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Wikipedia:Ambassadors/Steering Committee/2011-02-04

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?)Wikipedia Ambassador Steering Committee


Members present:

  • Annie Lin
  • PJ Tabit
  • Cheryl Moy
  • Sage Ross
  • Fletcher Commons (partially)


  • How will we select future Steering Committee members?
  • How do we support professors who come on board in the middle of the spring semester?
  • How do we train Campus Ambassadors who come on board in the next months?
  • How do we want to proceed with the "Regional Ambassadors" idea, which I brought up during the most recent trainings?
  • What will the Online Ambassador training look like?
  • We also need to update each other about spring 2011 plans and Online Ambassador recruitment/selection.





  • Represent OAs
  • Represent CAs
  • Represent GLAM Ambassadors?
  • Represent other stakeholders (professors and students)
    • What value would professors have as committee members?
      • valuble for recruiting other professors
  • The makeup of the Steering Committee:
    • X slots of CAs
    • Y slots for OAs
    • Z slot(s) for at-large
      • Other CA/OA
      • WMF staff
      • Member of larger WP community
      • other interested ppl
    • $ slots for GLAM Ambassadors? (Down the road but not this election.)
    • Advisory roles - not full members
      • Could be professors, students, WMF staff, other interested parties
      • Fewer responsibilities, fewer privileges

Minimum: 3 CA, 3 OA, 1 at-large

  • Concern: Both OA/CA count as 0.5?
  • Concern: systemic bias against CAs who were not already well-known Wikipedians

(PJ will send out minutes & remaining questions/concerns, and keep discussion going.)

(Cheryl will send minutes/outcomes to Google Group and also put onto Wikipedia.)

Selecting Full Members of the Committee

Voting Eligibility Requirements:

  • Letting any ambassador votes
  • Letting any ambassador who has served one term (or almost one term) vote
  • Letting anyone in the WP community vote
    • Has some drawbacks, but does have the political advantage of drawing in the community and gaining their support

Ideal steering committee member?

(Entire committee should have good blend of skills/experiences/characteristics)

Every member
  • Hard worker, willing to spend time/effort
  • Proactive in improving the WAP
  • Commitment to the project / Wikimedia movement
  • Reliable Internet access
  • Is comfortable working in a group!
Committee as a whole
  • Greatness at the roles of CA and an OA
  • Can contribute innovative ideas towards sustainability of program
  • Able to see large picture
  • Deep knowledge of Wikipedia and its community
  • Strong teaching skills
  • Represents multiple continents?
  • Represents the various stakeholders in the WAP
  • Commitment to engage WP community & larger Ambassador community in decision-making

Election timeline:

  • Meeting to talk about proposal content, on February 13th
  • Steering Committee finalizes proposal, by February
    • Who is eligible to run
    • Who is eligible to vote
    • Voting system
    • Voting mechanism/logistics
  • Steering Committe presents proposal to entire Ambassador group & WP community
  • Discussion phase: shoot for a deadline of February 20th?
  • End of semester
  • Mid semester

next meetings: Feb. 13, 27; Mar. 13, 27

Things to consider:

How much longer for Committee to be around?
  • List of new policies that are not immediate for us to discuss but for future committee
Goals/more defined role of Committee in the future?
  • have liason to Wikimedia Foundation (possibly in advisory role?)