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User talk:Peaceray/Possible POV violations regarding replacement of MediaMatters citations

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This information is based upon Special:Contributions/Thargor Orlando.

List of replacements of mediamatters.org citations
Article Date of Change mediamaters.org citation Replacement citation Replaced w/substantially different viewpoint Noted on article talk page
Ken Starr 16 February 2013 <ref name="media">{{cite web|url=http://mediamatters.org/research/200412030011|title=AP allowed Starr to dodge blame for going after Clinton on Lewinsky|date=2004-04-12|work=Media Matters America|accessdate=2009-06-25}}</ref> .<ref name="media">''Deseret News'': [http://www.deseretnews.com/article/595109948/Starr-regrets-lead-role-in-Clinton-investigation.html?pg=all Starr regrets lead role in Clinton investigation.] December 4, 2004.</ref> Yes No
99ers 16 February 2013 <ref>[http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201006290036 Media Matters], Limbaugh: Extended unemployment benefits do nothing but incentivize people not to look for work, Media Matters</ref> <ref>''The Rush Limbaugh Show'', June 29, 2010.</ref> Yes No
Pete Hoekstra 16 February 2013 ><ref>{{cite web|url=http://mediamatters.org/items/200606230008 |title=Despite all evidence to the contrary, media conservatives continued to hype Santorum's "weapons of mass destruction" |publisher=Media Matters |date=June 23, 2006 |accessdate=February 7, 2012}}</ref> <ref>''The Situation Room'', CNN. June 21, 2006. [http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/21/sitroom.03.html Transcript available.]</ref><ref>''The Washington Post'': [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/21/AR2006062101837.html Lawmakers Cite Weapons Found in Iraq.] June 22, 2006.</ref> Yes No
Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations 16 February 2013 <ref>{{cite web|author=— S.M. |url=http://mediamatters.org/items/200406300014 |title=Stephen Hayes: Conservatives' favorite authority on "The Connection" |publisher=Media Matters |date= |accessdate=2009-07-07}}</ref> <ref>''The Washington Post'': November 18, 2003.</ref> Bad citation / no link No
Senate career of John McCain, 2001–present 16 February 2013 <ref>{{cite news | url=http://mediamatters.org/items/200704300011 | title=Ignoring McCain's "greeted as liberators" assurance, Wash. Post editorial credited him with prewar "foresight" | publisher=[[Media Matters for America|Media Matters]] | date=2007-04-30 | accessdate=2008-01-17}}</ref> <ref>''Hardball with Chris Matthews'', MSNBC. March 12, 2003, [http://web.archive.org/web/20070212233445/http://mccain.senate.gov/press_office/view_article.cfm?id=53 transcript available].</ref> Debatable No
John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004 16 February 2013 *http://mediamatters.org/items/200406030001 <ref>''The Washington Times'': [http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2004/jun/2/20040602-010027-4217r/ Inside Politics,] June 2, 2004.</ref> Rush Limbaugh, in conjunction with his broadcast on the matter, posted a doctored photo of the incident on his website, but stated that the Newsmax report that made the claim was his only source.<ref>''The Rush Limbaugh Show'', June 1, 2004.</reF> Yes No
Joe Biden presidential campaign, 1988 16 February 2013 <ref name="mm-87">{{cite news|url=http://mediamatters.org/items/200808230003 |publisher=[[Media Matters]]|title=Media outlets reported allegations Biden plagiarized Kinnock, but not that he had previously credited him |accessdate=2008-08-28|date=2008-08-23}}</ref> <ref>''Los Angeles Times'': [http://articles.latimes.com/1987-09-16/news/mn-5412_1_biden-speech Differing Versions Cited on Source of Passages : Biden Facing New Flap Over Speeches]. September 16, 1987.</ref> Former more comprehensive than latter No
Joe Biden presidential campaign, 1988 (2nd change) 16 February 2013 <ref name="mm-87"/> <ref>''New York Times'': [http://www.nytimes.com/1987/09/18/us/biden-admits-plagiarism-in-school-but-says-it-was-not-malevolent.html?src=pm Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'.] September 18, 1987.</ref> Latter Page initially Not Found; found several days later after reading Thargor Orlando's remarks below No
United States Senate career of Barack Obama 16 February 2013 See also: {{Cite web|title=Politico's Harris and VandeHei Misrepresented Harris' Own Interview with Obama |date=March 19, 2008 |publisher=Media Matters for America |url=http://mediamatters.org/items/200803190010 |accessdate=April 27, 2008}}</ref> Removed citation Removal of content No

Some quick notes on the above


A few things to note, since this is about me:

  • Rarely, arguably if ever, am I changing the viewpoint of an article. There may be NPOV fixes along the way, for sure, but the change of a partisan citation to a nonpartisan one does not change the viewpoint of the article. For example, the Ken Starr link in the first table item references an exact quote from Starr: I changed the reference from one that made a claim about Starr/AP ("AP allowed Starr to dodge blame for going after Clinton on Lewinsky") to an article that simple quotes Starr directly, thus directly citing the claim in the article. The implication that these are in a table called "substantially different viewpoint" implies that I'm changing the point of view of the article as opposed to offering better (meaning either a more neutral source or a more direct reference that isn't filtered through a partisan lens) references to the articles.
  • Please be careful when saying a source does not work - the Biden NYT link is valid and not dead, in comparison to countless broken MMfA links I have replaced over the last week.
  • A key guideline is to be bold. I don't disagree that my edits are bold, and I expect some slight pushback when I move to things like WorldNetDaily and NewsMax as well. In the cases that there have been challenges (such as Winter Soldier Investigation and The Political Cesspool), discussion happens/is ongoing, as it should be.

Glad to discuss anything further, but I am headed out the door for a few hours, so don't assume I'm ignoring it. Thargor Orlando (talk) 22:45, 16 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

A note on the Biden NYT article: I did receive a "Page not found" notice when I clicked on the citation link as I was putting the table together. I am very careful at checking citations when editing, which you can see from Special:Contributions/Peaceray. I am sorry if what I reported later turned out inaccurate, but in that instant that was what I saw in my browser.
Sorry about taking nearly five days to respond, but my editing time has been constrained this week.
Peaceray (talk) 07:55, 21 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]