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Past projects


(N indicates that I started the article, or that I completely rewrote a substub)


Decent articles


Stubs I created


(some are not really stubs, and some were not strictly created by me but largely written, or essentially rewritten by me)


Adamorobe Sign Language because Nyst talked about it on CALL 2004 — Anlo language because of its tonal peculiarities — Gen language, one of the Gbe languages — Kimatuumbi language needs expansion — Mangaabe-Mbula language based on Bugenhagen in Goddard&Wierzbicka 2002 — Ngumba language based on fieldwork notes, oops, that's original research... — Supyire language because I'm writing something about its tonal system — Sucite language because it's the neighbour of Supyire — Ligbi language because its an interesting outsider to the other Mande languages (and neighbour of Nafaanra language) — Mamara language also called Minyanka — Gusii language because I came across it in the highly interesting Schladt 1997... — Palaka language another Senufo language — Karaboro languages almost as intriguing as Nafaanra (outsiders also) — Nanerige language the Burkina neighbour of Mamara — Luo language, another one mentioned in Schladt's KörperteilvokabularienTugen languageElgon languages because they're in the Uganda/Kenya borderland in the intriguing Mount Elgon area — Pökoot language which is another Kalenjin language — Temne language because our coverage of Atlantic languages is really meager — well, the same holds for Omotic, hence Anfillo languageBussa language is an endangered East Cushitic language — we should have an article on Konso language too — Kivunjo language because someone wanted that link to be blue — Kipsigis language well, another Kalenjin stub — Goemai language a West Chadic language for a change — Baga Binari language, the first Guinean language on Wikipedia (it's a shame) — and with a big leap to the other side of the continent, Maasai language, the first Eastern Nilotic language article here — Kalenjin language, in an attempt to resolve the nebulous Nandi/Kalenjin nomenclature — Samburu language, one of the Maa languages and likewise — Ongamo language, which is actually a substub — Yaaku, my first hybrid stub (ethnic group/language) — Camus people, another hybrid — Ibibio language because someone thought it was a Bantu language — Abanyom language because someone asked what the name of the speakers was — Turkana language, the language of the people of the grey bullLanguages of Mali a good old rewrite, one of the first in my Languages of... project — Languages of Uganda another rewrite, quite some content actually — Senari languages because I felt like writing a Senufo-stub again — Bozo languages, because I heard Dvyost talking about them somewhere and because they've received little linguistic attention — Mono language (Congo), based on a phonological sketch from the ProceedingsEkoti language, on the 'mixed' language of Angoche, Mozambique — Sonjo language, an intriguing Bantu language in Tanzanian Maasai territory — Standard Yoruba speaks for itself — Languages of Zambia, another stub of the Languages of ... project — Animere language, an endangered Ghana Togo Mountain language — Boro language (Ghana), an extinct language reported on in Seidel (1898) — Nyanga language, a Bantu language of DRC which popped up on my watchlist ...

Language (sub)families

Western Nilotic languages, actually to pave the road for Luo language, and likewise — Luo languages — in the same vein, a stub on Southern Nilotic languages because I wanted to get to Tugen language — Kalenjin languages when I saw the Mt. Elgon area while working on the LRA map — Volta-Congo languages and also Southern Bantoid languages because I created redirects for them earlier — Narrow Bantu languages basically to explain why it's not always simply 'Bantu languages' — East Cushitic languages because Konso and Bussa needed context — Bantoid languages because it should be more than a redirect to Bantu — Atlantic-Congo languages, another subgrouping of Niger-Congo — Baga languages, the languages of the Bae Raka, people of the sea-side — Gur languages rewritten from scratch — Maa languages, to create more context for articles on the Maa languages — Luhya languages, the languages of the neighbours of the Terik — Central Sudanic languages, one of the last missing branches of Nilo-Saharan — Chari-Nile languages to explain that the term is now obsolote — Sudanic languages same story — Ijoid languages, one of the last missing Niger-Congo branches — Grusi languages, a subgroup of Central Gur — Ghana Togo Mountain languages actually I was expanding Niger-Congo, but I couldn't skip this one — Kwa languages practically a rewrite from scratch, but spread over several edits spanning quite some time — Edoid languages, another Niger-Congo subgroup — Yoruboid languages, a subgroup of Defoid, and — Edekiri languages, a subgroup of Yoruboid ...

Linguistic topics

Conceptual Semantics is actually rather poor and needs expansion — Mentalist Postulate should be expanded and updated too — Serial verb construction needs expansion and better examples — Downdrift just a stub ...

