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Wikipedia:Index of New Zealand political party meta attributes

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This index records the meta data of New Zealand political parties that have contested elections. It is by no means a comprehensive list as it only includes those parties for which such meta data exists.

Current parties


Includes currently registered parliamentary, non-parliamentary , and non registered parties that contested the 2017 election[1]

Registered parliamentary parties

Shortname Colour Article
ACT #FDE401 ACT New Zealand
Green #098137 Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Labour #D82A20 New Zealand Labour Party
Te Pāti Māori #B2001A Te Pāti Māori
National #00529F New Zealand National Party
NZ First #000000 New Zealand First

Ex-parliamentary parties

Shortname Colour Article
Social Credit #CBE800 Social Credit Party (New Zealand)

Other current parties

Shortname Colour Article
Registered parties
Advance NZ #1987D1 Advance New Zealand
New Conservatives #00AEEF New Conservatives Party
Heartland #185533 Heartland New Zealand Party
Legalise Cannabis #33CC33 Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
ONE #F9D11A ONE Party
Opportunities #32DAC3 The Opportunities Party
Outdoors #008000 New Zealand Outdoors Party
Sustainable NZ #008080 Sustainable New Zealand Party
TEA #5A276C New Zealand TEA Party
Vision NZ #095B7E Vision NZ
Unregistered parties
Oytcho-Visha #293378 Oytcho-Visha
Public #5BCAF4 New Zealand Public Party

Historic parties


Parties that had representation

Shortname Colour Article
Alliance #33CC66 Alliance (New Zealand political party)
Christian Democrats #800080 Christian Democrat Party (New Zealand)
Christian Heritage #878FB8 Christian Heritage Party of New Zealand
Country Party #B9F58B Country Party (New Zealand)
Democratic Labour #FFA500 Democratic Labour Party (New Zealand)
Democrats #339966 New Zealand Democratic Party for Social Credit
Future #6091FC Future New Zealand (Dunne)
Independent Coalition #349E9F NZ Independent Coalition
Ind. Labour League #CC0033 Independent Political Labour League
Labour #DE2C34 New Zealand Labour Party (1910)
Liberal #FFDF00 New Zealand Liberal Party
Liberal–Labour #FFA500 Liberal–Labour (New Zealand)
Liberal #CC9900 New Zealand Liberal Party (1991)
Mana #770808 Mana Movement
Mana Wahine #964B00 Mana Wahine Te Ira Tangata
Mauri Pacific #003153 Mauri Pacific
NewLabour #FF4040 NewLabour Party (New Zealand)
New Liberal #DDBB00 New Liberal Party (New Zealand)
Pacific #531E8A New Zealand Pacific Party
Progressive #9E9E9E Jim Anderton's Progressive Party
Ratana #A52A2A Ratana
Reform #00BB00 New Zealand Reform Party
Social Democrat #FF79BC Social Democratic Party (New Zealand)
Te Tawharau #CC9966 Te Tawharau
United Future #501557 United Future
United Labour #FF4040 United Labour Party (New Zealand)
United NZ #663377 United New Zealand
United #BBFFFF United Party (New Zealand)
United/Reform #5EDDBF United/Reform Coalition

