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Casa M


In the words of Mother Teresa, "Heaven on earth is nestled up to the mountainside in Missoula Montana on a quaint street of Ernest Ave."

In the summer of 2007 Mother Kim and Momma Vicky decided that they wanted to make a big impact on society. Together they purchased what has been called "the college promise land" which was a small two story, 1970's ranch clad house with faded blue siding. They to which they bequeathed to their young hair-less son name Tyler and his high school friends. After was is now referred to as the birthing period, Tyler and Kesler created the name "Casa M" which is just fancy Mexican talk that means "House of Man"... Jordan was also at this meeting but contributed nothing because he was distracted by looking into a mirror at how beautiful he is.

First Generation


The first generation Casa M-ers simply refers to those who lived within the Casa M confines upon its origin.
Tyler(Thunder Hammer) 2007-2011- Many consider Tyler the patriarch of Casa M. It was his leadership and stamina that brought together the remaining housemates. His entrepreneurial mind and mastery of the media allowed Casa M to be featured in local news papers, radio stations and social media sites. He was one of the longest termed residents at the house until he married in November of 2011, leaving Kesler as the longest tenured resident. His brother Cody now lives in the house and maintains the Velin namesake in Casa M.

Kesler(Blade Trauma) 2007-2012- Has been there from the beginning and his departure shall essentially mark the end of the glory years of Casa M. He has whored himself out and slept in every room. He has also been addicted to nazi zombies and done dos no walkathons with ramrod. He started the strike chart which nearly ended in bloodshed.

Danny(Raygun)2007-2009- Most noted as the first to marry from the Casa M group, master swordsman and Harry Potter enthusiast. This gentleman's gentleman brought culture and class to Casa M civilization and introduced Aaron (see 2nd generation below) to the house of Man.

Jordan 2010-2012(Jordan has always been a part of Casa M even though he was a latecomer in terms of residency. Cold feet and a lack of courage hindered Jordan from committing fully to the house until 2010. But despite his flightiness, his heart and sole is also ingrained in the walls of Casa M)

Second Generation


The second generation, is often mentioned as the moment joy came to Casa M. For it was during this time when Aaron & Mattie kicked down doors social norms and into the hearts of many. Sometimes known as the enlightenment period

Aaron(Ramrod)- who moved in late October of 2007 was often credited for his catch phrases "that's what she said"; "In the words of Mother Teresa"; and "Gross". Often referred to as Grandpa, was once considered the second generation outcast until there was a


Third Generation


Notable Events

  • Solicitation of Harry Potter- Danny often preached the doctrine of J.K. Rowling and he had enticed several of the residence into reading its contents and so they could throw spells at each other. There were, however, two (Kesler & Aaron) who opposed reading about a boy and his "magic stick". Danny became persistent in pushing his doctrine upon Aaron until one scaring night that is branded into each of their minds. After about the 500th time that Danny asked Aaron if he wanted to read Harry Potter, Aaron responded with "I will when you lick my b@lls"... that was the exact moment that is often referred to as (arguably) the gayest moment in Casa M. Tyler sat in the room utterly speechless as each roommate tried to one up the other. Danny was one foot from the scrotum of Aaron when they called it a tie and both walked away.
  • B.T's
  • Institution of the Casa M CrestIn 2010 a couple of the founders and second generation members set out to forever seal the infamy of Casa M. The result, the Crest of M. It consists of crossed battle axes, for victories won, a spartan shield, to symbolize the defense of masculinity, and a moose skull, because its cool. The Latin inscription on the bottom reads: "Donec Mors Non Separat" or "Until Death Parts Us."


Starcraft Play at Casa M


During the first generation a game of bravery, strength and betrayal was established. Many did not believe that an alliance between the Zerg, Protoss and Terran races were possible, but after passing through the flames of eight player melee the impossible was made possible. With girlfriends out of the country and jobs far from hand, the three races spent hours in exhaustive play. A time of greatness.