milan Knizak
Phyllis Johnson
Aspen Magazine
Piero Manzoni
Merde d’Artiste
Rachel Whiteread
Robert Filliou
The Frozen Exhibition
Optimistic Boxes
Sylvie Fleury
Vital Perfection
Katharina Fritsch
Robert Smithson
S.M.S. (Shit Must Stop) [1]
Something Else Press
ubuweb [2]

Pas mal d’informations sur le site de l’exposition Eye On Europe – prints, books & multiples. Liste des œuvres: PDF.

Beaucoup d’exemples sur le blog Artists' Books and Multiples: ici et ici.