Parties that never had representation

Shortname Colour Article
1Law4All #8FC745 1Law4All Party
99 MP #FFC0CB 99 MP Party
Advance NZ #AADDCC Advance New Zealand (1995)
Animals First #FFFF00 Animals First
Asia Pacific #33FF99 Asia Pacific United Party
Ban 1080 #F5621E Ban 1080 Party
Bill and Ben #186E23 Bill and Ben Party
Christian Coalition #878FB8 Christian Coalition (New Zealand)
Civilian #444444 The Civilian Party
Communist #800000 Communist Party of New Zealand
Conservatives #0D0DFC New Zealand Conservative Party
Democrat #00AEEF New Zealand Democrat Party (1934)
Destiny #FFFF00 Destiny New Zealand
Direct Democracy #F28317 Direct Democracy Party of New Zealand
Ethnic Minority #80D0DD Ethnic Minority Party of New Zealand
Expatriate #10B499 Expatriate Party of New Zealand
Family Party #FFEB33 The Family Party
Family Rights #65FFF0 New Zealand Family Rights Protection Party
Focus #2690C4 Focus NZ
Christian Democrats #800080 Future New Zealand
Green Society #74B249 Green Society
Hapu #704214 Hapu Party
Imperial British Conservative #00008B Imperial British Conservative Party
Internet #662C92 Internet Party (New Zealand)
Internet Mana #7F0000 Internet Party and Mana Movement
Kiwi #363096 The Kiwi Party
Liberal #FFD700 New Zealand Liberal Party (1962)
Libertarianz #09296B Libertarianz
Mana Māori #964B00 Mana Māori Movement
Mana Motuhake (political party) #C32148 Mana Motuhake (political party)
McGillicuddy Serious #FFC0CB McGillicuddy Serious Party
Natural Law #333366 Natural Law Party of New Zealand
New Citizen #D0BA42 New Citizen Party
New Democratic #B8860B New Democratic Party (New Zealand)
New World Order #CC66FF New World Order Party
NZ Party #43A2FF New Zealand Party
NMP #FFFFC0 NMP (political party)
One NZ #800080 One New Zealand Party
ORNZ #666666 Outdoor Recreation New Zealand
The People's Choice #84C6C6 People's Choice Party
People's Movement #00CED1 People's Movement (New Zealand)
Pirate #7F27D6 Pirate Party of New Zealand
Piri Wiri Tua #92000A Piri Wiri Tua Movement
Progressive Green #339999 Progressive Green Party (New Zealand)
Real Democracy #BFFF00 Real Democracy Movement
Republican #FF0000 New Zealand Republican Party (1995)
RONZ #84C6C6 The Republic of New Zealand Party
RAM #467CFA Residents Action Movement
Socialist #8B0000 New Zealand Socialist Party
Socialist Unity #EA0A34 Socialist Unity Party (New Zealand)
South Island #009900 NZ South Island Party
Sovereignty #E2AB20 New Zealand Sovereignty Party
Superannuitants & Youth #787878 Superannuitants and Youth Action
Values #4BB805 Values Party
Workers' Party #DC143C Workers' Party of New Zealand (1991)
Workers Party #FF0066 Workers Party of New Zealand
Youth Independence #F8F9FA Youth Independence

Municipal parties


Includes current and former political tickets which contested local elections in New Zealand.


Shortname Colour Article
Auckland Future #00AEEF Auckland Future
Citizens & Ratepayers #00529F Citizens & Ratepayers
City Vision #B3FFB3 City Vision (Auckland political ticket)
Communities & Residents #0066CC Communities & Residents
Labour #D82A20 New Zealand Labour Party
Rodney First #009999 Rodney First
Shore Action #501557 Shore Action
United Independents #9966CC United Independents
Values #4BB805 Values Party


Shortname Colour Article
Civic League #B8BFFE Civic League
Citizens' #B8BFFE Wellington Citizens' Association
Citizens League #B8BFFE Wellington Citizens League
Green #098137 Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Labour #D82A20 New Zealand Labour Party
Values #4BB805 Values Party


Shortname Colour Article
Christchurch 2021 #AB0616 Christchurch 2021
People's Choice #AB0616 The People's Choice (political ticket)
Labour #D82A20 New Zealand Labour Party


Shortname Colour Article
Greater Dunedin #2690C4 Greater Dunedin
Labour #D82A20 New Zealand Labour Party
Green #098137 Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

Miscellaneous metadata

Shortname Colour Article
Independent #DCDCDC Independent politician
Independent Labour #FFBBBB Independent Labour
Independent Liberal #FFFFAA Independent Liberal
Liberal–Labour #FFA500 Liberal–Labour (New Zealand)

See also


