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User talk:Kwed12/sandbox

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Hello fellow Wikipedians, I am planning on drastically expanding this page as a project for one of my Environmental Studies classes at Sacramento State University. In order to do this I will be following the format and information detailed in this outline. Camanche Reservoir In the first section I will not be adding much to what already exists there. I will add some information on what entities run and operate the reservoir as well as who developed the area. Hydrology For the hydrology section I will be adding more information on the rivers and streams that input to the reservoir. I will also detail the amount of outflow released from the reservoir and how it acts for flood mitigation. I will also briefly discus the normal water levels of the dam and how the drought may have impacted it. Biology/Biodiversity For the biology and biodiversity I will be imputing information regarding the local and native species. I will also be addressing the introduced species and any species that are threatened or endemic to the area. There will be both plant and animal species included. The annual fish input to the reservoir will also be discussed. History For the history section the additional information will include the towns that were developed in the area prior to the construction of the reservoir. I will also discuss the history of the where the reservoir received its name. The history will also include how this region was prior to European settlement. Geology I will briefly discuss the geology of the surrounding area and how it may have influenced the settlement of the area. I will also discuss how it might influence the hydrology. Climate I discuss the typical climate of the region and how it influences biodiversity and biology. Recreation In this section I will add current information regarding any recommendation and revise and edit the current information. Sources: Here will be a list of a few of the sources I have gathered. I will be adding to the list as my research continues. http://www.westcalaverashistory.org/ http://www.sierranevadageotourism.org/content/camanche-no-254-california-historical-landmark/sieDB6316C6C1BA0C65A

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