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Wikipedia:Featured lists in other languages/Cantonese

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Wikipedia:Featured lists in other languages/header

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured lists" in Cantonese
# Articles in Cantonese instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 芭蕾舞詞彙表 Wikimedia glossary list article Glossary of ballet 17
2 對英國上下院發表演說嘅人一覽 Wikimedia list article List of people who have addressed both houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom 7
3 香港公共屋邨一覽 Wikimedia list article List of public housing estates in Hong Kong 3
Average With English: en/zh-yue (Cantonese) = 3/3 (100%) 9
Sum No article or article with the same title: 0
No label: 0

See also
