Wikipedia:Academic review articles
There is generally a "prejudice" in Wikipedia toward the use of review articles versus original research articles as sources. This is completely understandable in that original research articles are often singular statements of an experimental result without confirmation through replication that is key to the scientific method. Without getting bogged down in the debate of whether original research could or should be represented here, I'll note that there is not really a systematic attempt (that I have seen) to draw content from academic review articles into Wikipedia. To this end, I thought I would start a list of journals that often publish review articles and some character on that publication. I welcome ANYONE expanding this list as the academic journal environment is VAST and I am but one person.
Journals that have NO reviews have also been included in the table below. Editorial policies change over time, so the observation or lack of observation of review articles in this scan is not necessarily indicative that a journal either always or never publishes that type of article
Let's give this a go shall we?
Journal name | Reviews in every issue? |
AACE Clinical Case Reports (Elsevier) |
AAPS Journal (Springer) |
AAPS PharmSciTech (Springer) |
aBIOTECH (Springer) |
Academic Forensic Pathology (Sage) |
Academic Pathology (Elsevier) |
Access Microbiology (Microbiology Society) |
ACG Case Reports Journal (American College of Gastroenterology) |
ACR Open Rheumatology (American College of Rheumatology) |