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This is an index of pages related to Myanmar.

Applied sciences and technology


World War II

Arts, language, and literature


George Orwell

Arts, language, and literature


Burmese language



Aung San · Aung San Suu Kyi · George Orwell · U Thant

Everyday life





Bagan · Buddhism in Burma · Burma Campaign · Burmese Python · History of Burma · Mandalay · Mekong · Mon State · Myanma kyat · Naypyidaw · Ne Win · Rakhine State · Shwedagon Pagoda · Than Shwe · Yangon



Aung San · U Thant · World War II

Natural sciences


Betel · Cyclone Nargis · Great Cormorant · Kitti's Hog-nosed Bat · Peafowl · Python reticulatus · Red Panda · Saltwater Crocodile

Philosophy and religion


Aung San Suu Kyi · U Thant

Society and social sciences


Aung San Suu Kyi · Karen people · U Thant