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User talk:Jaybreeze123/Pluralistic ignorance

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Peer Review


Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?

Yes, everything in the article is relevant. There were a couple bolded phrases that seemed incomplete but I looks good overall.

Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?

The article is neutral and it does not have any heavy biases. It does not seem to make any claims or frame that are biased towards one position.

Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?

There are a couple bolded phrases that seem incomplete. The topics are a bit underrepresented but that could be only because its unfinished.

Check the citations. Do the links work? Does the source support the claims in the article?

All the links work, and the source supports the claims in the article.

Is each fact supported by an appropriate, reliable reference? Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted? All sources are neutral and reliable.

Yes, everything in the article is supported by appropriate and reliable references. They are from notable and reliable scholarly sources.

Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that should be added?

Currently, it seems up to date and only the unfinished bolded phrases need to be done. Pumpkiinss03 (talk) 09:33, 29 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]