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Wikipedia:Meetup/DC/Women and Foreign Policy Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

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Women and Foreign Policy Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Women are increasingly present in all sectors of foreign and security policy, but remain disproportionately underrepresented as experts and sources in the media, in public debate, and on Wikipedia. Back by popular demand, the Council on Foreign Relations' Women and Foreign Policy Program is partnering with The Wing to host an edit-a-thon to promote women’s voices on timely issues, and spotlight women who’ve been sidelined from foreign policy history. Those new to editing on Wikipedia will learn how to create and contribute to Wikipedia pages of women in foreign policy and their myriad accomplishments. Collaborate with other experts, share your expertise, and amplify women in foreign policy with CFR and The Wing.

Laptops are required. Please bring your own. Wikimedia DC has two laptops to loan. Reserve one by emailing info@wikimediadc.org.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6PM-8:30PM


The Wing - Georgetown
Washington, DC 20009


This event is open to members of The Wing.


Please use the Etherpad link below to share what you are currently editing. Remember to type 'Done' or 'Finished' when you are through making changes. REMEMBER TO PUBLISH (SAVE) OFTEN.



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This is for use on the day of the event.
1) Select 'Sign in'
2) Scroll down on the page that follows and click 'Publish changes' or 'Save changes'.
Your username will automatically be added to the list of attendees.



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Isabel Pinto de Vidal- Book: The Shield of the Weak: Feminism and the State in Uruguay, 1903-1933, p151
Isabel Pinto de Vidal- Author Page
Isabel Pinto de Vidal- Wikipedia Spanish
Brigitte Nacos- Article on women and terrorism
Brigitte Nacos- Bio from Columbia University
Brigitte Nacos- Publications (Updated until 2011)
Mireya Aguero de Corrales- Lecture on Soft Power
Mireya Aguero de Corrales- News Article (Spanish)
Mireya Aguero de Corrales- Official CV by government
Rosemary Banks- Govt Bio
Rosemary Banks- Interview
Rosemary Banks- OECD Bio
Lucille Mair- COCHOG. org
Lucille Mair- International Insititue of Social Studies
Lucille Mair- University Bio
Deborah Lyons- Saltscapes Interview
Deborah Lyons- Govt Bio
Deborah Lyons- MaCleans Interview
feminist security studies - Journal of Regional Security
feminist security studies - Oxford Bibliographies
feminist security studies - Security Dialogue
Fatimata Toure - IntraHealth
Fatimata Toure - The New Humanitarian
Fatimata Toure - USAID
Aissa Doumara Ngatansou - OpenDemocracy
Aissa Doumara Ngatansou - RFI
Aissa Doumara Ngatansou - Voice of America
Sapana Pradham Malla - PassBlue
Sapana Pradhan Malla - Gruber Foundation/Yale
Sapana Pradhan Malla - Nepali Supreme Court
Hanaa Edwar - Hivos International
Hanaa Edwar - NGO Working Group on WPS
Hanaa Edwar - Variety
Pauline Chaponnière-Chaix - Les femmes au CICR (French)
Pauline Chaponnière-Chaix -100Elles biography (French)
Pauline Chaponnière-Chaix- JSTOR
Jane Anyango - BBC
Jane Anyango - GCAP Global
Jane Anyango - Women and Girls Lead
Renée Slotopolsky de Epelbaum/Yoyi Epelbaum
Renée Slotopolsky de Epelbaum/Yoyi Epelbaum
Ragia Omran - Al Jazeera
Ragia Omran - Associated Press
Ragia Omran - RFK Human Rights Center
Laura Pollán - Telegraph
Laura Pollán - Washington Post