Ethnic groups

Nafana peopleEwe people because someone said they were one of the Akan peoples or something — Pökoot, a Kalenjin community in Kenya — Dorobo, because it is a much abused term — Turkana people (the people of the grey bull) — Senufo because it was an inappropriate redirect to Senufo languages — Ateker, because Ezeu asked a question about it — Baga people, because it was an inappropriate redirect to Baga language — Kore people, living on Lamu Island and speakers of a variety of Maa ...


Malcolm Guthrie, to be able to refer to him when talking about Bantu classification — Ida C. Ward because she said very interesting things about tone — Rivers State, Nigeria to create context for Defaka — Nkoroo because there were so many red links in Defaka — Begho, an ancient trading town along the Tain river — Amedzofe (history), because of its role in the oral history of the Gbe peoples — Amedzofe (Ghana), because Amedzofe is more than another name for Ketu — Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae because CICM missionaries tried to standardize Lingala — Bono state to give Bono Manso some context — Costa Brava of all places, because it was on several request lists (I couldn't believe it there was nothing yet) — Ray Jackendoff, because his theory of language is intriguing — expanded Clement Martyn Doke, an interesting African linguist — Sous, from a redirect to some Latin coin to a stub about the most fertile region of Morocco — Utenzi, the first article on Swahili poetry here — Kanga (African garment), another Swahili topic we simply need to cover ...

Articles I expanded considerably


Articles I expanded a little


Languages, their speakers, and linguistics

Ewe languageHadza languageKirundi languageKinyarwanda languageN'ko, the Mande writing system — Dogon, where I've tried to eliminate the Sirius exotism as much as possible — Dogon languagesPolyglotta Africana, Koelle's magnificent work — Labial-velar consonant, with sth about labial-velar stops in West-African languages — Tone (linguistics), a bit on notational systems — Areal feature (linguistics) — something about the language of the Hema people who have partly switched to Lendu — Acholi language, but it needs more — Bozo (people) since I was doing research for their 'languages' article — Nzema, to help a new article on the way...


Lake Kyoga because I made a map for it — Kalenjin to clarify the nebulous nomenclature in linguistics and ethnology ...

Did you know?


From articles I contributed

Images I contributed

A simplified illustration of a kanga. (1) pindo; (2) mji; (3) jina. The jina of this kanga is Bahati ni upepo sasa upo kwangu, which can be translated as "Luck is like the (blowing of the) wind, now it is on my side"
30 August 2005 - Christian Nubia, a modified version of Nubia today made for Makuria.
19 August 2005 - Languages of Uganda, probably the first map of my ambitious Languages of ... project.
8 May 2005 - Places where Nobiin is spoken today.
17 Apr 2005 - Map of the Nubia region in Egypt and Sudan.
16 Apr 2005 - Algerian massacres of 1997 and 1998.
7 Feb 2005 - Senufo area, Palaka encircled.
7 Feb 2005 - Senufo area, Nanerige encircled.
7 Feb 2005 - Senufo area, Mamara encircled.
7 Feb 2005 - Senufo area, Supyire encircled.
7 Feb 2005 - Senufo area, Karaboro encircled.
7 Feb 2005 - Senufo area, Nafaanra encircled.
7 Feb 2005 - Map of the Senufo language area.
5 Feb 2005 - Number of IDPs, and IDPs as a percentage of total population in Northern Ugandan districts. Created for LRA.
File:Lakes in Uganda.png
10 Jan 2005 - Lakes in Uganda. V0.9, maybe some places should be added.
9 Jan 2005 - Map showing the location of Lake Nasser.
14 Dec 2004 - Map of Acholiland, Uganda.
14 Dec 2004 - Ugandan districts affected by Lords Resistance Army.
18 Nov 2004 - Map showing the distribution of African language families and some major African languages.
18 Nov 2004 - Map showing the distribution of the Afro-Asiatic languages.
18 Nov 2004 - Map showing the distribution of the Nilo-Saharan languages.
18 Nov 2004 - Map showing the distribution of the Niger-Congo languages.
18 Nov 2004 - Map showing the distribution of the Khoi-San languages.
29 Oct 2004 - Force Dynamic diagrams with a shifting antagonist.
26 Oct 2004 - Map of the area were Tuaregs live.
25 Oct 2004 - Basic elements of Force Dynamics diagrams.
File:Bantu expansion.png
23 Sept 2004 - The origins and spread of the Bantu languages. To be used in Bantu or Bantu languages; might have to be adjusted (dating).
20 Sept 2004 - Map showing the distribution of the various Gbe languages