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User talk:Pelagic/Incubator/Paul Louis Oudart

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Plates by Oudart in Freycinet's voyage


other illustrators seen credited on the plates: Prévost (numerous), Huet (5, 8, 24), Prètre (28, 29, 76) Bévalet (44–48, 54, 55, 62, 63, 65, 79, 80), Taunay (54, 55, 56, 57, 64, 65, 66, 86, 87), Chazal (1, 2, 56, 57, 58, 62, 64), Blanchard (60, 67, 68, 72, 82, 83), Pellion (66), Arago (73, 74), Gaudichaud (73, 74), Delongchamps (88–95), . .

Oudart (29/96 plates in tome 3, ~30%): 13 autour cublanc, 15 busard bariolé, 16 busard bariolé jeaune male, 17 pie-grièche à ventre roux, 18 vanga rayé, 19 vanga rayé femelle, 23 mérion natté et leucoptère, 25 martin-chasseur gadichaud (kingfisher), 26 cucou guira cantara, 27 perruche érythroptère (red-shouldered parrot, 30 columbe pampusan, 33 mégapode la Pérouse, 34 huitrier noir, 35 bec-en-forreau blanc (Chionis alba), 36 grèbe rolland, 37 pétrel Bérard, 38 stercoraire cataracte, 39 canard aux ailes courtes, 40 tortue noir, 49 bagre barbu et pimélode quélen, 50 turbot à longs filets (after Tamay), 51 ophisure long museau et anguille marbrée, 52 murène prat-bernon et m. pintarde, 53 percophis fabré et sillago maculé, 59 mulle multibandes, muge chrétien, et muge ferrand, 61 ??, 77 thelphuse chaperon arrondi et ocypode bombé, 78) pagure curassier et pagure pointillé, 81 langouste bordée.

Other notable plates: 20 Cassican flùteur (Barita tibicen), A. Prévost pinxit. Australian magpie. ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 08:40, 19 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Despite statements to the contrary, I've found no evidence that Oudart was on the Uranie, and suspect some modern authors are making assumptions. See the post on Talk:Louis de Freycinet for a list of the known officers. ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 09:22, 19 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Le coucou piaye or pivae


This item on eBay is captioned le coucou piaye, c.f. pivae in the catalogue of artists. Maybe Little cuckoo Coccycua minuta? Though the colours don’t match. See also genus Piaya. Seller claims print to be from 1824, haven't located the original publication. ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 00:10, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The style of that print matches the 1824–32 Verdiere et Ladrange edition of Oeuvres completes de Buffon. Apart from the Google Books link already cites, there is another scan set at Hathi Trust https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009722980?type%5B%5D=title&lookfor%5B%5D=Oeuvres%20completes%20de%20buffon%20&sort=yearup&ft=ft. ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 04:53, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Lesson defined Piaya as a genus in 1831, but the French term Piaye must have been in use earlier.
He lists P. cayana, P. melanorhynchus, and P. nævia as “Habite Le Brasil”.
⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 05:43, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Closest colour match to the plate is P. cayana: red-brown above, blue-grey below, red eye. No guarantee that his “coucou piaye” of 1824 is the same as “pivae coucou du Bresil” of 1819, but it is a possible explanation for the mystery term “pivae”. ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 05:59, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Aarrrgh. Re-checked the source scans. Musée has “pivae” but Gabet has “piyae”. It's much less of a leap from piyae to piaye. Will amend the article to the more likely variant. ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 06:08, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Auction sales


A copy of the 1825 Galerie sold for £6k in 2002. https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-3934754 ⁓ Pelagicmessages ) 00:17, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]