Pia Mancini- Article on open source in Africa
Pia Mancini- Personal Web.
Pia Mancini- Univeristy Bio.
Karen B. Brooks- CFR Bio
Karen B. Brooks- Foregin Affairs Articles
Karen B. Brooks- US China Preception Monitor
Bernadette Sands McKevitt- Guardian
Bernadette Sands McKevitt- Interview
Bernadette Sands McKevitt- Irish Times
MANSAM - African Arguements
MANSAM - official statement
MANSAM - Reuters
Aurat Foundation - official website
Aurat Foundation - Washingtoon Report on Middle East Affairs
Adrienne Germain - Harvard Public Health
Adrienne Germain - The Lancet
Adrienne Germain - Women's Media Center bio
Joanna Manganara - European Women's Lobby
Joanna Manganara - IAW
Mary Shanthi Dairiam - CEDAW South Asia
Mary Shanthi Dairiam - OHCHR bio
Mary Shanthi Dairiam - The Star
Ola Abu Alghaib - Ashoka
Ola Abu Alghaib - Girls Globe
Ola Abu Alghaib - World Bank Blogs
Niemat Kuku - GCAP Global
Niemat Kuku - IRAW
Niemat Kuku - NED
Subcomandante Elisa - Excelsior (Spanish)
Subcomandante Elisa - HRW
Alexandra Sicotte-Levesque
Alexandra Sicotte-Levesque - Malika bio
Alexandra Sicotte-Levesque - NYT


Gender Budgeting - EIGE
Gender Budgeting - IMF
Gender Budgeting - ODI

For Creation or Translation

Laura Alonso - Americas Quarterly feature
Laura Alonso - Vital Voices biography
Laura Alonso - International Monetary Fund interview
Jane Connors - UN biography
Jane Connors - UN press release
Jane Connors - Australia National University article
Chafika Meslem - El Watan article
Chafika Meslem - UN INSTRAW publication
Dubravka Šimonovic - UNHR biography
Dubravka Šimonovic - UN biography
Dubravka Šimonovic - UN report on violence again women
Bronagh Hinds - British Library biography
Bronagh Hinds - RTE news article
Bronagh Hinds - Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland biography
Malya Villard-Appolon - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee profile
Malya Villard-Appolon - CNN article
Constanze Stelzenmüller - Brookings staff profile
Laila Bokhari - Kistefos fellowship biography
Laila Bokhari - Human Rights House Foundation biography
Laila Bokhari - Norweigan government biography
Lorena Aguilar - World Government Summit speaker biography
Lorena Aguilar - Gender and Environment Resource Center biography
Alice Kandaleft Cosma - Rutgers Library dissertation
Alice Kandaleft Cosma - Syria Times article
Sumiko Takahara - Japan Times obituary
Sumiko Takahara - New York Times article
Hélène Passtoors - AP article
Hélène Passtoors - South Africa ANC reward
Hélène Passtoors - South African History profile
Asha Ismail - Global Voices feature
Asha Ismail - Save A Girl biography

For Wikimedia DC Use

User rights management
Special username creation



Council on Foreign Relations: Women and Foreign Policy Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

  • Wikis: commons.wikimedia and en.wikipedia
  • Start date: 2019-11-12 18:00 (America/New York)
  • End date: 2019-11-12 21:00
Bytes changed Edits Uploaded files in use Uploaded files New editors Pages created Views to pages created Pages improved Avg. daily views to pages improved Unique pages with uploaded files Avg. daily views to uploaded files Participants Retention after 7 days
12,536 13 0 0 0 1 35 7 26 0 0 9 0

13 revisions

Date Page Wiki Username Edit summary
(diff) 2019-11-12 19:18 Hanaa Edwar en.wikipedia Lc2228989 /* Biography */ bio, career, awards updates
(diff) 2019-11-12 19:37 Aissa Doumara Ngatansou en.wikipedia Lc2228989
(diff) 2019-11-12 19:41 Rashida Manjoo en.wikipedia Emile101318 Added “gender-based violence” to description of her expertise.
(diff) 2019-11-12 19:52 Karen B. Brooks en.wikipedia Lmaizland Added publications
(diff) 2019-11-12 19:59 Isabel Pinto de Vidal en.wikipedia RCalTur added information about Pinto de Vidal's amendment to the UN Charter in 1945
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:13 Bronagh Hinds en.wikipedia Dkingsmill Created page for Bronagh Hinds
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:16 Isabel Pinto de Vidal en.wikipedia RCalTur
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:16 Ola Abu Alghaib en.wikipedia Maradamico Added and edited content
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:18 Ola Abu Alghaib en.wikipedia Maradamico Edited name
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:19 Ola Abu Alghaib en.wikipedia Maradamico
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:21 Ola Abu Alghaib en.wikipedia Maradamico Edited content
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:32 Sapana Pradhan Malla en.wikipedia Sluffy12345 Updated content and added citations!
(diff) 2019-11-12 20:37 Sapana Pradhan Malla en.wikipedia Sluffy12345 Updated content and added citations! pt 2