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Wikipedia:Department of Fun/Sandbox highlights

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a collection of all the weird things that have been put in the Sandbox over time. Some of these are pretty ridiculous! Feel free to add more entries as long as they conform to the format established by older entries.



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17:33, 24 May 2024


Permanent link

9:04, 7 May 2024


Man, this place smells like Bounce!

- some kid in my class

8:32, 7 May 2024


See also


01:21 28 March 2024


[Jerry Seinfeld takes the stage, greeted by applause.]

Jerry: Thank you, thank you. So, I was thinking about relationships the other day. You know, the whole dating scene. It's a jungle out there, folks. You gotta watch out for those unexpected twists and turns.

[The audience chuckles.]

Jerry: You know, I once dated this girl. Well, "girl" might be a bit of a stretch. She was more of a... let's say, a work in progress.

[Laughter from the audience.]

Jerry: Yeah, her name was Shoshanna. Shoshanna Lonstein. Remember that name? No? Well, let me refresh your memory. She was 17. I was... not 17.

[Audience laughter mixed with some nervous chuckles.]

Jerry: Now, before you start calling me "the creepy old dude," let me explain. It was the '90s, okay? Things were different back then. We didn't have smartphones or social media to keep us in check. We were flying blind!

[Audience laughter.]

Jerry: And besides, she was mature for her age. She had this air about her, you know? Like she'd seen it all. Or at least, seen most of it on TV.

[More laughter.]

Jerry: But let me tell you, dating a high school student is like playing with fire. You're constantly worried about getting burned. And not in the good way.

[Audience laughter.]

Jerry: And the questions you get! Oh boy, the questions. "What's it like being a grown-up?" "Do you pay taxes?" "Are you, like, allowed to stay up past midnight?"


Jerry: It's like being interviewed by a junior journalist. But you gotta hand it to 'em, they're curious little creatures.

[Audience chuckles.]

Jerry: But you know what they say, age is just a number. Well, that's what I kept telling myself anyway. Until she turned 18 and suddenly, I felt like I was dating someone my own age. Funny how that works, huh?

[Audience laughter and applause.]

Jerry: But hey, that's life in the fast lane. You live and you learn. And sometimes, you date a high school student. It's all part of the rich tapestry of existence.

[Audience laughter and applause as Jerry exits the stage.]

05:51, 11 February 2024


Sandpit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the children's play area. For an open-pit sand mine, see Sand mining. For other uses, see Sandpit (disambiguation).

Children play in a communal sandbox

Sandpit with toy tools used by children to play in sand A sandpit (most Commonwealth countries) or sandbox (US and Canada) is a low, wide container or shallow depression filled with soft (beach) sand in which children can play. Sharp sand (as used in the building industry) is not suitable for such use. Many homeowners with children build sandpits in their backyards because, unlike most playground equipment, they can be easily and cheaply constructed.

History German sand gardens were the first organization of children's play in public spaces.[1][2] The German "sand gardens" were an 1850 offshoot of Friedrich Fröbel's work on kindergartens.[3] Sand gardens were introduced to America by Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska, starting in her home city of Boston.[4][5][2][6][7][8][9][10] Inspired by the German sand gardens she observed while visiting Berlin in the summer of 1885.[11][12] Joseph Lee is considered the "founder of the playground movement."[5][13]

Physical description

This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The "pit", or "box" itself is simply a container for storing the sand so that it does not spread outward across lawns or other surrounding surfaces. Boxes of various shapes are often constructed from planks, logs, or other large wooden frames that allow children easy access to the sand and also provide a convenient place to sit. Small sandpits are also available commercially. These are usually made from plastic or wood and are often shaped like an animal or other objects familiar to children.

They sometimes also have lids to cover the sand when not in use, so that passing animals cannot contaminate the sand by urinating or defecating in it. Having lids also prevents the sand in outdoor sandpits from getting wet when it rains, although some dampness is often desirable as it helps the sand hold together. Prefabricated sandpits may also be used indoors, especially in day care facilities. Materials other than sand are also often used, such as oatmeal, which are necessarily non-toxic and light enough to easily vacuum up.

Sandpits can have a solid bottom or they can be built directly onto the soil. The latter allows free drainage (which is useful if the top is open) but can lead to contamination of the sand with soil if the children dig down to the ground.

The sand gets dirty over time and is eventually replaced. Many schools and playgrounds in North America have replaced sand around play structures with a wood chip mixture, as it is cheaper. It also prevents health risks, such as ringworm, that would potentially come from traditional sandboxes, due to other animals, such as raccoons, being able to use the sandpits, and spreading parasites.[14]

See also Borrow pit Japanese rock garden Outdoor playset Sand art and play

This page was last edited on 9 February 2024, at 08:58 (UTC).

04:18, 11 February 2024


15:23, 5 February 2024


Permanent link

18:23, 1 February 2024 (subset of page)


If dinosaurs were everywhere and did anything right? Surely some of them had to be pirates! amiright? this PROABBLY means that the dino pirates were like 'Ahoy matey! Land lubber! Thar she blows! but in dinosaur so more like ROOAR!! ROAAAAR!! ROOOOOOOAAAAARR!! and this means that they killed all the other dinos and then couldnt eat. thats why dinos died! not some silly meteor! Other dino pirates!

16:50, 1 February 2024




1. eat your doritos everyday

2. get angry and break everything when you press b by accident

3. ban people on your stream for roasting you

4. play video games that no one gives a shit about


6. u are a vampire you hate sunlight never go outside or touch grass

7. never exercise

8. beg for twitch donations

9. get angry at trolls on twitter which gives them more stuff to laugh at

10. play the hardest games on purpose so you have a reason to rage

11. have fun! :D

16:04, 30 January 2024



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