Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/N'Ko
Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/header
Article list
[edit]# | Articles in N'Ko | instance of | Articles in English | Count of languages |
1 | ߕߟߋ߬ ߞߊ߲ߞߋ | planetary system | ✓ Solar System | 264 |
2 | ߡߊߙߑߕߍ߲߫ ߟߎߕߍߙ ߞߌ߲ߜ߭ ߘߐ߰ߡߊ߲ | human | ✓ Martin Luther King Jr. | 233 |
3 | ߜ߭ߎߜ߭ߏߟ ߘߑߙߊߌߝ߭ | application, cloud storage, file-hosting service | ✓ Google Drive | 68 |
4 | ߡߟߊ߬ߘߐ߫ ߞߊ߬ߓߊ߫ | human | ✓ Malado Kaba | 13 |
5 | ߊߟߌߓߍߙ ߘߊߡߊ߲ߕߊ߲߫ ߞߡߊ߬ߙߊ߫ | human | ✗ Albert Damantang Camara (d:Q91242813) | 3 |
Average | With English: en/nqo (N'Ko) = 4/5 (80%) | 116.2 | ||
Sum | No article or article with the same title: 1 No label: 0 |
581 |
See also
[edit]- Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in N'Ko