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User talk:Mshahzad1

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Peer Review


I will be addressing the section entitled 'Cross Cultural Differences'

Overall, the base content here is really well chosen and appropriate for the article you have chosen to expand. For the final draft I would just suggest adapting your style into more flowing prose as it is currently difficult to read in some places (This may already be your intention - sorry if it is!) For instance, in the 'Evocation of Sexual Jealousy' section, you could join the studies findings into a couple of sentences. Alternatively, adding a separate sub-heading for the studies findings, or adding bullet points, would mean you could still separate out the findings for each country on different lines as you have done. Whilst copy-editing, I will leave these parts (i.e. with colons and numberings) unchanged so that you can alter them as you wish. Additionally, whilst your points throughout are good, you could work on linking your paragraphs more within each subheading.

I like how you have explicitly states that sexual jealousy is mediated by culture regardless of sexuality. However, this statement (reference number 35) may be more appropriate in the lead into your cross-cultural differences section.

In the evolutionary psychological model paragraph, you could consider contrasting the factors that liberal cultures give weight too, with another more conservative culture. This would add weight to your claim that different weighting are given to triggers of sexual jealousy cross-culturally.

In regards to the paternity certainty paragraph, it would be good to define paternity certainty for readers who don't have any background knowledge. A restructuring of the sentence beginning 'in 'natural fertility countries' may also be necessary, as its message is a little unclear currently.Psuncv (talk) 17:39, 12 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]